B.I.D.'s Revolution #9 1 Plant - 1 Light A Love Affair - Blue Dream - Mars II 400

Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

ouch! That really hurts, I completely understand. I've had to buy retail waiting on my medical card and it is killing me. I started growing so I wouldn't need to purchase anymore. It's just too expensive! I feel for you, I really do! :Namaste:
:high-five:May you have a bountiful harvest very soon!
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I'm awash with excitement to see this next grow...but with all those newfangled contraptions, if godzilla pops out of the ground and starts terrorizing the Arizona desert and high-country, don't say I didn't warn you.
LOL Oh Snap!

ouch! That really hurts, I completely understand. I've had to buy retail waiting on my medical card and it is killing me. I started growing so I wouldn't need to purchase anymore.
That alone is more than enough reason.

I applaud you BID & everyone else who lives with chronic pain. Though the mind can adjust to living with pain, those of us who live pain free take it so much for granted.
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

he thing about chronic pain that gets me is how for me at leas is always something new, the most horrifying thing is when i relax and stop distracting myself in 100s of ways and just feel really tune into my body i cant find a part thats not hurting not a single joint or limb that is not in agony, it lierally takes my breath away and the last time i did that i had to get crazy angry stand up and stare at myself in the full length mirror and tell no yell at my self "fukk this you are a tough mutha you can take it and 1000times more!!!" just to break the cycle in my mind, i would not wish this on anyone, i hide it well nobody really knows (even me most of the time) how much i fight, i just smile and crack jokes cuz in 100 years who will give a crap lol
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I hear you BID...
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I am with you on the pain BID. We just man up and say screw it. Sometimes my wife sees me suffering and asks why I haven't medicated yet. I just tell her that I am not done enjoying the pain yet. It helps to be a bit masochistic I guess. :rofl:
yup i have a list of things i tell myself, its nothing i cant handle,its just weakness leaving the body,pain is such a rush,pain dont hurt,dont be a puss!, we live the life we wanted, i get myself angry to get the endorphines and adrenaline going etc etc etc it helps and i nothing else works i grab the bong & rx , :rocker: i'll be here a long time:loopy:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

“Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.”
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

howdy ya'll thought i'd mention im feeling better today the doc is finally sending me for a full diagnostic barrage of tests for autoimmune
not a happy prospect but knowing what it is will allow me to fight more precise a battle , for the dr finally not blaming it all on my size (6'6" 496lbs) is a small victory of it's own!! now i just hope what ever it is is not to awful! lol pics of all the girl's soon :rocker:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

medulla oblongata!
lol luuv eet !! i am jacks smirking revenge!!

I am glad that the dr. is running tests to analyze your problems. It is good to know what the imbalance in your system is. That way you can decide how best to go forward with treatment. Blessings to you BID. :thumb: :circle-of-love:
thank you C Kid thats my thinking, if i can get a diagnosis for the cause of the decay and pain then i can formulate a plan of attack, find strains known to help, herbs that correct it, see only a few members of my family do not have any obvious symptoms of whatever it is, and im the only giant ,my petite mother and sisters have the same stuff going on, my size has accelerated the decrepitude, yet i do not have enough body fat to get a pass for a lap band or bypass, and since i rarelt have more than 1000 calories a day im simply not a candidate for bariactric surgery, i believe our salvation lies in nature {i believe Henry David Thoreau said that} my mom worked bare handed with chemicals used in electronics manufacture before they knew it was absorbed into the skin and settles in the organs and unborn fetuses (me) and now have been proven to cause all sorts of problems from genetic disorders to defects and mutations
but at that time it was supposedly safe as mothers milk(yeah if your from the planet voltronicmegadoombotville, i have had crazy health stuff since birth, puked up every meal from my 7th day of life till i was 3 months old went from 7lbs to 4lbs, was allergic to almost everything on earth lived in a bubble till i was almost a year old but started speaking full sentences at 6 months walked at7 1/2, never crawled, i remember all the way back to my 2nd birthday party that funky buckwheat flour cake with carob and honey frosting and soy ice cream! i did not know what chocolate tasted like till i was 25 yrs old when all but the food dye and milk allergy went away, diagnosed with hyperactivity and metabolic disorder/morbid obesity at 5 and arthritis at 15, started puberty at 7:rofl: that was fun,got sent home to shave at 9,:loopy: 6ft tall at 10, frikkin freak of nature , but the thing thats never been diagnosed it what caused it all
my fingers are crossed despite how much it hurts! lmao
and the 1 thing that makes me able to hang on besides the love of an incredible woman is the other woman mary jane indica:rocker:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

BID, have you ever heard or read about oil pulling? Every morning the first thing to do is put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 mins then spit it out and then rinse your mouth out and spit that out too. It detoxifies your body. It has some benefits to your health as does eating coconut oil every day. Mrs. CK and I are into holistic health practices that use some common sense and not real way out stuff. Of course that is in the eye of the beholder I would assume. Maybe some of the things we do seem way off in outer space to some people. :rofl:

I am getting ready to make up some cannabis/coconut oil pain cream. It looks like a wonderful thing to do. I love :420: and all the great advice that we all are able to share with each other to help make each others lives better. Some time I will have to tell you about almost dying in the jungle and being saved by a indigenous shaman using herbs. Nature has the cure for all our ills. :Namaste:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

Some believe that the fall of Rome was hastened by the fact that they used to mix up some sweetener concoction that had a lot of lead (pB); they used it on everything. Also they had lead pipes throughout the empire. Yummy! And my parents would be in jail if they were raising my brother and I in today's age; we would drive into the Bronx every other weekend to visit the family in a closed up car with both of them puffing away on Camels non-filtered; more Yummy - I attribute my current brain damage to all that "love" and caring from my folks.
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

BID, have you ever heard or read about oil pulling? Every morning the first thing to do is put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 mins then spit it out and then rinse your mouth out and spit that out too. It detoxifies your body. It has some benefits to your health as does eating coconut oil every day. Mrs. CK and I are into holistic health practices that use some common sense and not real way out stuff. Of course that is in the eye of the beholder I would assume. Maybe some of the things we do seem way off in outer space to some people. :rofl:

I am getting ready to make up some cannabis/coconut oil pain cream. It looks like a wonderful thing to do. I love :420: and all the great advice that we all are able to share with each other to help make each others lives better. Some time I will have to tell you about almost dying in the jungle and being saved by a indigenous shaman using herbs. Nature has the cure for all our ills. :Namaste:
my wife makes natural lotion.
did you know all you need for pain relief lotion is basic canna/cocout oil. add bees wax to keep in solid form as coco nut liquefies at 73f
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

i consume bulletproof coffee 4-5 times a week it contains organically grown certified mold free coffee, mct oil and grass fed butter (kerry gold unsalted) its amazing for energy and cognitive function,we are so deficient in the proper fats and oils, i do various detox herbal remedies but my system reacts different than expected to many things, most things that are supposed to bring you down and sleep make me wired up! and vice versa my mom says im an alien, im starting to believe it lol in any case i have to take on new things with kid gloves and caution ! i appreciate everyones ideas and will look into the stuff i have not tried:thumb:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

50,000 iu' of vit D2 every 14 days and its doing wonders for my pain level. try it out BFAM, works so good im down to hardly any pain meds, honest! I wouldve never thought but it really does, boosted my T also and thats always a good thing with the wife:)
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