Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

You're growing gourmet weed. The plants are the picture of health, which means the buds will be too.....that's gonna be some high end stuff, bro.

Thanks Brother. The last two of these I grew was some damn good smoke...hopefully these will be even better.

Veg Day 21

Starting today I've ramped up the Nitrozyme foliar feed to 1/4 strength, three times a week. Both plants seem to love the transitional tea evidence at all of burn or deficiency. Lucy Sky, the taller of the two from the beginning, added almost 1" yesterday, while Diamonds seemed happy with her height and added less than 1/2".

Second tea feed is set for today, going to slightly raise the strength of the feed by diluting it a little less...going to see what these girls will take. Other than that there little to say...they are healthy, vigorous, pretty, and a pleasure to grow.

Pics tomorrow.

Y'all have a great day.


So I just went in to work the soil over with the claw, I do that twice a day, and noticed something. I went back just now and checked, it's been 30 days since these beans broke the surface. I count three stages not two. Seedling, where the light schedule stays at 24/0. Veg, 18/6 down to 12/12. Flower count starts as soon as I see hairs. Anyhow, on the 21st veg day, I got freakin' roots coming out the bottom of the planters. Towards the end of flower with this strain last time, there were some visable roots, but now it looks like I'm either going to have to transplant these...which I really don't want to do, or place these planters on top of 5 gallon planters full of FFOF and just let the roots go. This will almost certainly cause me a height issue that I'm not sure how to overcome. I suppose I could just quit treating them so well, but that's not bloody likely to happen.

I'm at a loss so I'm asking for some input...stack planters or transplant?
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Thanks Brother. The last two of these I grew was some damn good smoke...hopefully these will be even better.

Veg Day 21

Starting today I've ramped up the Nitrozyme foliar feed to 1/4 strength, three times a week. Both plants seem to love the transitional tea evidence at all of burn or deficiency. Lucy Sky, the taller of the two from the beginning, added almost 1" yesterday, while Diamonds seemed happy with her height and added less than 1/2".

Second tea feed is set for today, going to slightly raise the strength of the feed by diluting it a little less...going to see what these girls will take. Other than that there little to say...they are healthy, vigorous, pretty, and a pleasure to grow.

Pics tomorrow.

Y'all have a great day.


So I just went in to work the soil over with the claw, I do that twice a day, and noticed something. I went back just now and checked, it's been 30 days since these beans broke the surface. I count three stages not two. Seedling, where the light schedule stays at 24/0. Veg, 18/6 down to 12/12. Flower count starts as soon as I see hairs. Anyhow, on the 21st veg day, I got freakin' roots coming out the bottom of the planters. Towards the end of flower with this strain last time, there were some visable roots, but now it looks like I'm either going to have to transplant these...which I really don't want to do, or place these planters on top of 5 gallon planters full of FFOF and just let the roots go. This will almost certainly cause me a height issue that I'm not sure how to overcome. I suppose I could just quit treating them so well, but that's not bloody likely to happen.

I'm at a loss so I'm asking for some input...stack planters or transplant?

I vote transplant. Height is going to be a problem and the extra foot won't help.

With a root system like that, you're going to have epic yield and quality. The way you grow, you might benefit from using Spin Out.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

I vote transplant. Height is going to be a problem and the extra foot won't help.

With a root system like that, you're going to have epic yield and quality. The way you grow, you might benefit from using Spin Out.

Yes, despite the fact that I don't want to do it, it'll be best for the plants. I'll be repotting them tomorrow...despite the appearance of pre-flowers this afternoon.

And pardon my ignorance, but what is Spin Out...I've never heard of it and was unable to dig up any info on the product?
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Veg Day 22

Can't get good pics of them, but there are preflowers showing all over both plants. Vertical has slowed considerably on both plants which is comforting, as I believe I'm going to stack the planters. I'm not to keen on transplanting these now that preflowers are showing, but I can cut the bottom out of these planters and let them go like that. I believe that will minimize any stress that the plant will undergo. So we'll do a little planter surgery today if it melts off enough outside for me to go get a couple 5 gallon planters...we had a bit of an icestorm/snowstorm last night but it's supposed to warm up nicely by early afternoon.


Lucy Sky




That'll do it for today.

Many thanks to all the folks who threw me some rep yesterday.

Y'all have a great day!
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Yes, despite the fact that I don't want to do it, it'll be best for the plants. I'll be repotting them tomorrow...despite the appearance of pre-flowers this afternoon.

And pardon my ignorance, but what is Spin Out...I've never heard of it and was unable to dig up any info on the product?

do a search for Griffin's Spin Out.

It's basically Copper Hydroxide that you pain on the inside of the pots. It acts as a chemical root pruner, keeps plants from becoming rootbound, etc.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

do a search for Griffin's Spin Out.

It's basically Copper Hydroxide that you pain on the inside of the pots. It acts as a chemical root pruner, keeps plants from becoming rootbound, etc.

Hmmm. Wonder if there's an organic equivalent to that.

Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Hmmm. Wonder if there's an organic equivalent to that.


I don't know why you would want "organic." Copper is a stable element, we use it for plumbing pipes, etc.

Copper hydroxide, while certainly not something to put on a sandwhich, is not toxic like a pesticide or something. I wouldn't want to drink bat guano tea either.....but plants love the stuff!

Copper is the working ingredient on bottom pain for boats. Back in the day, we used tin....which was toxic, but worked very well. Now, we use Copper....which works OK but is not toxic like the lead/tin was.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

If I treat a pot with a chemical...any chemical, then in my view, it's no longer a completely organic grow. Thing is this. I am convinced, that come the early part of next year, my state is going to get off the pot, no pun intended, and put a couple MMJ bills to a vote. When that happens, and taking for granted for a moment that it will pass, something else I'm convinced of, I'm trying to position myself as an expert organic mmj grower. I can't imagine for a second, that some poor guy or girl, fresh off a round of chemo, would really want or need anymore chemicals. That's why.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

If I treat a pot with a chemical...any chemical, then in my view, it's no longer a completely organic grow. Thing is this. I am convinced, that come the early part of next year, my state is going to get off the pot, no pun intended, and put a couple MMJ bills to a vote. When that happens, and taking for granted for a moment that it will pass, something else I'm convinced of, I'm trying to position myself as an expert organic mmj grower. I can't imagine for a second, that some poor guy or girl, fresh off a round of chemo, would really want or need anymore chemicals. That's why.

We have a lot in common. I'm trying to do the same type of're just ahead of me.

I'm not certain about the OMRI view of Spin Out....however,

Here's an alternative for ya!
High Caliper Growing Systems: Pot Pruner
When the roots of a plant touch the fabric sleeve, they entangle and do not circle. The root tip loses its' apical dominance and the root begins to side branch. A healthy, fibrous root structure soon develops. A better root system gives you better, quicker growth!

Because roots don't circle, you gain extra time flexibility. When a plant stays longer in a pot than anticipated, Pot Pruner continues to root prune, creating a healthy root ball that explodes with new growth when the plant is shifted to a larger container or field planted.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Well I'm sure rooting for that ;)

If I treat a pot with a chemical...any chemical, then in my view, it's no longer a completely organic grow. Thing is this. I am convinced, that come the early part of next year, my state is going to get off the pot, no pun intended, and put a couple MMJ bills to a vote. When that happens, and taking for granted for a moment that it will pass, something else I'm convinced of, I'm trying to position myself as an expert organic mmj grower. I can't imagine for a second, that some poor guy or girl, fresh off a round of chemo, would really want or need anymore chemicals. That's why.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

That is a very interesting product.

+Rep for you Brother

No problem, bro!
I'm still pretty sure that Spin Out would be perfectly safe as well.....but why use it when you can have something like the fabric?

I'm reading and studying like a madman right now, learning all about plants, growing, etc.

I'd like your opinion on this---it's your journal so put a stop to it if you wish---but I am beginning to think that we MJ growers are offered a steady stream of BS and silly marketing when it comes to "nutes."

Other plants don't require 12 different products and hyper vigiliant PH monitoring (speaking of soil) why should Cannabis be any different than tomatos and peppers?

I was struck by what you said a page or two ago....that your guano tea worked well on Tomatos. I'm sure it will work insanely well on MJ....and probably better than a 100 dollar "nutrient" from a famous company.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

No problem, bro!
I'm still pretty sure that Spin Out would be perfectly safe as well.....but why use it when you can have something like the fabric?

I'm reading and studying like a madman right now, learning all about plants, growing, etc.

I'd like your opinion on this---it's your journal so put a stop to it if you wish---but I am beginning to think that we MJ growers are offered a steady stream of BS and silly marketing when it comes to "nutes."

Other plants don't require 12 different products and hyper vigiliant PH monitoring (speaking of soil) why should Cannabis be any different than tomatos and peppers?

I was struck by what you said a page or two ago....that your guano tea worked well on Tomatos. I'm sure it will work insanely well on MJ....and probably better than a 100 dollar "nutrient" from a famous company.

I do agree with you, we are swamped by claims from just about every single manufacturer of the nutes, and they cost 10 times what an equivalent nute costs at a greenhouse or landscaping supply company, they just don't have fancy, colorful packaging and multimillion dollar advertising budgets to include in the price. The more I learn about preparing my own nutrients...and I'm deep in study on things other than the teas...the more it's apparent to me that with a simple investment of time, I can concoct a 100% organic program, tailored to that particular plant, for about 30% of what a standard two part grow/bloom nute package costs.

With respect to PH, I stay right on top of it now. However, back in my outdoor growing days, the extent of our concern with ph was a cup or so of lime mixed into the soil in the hole. I have wondered from time to time if we aren't a little overconcerned with PH soil. PH is, of course, critical in hydro, but I beleive there is a lot more wiggle room in soil.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Hi Buddy,:grinjoint:
My next grow will be all organic too. I am going to use some of these pots as an experiment.

They are a pot which never has root problems. Look about the site there are some great videos as to how they work. If they do, I'll order more. Seems like they are always sold out of the best sizes, so some one is buying them.:popcorn:

Look in the special savings part to see the ones I got. They are only 3.70 gallons, but should work fine and they are cheap!
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Thanks for the info, OMM. I've bookmarked that page and will most certainly be ordering a few to try out.

Threw you some rep.

Veg Day 23

I've started to have some PH drop in my runoff readings. Last time with this strain, I determined that these plants like their PH on the low side of normal so I'm going to try and let it drop another .1-.2 and then I'm going to add a little dolomite lime to the soil.

My carbon scrubber has started having trouble keping up with the smell...they didn't smell this strong last least not until they were cut. I'd like to belive that that's an idication that these plants are on their way to being better than the last two, but we'll have too wait and see.

Very little in the way of vertical growth. Lucy Sky's twin tops now measure 10+", Diamond's tops are shorter...about 8.5".

With the seemingly abbreviated transition between veg and flower, I'll be beginning my flower tea mix tomorrow, and I'll post that recipe then.

Pics tomorrow.

Y'all have a great day.
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

Thanks for the info, OMM. I've bookmarked that page and will most certainly be ordering a few to try out.

Threw you some rep.

Veg Day 23

I've started to have some PH drop in my runoff readings. Last time with this strain, I determined that these plants like their PH on the low side of normal so I'm going to try and let it drop another .1-.2 and then I'm going to add a little dolomite lime to the soil.

My carbon scrubber has started having trouble keping up with the smell...they didn't smell this strong last least not until they were cut. I'd like to belive that that's an idication that these plants are on their way to being better than the last two, but we'll have too wait and see.

Very little in the way of vertical growth. Lucy Sky's twin tops now measure 10+", Diamond's tops are shorter...about 8.5".

With the seemingly abbreviated transition between veg and flower, I'll be beginning my flower tea mix tomorrow, and I'll post that recipe then.

Pics tomorrow.

Y'all have a great day.

My Pleasure and reps to u too.:grinjoint:
Re: SouthernWeed's Third Barney's Farm Organic Soil Grow

can you show us how you add the lime when you do it

Brother, there's not alot to show. I mix about 1/4 cup of pelletized dolomite lime directly into the soil with a claw. After I mix it in, I immediately apply a soaking water, test the PH of the runoff, and that's pretty much the whole ballgame.
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