Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

Glad you got them moved so that stressor is off the table.
How are the folks today bluter??
And how about yourself???

been three steps forward two steps back. headed better overall. it's been a long time.
going back to work today and have been fighting it a bit myself.
:hug:Glad for any improvement with the patents.
Sounds like its taking its toll on you now though.
I'm really hoping you get some sort of break here.
i'll be good..
they actually are making me go on mandated holidays in a few wks lol ...
it's impossible to get time when it is nice as it is peak period. it always winds up with mgmt in a panic trying to stack it in at the end of the year .... :straightface:
i see you are trying to produce your own carbon sink there with all them clones,, :high-five:

the world is a slightly better place today because of them,, ha

plants lookin wonderful,, interesting to see you add a bit o fert to the clone mix

karma sent for yer folks friend,, you as well,, truck on,, all we can do,,

cheers blut
quick look at the clones today..

a day in a couple of the fancy bubbler clones are not looking so great...

they are tangies. my air pumps are cheese and they were getting drowned a bit. re-positioned the air stones to help compensate and changed up the water. water change is just habit. always do one a day or so after pulling clones. gonna get left for a bit now.

other bubbler bank was good...

i probably should have just gone with straight in to hempy cups.. the bubblers are a bit faster when they work, but the plants always look worse than the straight hempys. hempy cups are fine but take longer to hook up. i always pull way more than i need ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

the low rent district looked the best...

not really surprising.

everyone got a flood and drain or refresh with a 3g / 8L RO mix ph'd to 5.8(ish).
that's not a scheduled amount, i just pulled the numbers from the sweet patoot for a low level mix. wound up a touch over the 300ppm mark.

no jungle room update til i get a good look at them this wkend.
Now that you sorted the bad bubbler those babies should be beautiful! The rest look great.

When I was doing aeroponic cloning I remember reading that nitrogen was bad for the stems while they were rooting, but helpful once the roots grew out. Have you found that putting nutes in the water makes a difference one way or the other?

i find a weak solution will get them going faster. no more than 300 ppm. essentially just replacing what the RO filter pulls out. a little RO and cal-mag does close to the same.

they'll get roots but won't survive in the bubbler. as soon as i have roots i'll pop them in to hempy cups to get them rolling.
morning guys....

the clones have figgered out momma's missing and they are on their own..

there are no root nubs or anything to show for development in the water yet. it's a dice roll to see if anyone is gonna make it. typically i get nothing and then an explosion of root growth. the clone usually looks spent by that point.

bubblers aren't exactly running as good as i would like. the tangies really don't seem to be impressed with this method.

some strains are more difficult than others to start this way. the bubblers themselves have been chewing through a litre and a half of water every other day, which is a fair bit higher than normal. conditions are dry so it's simply evaporating.

the other side is doing a touch better

i've got loads of seed to go back to if i get blanked, but am really hoping for a quicker clone run. have some power plant seeds i would like to get a grow in with as well, but it is a longer flowering sativa dominant, and everything i have now is indica leaning with a different flowering window.

the low rent clones aren't fairing much better..

really should have done them all in the hempy cups and just taken more. i want to build a 12 site aero-cloner this summer. have most of the basics needed already. there are some really good designs on here.

the jungle room ladies are just entering stretch now ...

they have filled in quite nicely and have forgotten all about the last trim. am real glad i did it now. i have an issue going with some tipping tho. it had started just before flower, and i chalked it up to a slight overfeed and possible n tox. they were sitting at 5.5g / gal going in which was a bit high for veg. i left it at that level to see if they would simply grow in to it, but it has progressed a bit....

note the tipping on this leaf... you can see some edge tipping as well in the back ground..
another plant ..

as a result i reversed course on this and have decided i'm looking at a possible k def. k def starts at the tips and edges in early stage, however, both a tox and def look similar, so i have to tread lightly. if there is not a lock out accompanying the issue i should be ok.

decided to bump up to 6.0g / gal and will see how they respond. might have to jump in with a flush and reset to lower levels if i have mis-read it. i am not near the jungle room and am a bit concerned as i can't monitor it as close as i would like.

ladies all together..

aside from being at 6.0g / gal, we bumped the amount everyone gets from 750 ml to 1 L. am going to feed 1 L now till the end of the grow.
fine update friend,,

cloning such a hit and miss for me,, right now i have two honduras clones that seem to have taken,, after ten days or so in solo hempy cups only

last several cloning attempts have been failures,, and i have been hitting the seeds as well lately,, for all the experimenting i have been doing with your methods. i have had to throw out several plants in hempy cups that i have been playing with,, practising your advice on the younguns

i have been seeing how practical it is to grow plants to show sex while still in hempy cups. it is indeed practical, as i have seen,, however the plants get a bit ratty and untrained by the time sex shows up,, still possible tho,, indeed

my dope seed dr. cbd cpl weeks ago

and cpl days ago,,

very nice indeed

cheers,, karma sent friend
those are nice nivek

this is actually the roughest cloning run i have had in a long time... there is simply too much going on for me to get on top.
have family stuff going on, and my boss dumped a pile of past due work, and i'm trying to get the MC primer finished for that thread...

i haven't been on them as much as i should
i haven't been on them as much as i should

It happens. I was late starting my quadlining in my rdwc tent. Cost me a couple of weeks.
It happens. I was late starting my quadlining in my rdwc tent. Cost me a couple of weeks.

monitoring. clones here just look crap for length of time since the clip. maybe get blanked. maybe just me fretting.
this one is gonna be whoever makes it i guess.
Feckin clones!

I hear ya though. This round for me is doing better, but not stellar yet. If they for some reason don't turn out, then I will probably scrap this run of clones and not bother. At that point I would have to reveg them out of flower, and all that entails. Not really worth it for what would end up being 2 mothers anyway.
I wouldn't bump the MC this early. I'd stick with the 5.5 or even lower to see how the new growth comes in. I had mine at 4.5 but moved them back to 4.0 and they seem happier.

it was present before flip but not at the levels i see now, so has continued. it didn't make sense that they would want less, so went the opposite direction. taking a chance. i would normally read it as an excess.
hey gang.. working on an update. really.. :confused:

this poor thread has gotten way behind with everything going on..
have a slow - motion clone disaster happening. taking semi-drastic action.

also have to get to the jungle room and monitor my changes there. will be a jungle room update coming as well.
may have some adjustments there, and cutting them to an 11 / 13 light sched today... :cheesygrinsmiley:

grabbing pics as we go all day. actual update may be 24hrs later or so.. stay tuned up 420 :bongrip:
hey all .. i've been slowly exploding all my clones ...

yellowed out and crisped up. the bubble condos usually look a bit better
if any one is following looking for pointers, my cloning is not where you are gonna find any.. :rolleyes:

the low rent district is taking it hard..

i'm losing a lot of the tops. there is hope elsewhere on them though. and i'm not tossing any yet ... :p

one of the bubble clone mutant tangies busted out..

it didn't look too great on top, but it got the hempy cup right away...

i presoaked the perlite in some nutes and RO before plunking the clone in...

when they go they really bust out. 12hrs before these pics there were some nubs but zero roots showing. the hassel is by the time i have roots, the rest of the clone is hanging on for dear life lol ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

was impressed that a tangie was the first to go. they are definitely looking the worst otherwise.

i cleaned up the dead and dying stuff on the others as best i could, and gave all the hempy cups a feed at seedling strength - 2.0g/gal. i cued off the tangie with roots, for a guess at what was going on in the cups, and fed them all. i didn't wait for a dry cycle and ramped the cups to 3.0g/gal today. if any of the others are hanging about, they could use the extra nitrogen. clones ramp faster in feed than seedlings, so i'm not worried about burning.

yellowed out or not, the others responded by lifting immediately. i hope i got there in time, there was evidence of root structure in another of the cups at the drain hole.

some of the remaining bubble clones have started pushing new growth, even with the lack of roots.

it's a good sign. with luck i'll have a few more to transplant to hempy cups.

i got a look at the jungle room and was mostly happy with how it's going ...

i read the previous tipping and edge burn issue correctly as a k def and not a tox. i had ramped the MC from 5.5g/gal to 6.0g/gal. the tipping and edging has halted on the new growth, and stopped progressing on the areas already affected.

here's some of the new growth ....

and this is what it grew through...

the damage has arrested itself for the moment. the leaves are a touch darker than the pics, the light skews it a bit, but they are just to the slight yellow side of green, and i have some yellowed stuff being consumed in the interior. all of it points to there being a touch more room to ramp the feed.

holding steady for now at 6.0g/gal though. i cut the light schedule from 12 / 12 to 11 / 13, this always boots them a bit. i wanted to save the extra headroom to see how they respond to the added cut. will likely hit 6.5g/gal by the end of this wk if the plants continue to ask for it.

i am also facing super dry conditions headed in to flower... it is affecting leaf development a little.

we have added pans of water to help bring it up a bit and are discussing adding a humidifier, probably just something simple on a timer if i go that way. kinda eyeballing up @Virgin ground 's froggy, a product like that would do it. only holding off as it's another piece of gear, and i'm trying to get as simple as possible. have grown through tough stuff before.

my mutant tangie keeps throwing weird things....

it gets holes in the leaves during growth spurts ...

it has done this from the very beginning and always freaks me out. there are no pests though, and it'll quit after stretch is finished.

the jungle room has more space on this run but is still getting jungley ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

next up for the jungle room will be a 3 wk defol, the restraints are coming off, and we'll revisit another bump in feed.
looks like all 3 are occurring in the next wk or two.

stay tuned up and happy 420 :bongrip:
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