Casey Jones #2

nope. maybe she's just done growing? I've never really had this happen in the past though.
it's been 4 days since I watered them. I'm only going to water the other plant tonight.

OK B....feel the soil...if it's damp or moist ,it doesn't matter how many days it's been since her last that stage of growth(near the end) water uptake is very slight and slow ,so check by lifting the pot.Don't give her any more water till it dries out bud....should perk up as the pot dries out. You havn't been giving her anything have you? (outside of Doc's gear I mean) Cheers pal.:high-five:
OK B....feel the soil...if it's damp or moist ,it doesn't matter how many days it's been since her last that stage of growth(near the end) water uptake is very slight and slow ,so check by lifting the pot.Don't give her any more water till it dries out bud....should perk up as the pot dries out. You havn't been giving her anything have you? (outside of Doc's gear I mean) Cheers pal.:high-five:

That's solid advice rep points awarded.
soil does look a bit dark but I cant feel it from here
wait till it dries last resort flush it out
you guys were right about overwatering. it's been 7 days and the soil is still wet.

11 weeks from pistil and I harvested one plant because it barley has any white pistils left and I spotted some amber trichomes. looks like plants full of popcorn, but the scale will be the judge. I'll leave the other plant for one more week.

Hey B ....hows all brotha.You have learned massive, this little grow of yours. She still got some frost for ya though.
A good practice ,if your pots are not too big, is to lift them when they are bone dry....that will be a guage for many weeks.Just lift the pots....when they feel like they're getting lighter,time for a drink.
I know you prolly don't wanna hear this B ...but that little plant could have been much, much denser and overall much healthier giving you twice ,or more ...than youl'e get off her now. Most of us have bin there bud, you got lucky and at least pulled in a bit eh.
I do have a Q for ya as well B ....when ,in the cycle, did you give her the two CD's.? Assuming you did and are using Doc's. gear....just curious.Have a great night ,cheers.:high-five:
you guys were right about overwatering. it's been 7 days and the soil is still wet.
Congrats on the game saving catch B. I don't even count the days we feed anymore, just lift the pots to see how light they are.
that's what I usually do but I've been lazy I guess. in my opinion leds are good for veg, gave me good tight plant structure with side branching 12/12 from seed, but not so sure about their ability to produce big full buds.
I'm definitely going to do at least one more run with leds and use low stress training so I can get the entire plant(s) under the light. for being grown under about 100 total watts of led lighting they don't look bad at all. a single 125 watt cfl would not create such a nice plant structure 12/12 from seed that's for sure (I've tried it before).
that's what I usually do but I've been lazy I guess. in my opinion leds are good for veg, gave me good tight plant structure with side branching 12/12 from seed, but not so sure about their ability to produce big full buds.

yes it can Brotha Br
theres a 16 oz coke can behind there

thanks for the support guys. the other plant looks like it's finishing up and her buds look better. these leds would work even better if there was a way to get closer to them without stressing the plant(s).
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