CBD Auto EmmyStack In AziSIPs, GeoFlora, Sweet Candy, Dynomyco, Roots Organic Soil +

I found some charcoal online to make bio-char, and ordered one test bag.
Are these fragments the right size? (The bigger chunks settle to the top, but I was expecting smaller fragments...)
Are these too big? Or just right (and soak 'em up with EWC)?

Those will work, but I like mine much smaller and thinner which gives me more surface area for a given volume of char.

To charge mine I've done it a few different ways. Like you I've mixed it 1:1 with worm castings and let it sit for months, but if I need some quickly I'll submerge it in a soup of worm castings tea and several of my Jadam extracts. It will bubble like crazy for a while as the air is driven from the char and replaced with nutrient rich liquid. I try to leave it at least a week or two when doing it this way.
Those will work, but I like mine much smaller and thinner which gives me more surface area for a given volume of char.

To charge mine I've done it a few different ways. Like you I've mixed it 1:1 with worm castings and let it sit for months, but if I need some quickly I'll submerge it in a soup of worm castings tea and several of my Jadam extracts. It will bubble like crazy for a while as the air is driven from the char and replaced with nutrient rich liquid. I try to leave it at least a week or two when doing it this way.
Perfecto. Gracias.
Someone ran over the charcoal with their car and it smashed the pieces up smaller. (Another guy said just pound on it with a hammer.)
I have time, so I think I will just go for the soak on EWC
Perfecto. Gracias.
Someone ran over the charcoal with their car and it smashed the pieces up smaller. (Another guy said just pound on it with a hammer.)
I have time, so I think I will just go for the soak on EWC
If you do smash it, run it through a screen or colander before adding it to your mix to get rid of the fines. I add those to my worm bin or compost pile, but I want the stuff I add to my mix to have some structure.
I like mine much smaller and thinner which gives me more surface area for a given volume of char.
That is a point that some people forget about. More than once someone has mentioned that they see all the small pieces when they open the bag and say that it is an attempt by the company to get away with something. All those small pieces with the exposed surface area opening up the pores are allowing more bacteria colonies and not fewer.

Looked it up and in a teaspoon of healthy soil there are about 1 billion living bacteria of about 10,000 different specie. Think about how many hundreds of millions more in that teaspoon of soil when they have more small rooms to colonize.

Think about how many there are another way. If a billion in a teaspoon of soil then there are 12 billion bacteria in a quarter cup of soil which is almost twice the number of people living on this planet at the moment.
That is a point that some people forget about. More than once someone has mentioned that they see all the small pieces when they open the bag and say that it is an attempt by the company to get away with something. All those small pieces with the exposed surface area opening up the pores are allowing more bacteria colonies and not fewer.

Looked it up and in a teaspoon of healthy soil there are about 1 billion living bacteria of about 10,000 different specie. Think about how many hundreds of millions more in that teaspoon of soil when they have more small rooms to colonize.

Think about how many there are another way. If a billion in a teaspoon of soil then there are 12 billion bacteria in a quarter cup of soil which is almost twice the number of people living on this planet at the moment.
I read somewhere that something like 1 tablespoon of properly sized biochar (i.e. small) has the surface area of a football field because of all the nooks and crannies. Pretty incredible!
Oof. :(
My CBD Regular beans up on the roof were not coming up, so I brought the pots back down inside the light room, to sprout them.
I put two new seeds (which started maybe a week later after Stuntie), maybe 12/8), and they are still in diapers, but they look pretty good.

TopTao BlueBerry Crystal Seedling.jpg

I just changed the tag. This one also started from a new seed maybe 12/8.

TopTao BlueBerry Crystal Seedling 2.jpg

Hmm... this one was a rescue-survivor from the cold. It was one of the seeds that did not come up.
When I found her she was sideways, about an inch long, with a helmet. I surgically removed her little helmet, and planted her feet in soil. Then last night I transplanted her a SECOND time, to put her back in her original bucket.

TopTao BlueBerry Crystal Seedling Cold Stunted.jpg

She does not look too good to me. Since the other two beans are younger than her, and look to be way ahead of her, I am a little concerned that she might be stunted, and I am wondering if maybe I should start over with a fresh bean (considering all of the stuff that goes into a premium bucket, by the time you are all done.
However, that also leads me to a dilemma.

The point is to see if I can acclimate these CBD Regular beans to this climate, with the eventual goal of becoming eco-sustainable.
It is 24/7 light in the nursery, so I thought I could take them to the roof as soon as they look like they hit the SIP-surge--but then I thought no, because when I take them out of the 24/7 light bath, I will need a night-interrupter-light to keep them from flipping into flower.
Then I thought, if I wait until they are starting to send out pistils, then I do not need to worry about the night-light... only, the start of flower it seems kind of late to start transitioning them to the outside climate (which is much cooler). Because, if possible, the point of the exercise is to end up with acclimated CBD Regular beans.

I have a closet I could potentially outfit on the second floor where I could isolate the males, except it is still inside the house, and I think the pollen would get everywhere.

I think my best bet is to pull Stuntie, and put a new bean, and then move the regulars to the roof when they start to send out pistils. And then if they survive this batch, and I get seeds, maybe I can try to take some of those to the roof as soon as they are up and stable.

Does anyone else have an opinion they would like to share?
How many generations are you thinking it will take before you've selected and bred the genetics that are best for the climate?
Great question, Shed.
I have no clue. Now that you ask, the number "5" comes to mind (but I have no idea).
(Haha, oy... is that low??? Is this a lifetime-task???)

Since I am not changing the strain (but only adapting it), my thought is that you grow them, and then pick the best looking males to spew, and then you pick the seeds from the best looking females, and try to grow those.
The only thing is that I think they will start acclimating better if I can actually get them out in the weather! 😂
But it is a challenge, because you have to bring them inside, to get them started!

Would I do better searching for "cold weather CBD autos"?
I am thinking that for Stuntie, I can let her grow another couple of weeks, to see if she recovers and starts to look like her sisters.
(And if she stays stunted and does not catch up, then I can pluck her and start over :rip: ).
Hey Shed.
I don't know much about breeding but I would think that you would move them outside after the first couple of nodes and let them fend for themselves. The ones that thrive are the ones you want to cross.

I also think you should be dropping a lot of seeds and using smaller pots for what is just a pheno hunt at this stage.

Yeah. I do not know much about it either.

The real story here is that my landlady said she wants to sell, and we have maybe a year and a half before our housing will be done (long story).
She might not be able to sell before we get moved, but *IF she sells, we will need to move, and big houses with grow rooms inside are hard to find.
They limit you to 20 plants here, but everyone runs 19 (just to be safe).
I can fit 16 autos in my grow room, and that leaves 3 buckets available (16 + 3 = 19), so I thought I would try to grow three CBD regulars, and put them up on the roof like what you said, and see what happens.
This first run is kind of a 'speriment to see *IF I can do it.
It sounds like you do not think that moving them from 24/7 lighting to normal daylight lighting will cause them to flower prematurely. Is that because they are autos (non-photo dependent), so changing from 24/7 to 12/12 should not affect them?
You're trying to breed CBD autos that are acclimated to your cold weather? Why not photoperiod plants?

And if they're autos then light hours won't matter, but the fewer hours of light the smaller the harvest.

Also, it's summer there in 2 weeks, no? They won't get 12/12 until March.
Hahahaha, you ask good questions.
The situation has changed a lot over the past two years.
Also, the weather patterns here are not what you expect! I think some weird stuff happens because we are near the equator, so I think the jetstream plays tricks on everyone. (There is some difference between the seasons, but it seems hard to explain.) 🤔

It is a good question about photoperiods. It is cool here, and I am running autos because I have to run lights inside the house to warm the house up (and this house was not built with solar thermal collection in mind). So as long as I am running lights 24/7 inside the house, why not grow autos, which can benefit from the 24/7?

I do think about photos. @BudsBuddy said he was letting them get waist-high in a SIP, and then flipping them. I am sure that would work here also.

About how many photos could you grow in SIPs in a room that was 6'8" x 9'0" (basically 2m x 3m)?
They won't get 12/12 until March.

i'm sure you get some fine points of change in the weather and lighting, but since we are close to the equator, the day length varies like basically a half an hour between June and December. The temperature shifts a few degrees, and the humidity changes a little bit, but it's basically what they call "permanent spring", and the hours of daylight stay pretty much the same all year round. my concern was just if the plant goes from 24/7 to 12/12, I would think that would induce a flip.

I could not use Photo periods up on the roof because we have security lighting here. So I could run the autos up on the roof but it's colder, so it makes more sense to run them inside.
Hmm - my auto skills not great.

I live on a similar latitude to you - obverse I guess. I’m 1100km I think north of the equator. You similar south of? We have a thirty minute over the year between sunsets.


This is part of one of my farmer mates grows in northern Thailand. Its in the Golden Triangle. At altitude and 2500-3000km north of the equator. They ran 5500 autos on this grow. White Widow are these 3500 (i chose the corner photos so you can see the comparison - there are fields of them) All grown outdoor LOS - my farmer mate is remarkable. He did that. And who he did it for is epic. I have many more photos 🤣

So look for a Spanish breeder. This is now basically all the old Dutch breeders. Chose your strains from them because they tend to give data on “Outdoor and Mould Resistance” Serious Seeds and @Barney's Farm both breed there specifically for outdoor.

The photos give you the spacing.

For SIPs in a 2x3m space dunno .

In coco airpots with a cheap irrigation system ? 4x7 plants for 28

In SIPs - take up more space 3x5 25

SIPs yea great thing but the answer is in Azi’s thread title -

SIP Club - Getting Hydro/Coco Results In A Soil Based Medium​

Yeah coco/hydro is what they’re trying to catch - why not start there?

I mean if you’re dead set on an organic grow then a SIP gonna help you water (save you learning how to not over water)

But - you want to put 20 individual reservoirs in a tropical hot and sweaty environment?

You’ll be calling Seaworld to help fix your algae problems by the first week of veg.

I say this with the utmost respect - but dude every couple of months you pop up with grand complicated plans.

How about you grow one Auto in a SIP in that space and you’ll be well on your way to answering your own question.

80 days is all it takes with most autos these days.
Hi Nick. Great to hear from a pro. I am outclassed.
Hmm - my auto skills not great.

I live on a similar latitude to you - obverse I guess. I’m 1100km I think north of the equator. You similar south of? We have a thirty minute over the year between sunsets.

We are 134km (84 miles) north of the equator, at about I think +/- 2500 meters (8000') above sea level.
Your grow looks great!!


This is part of one of my farmer mates grows in northern Thailand. Its in the Golden Triangle. At altitude and 2500-3000km north of the equator. They ran 5500 autos on this grow. White Widow are these 3500 (i chose the corner photos so you can see the comparison - there are fields of them) All grown outdoor LOS - my farmer mate is remarkable. He did that. And who he did it for is epic. I have many more photos 🤣


So look for a Spanish breeder. This is now basically all the old Dutch breeders. Chose your strains from them because they tend to give data on “Outdoor and Mould Resistance” Serious Seeds and @Barney's Farm both breed there specifically for outdoor.

Yeah, they have at least two pro breeding houses here, but they are in the warmer climactic zones (Cali), and they have very little CBD selection. So I would probably have to adapt whatever seeds I got from them also.

The photos give you the spacing.

For SIPs in a 2x3m space dunno .

I am just eyeballing it at 8 or 9 full size plants (depending on the plants). I think 10 would be too tight.

In coco airpots with a cheap irrigation system ? 4x7 plants for 28

In SIPs - take up more space 3x5 25

SIPs yea great thing but the answer is in Azi’s thread title -

SIP Club - Getting Hydro/Coco Results In A Soil Based Medium​

Yeah coco/hydro is what they’re trying to catch - why not start there?

I mean if you’re dead set on an organic grow then a SIP gonna help you water (save you learning how to not over water)

But - you want to put 20 individual reservoirs in a tropical hot and sweaty environment?

You’ll be calling Seaworld to help fix your algae problems by the first week of veg.

I say this with the utmost respect - but dude every couple of months you pop up with grand complicated plans.

Haha, yeah, but the plans are all progressing... :)

(And I did not realize I came up on your radar.... :)

How about you grow one Auto in a SIP in that space and you’ll be well on your way to answering your own question.

80 days is all it takes with most autos these days.

Well, thanks!
I grew I think 15 in there last time, and it was tight, so 16 should also be tight, but the Auto Blue Ace is not a big plant, so I think it should be ok.

I am just eyeballing it from years in the past when I grew photos, and I am just guessing I could fit 8 full size photos no problem, or maybe 9 a little tight.
@BudsBuddy says to let them get groin-high, and then flip.
I guess my question would be, what would make more weed in the same amount of time? 15-16 autos at 80-90 days, or 8-9 full-size photoperiods in whatever they take to develop?

Cool grow. Thanks for sharing!

So, for you, buying thousands of auto seeds is preferable to cloning photos (meaning your mate finds autos more economical)?
That’s not my grow. My mate did it and Autos worked there for that where he was just paid for consultancy. He designed and flew in twice a month to make it work. The people who paid him epic funny.

Bro - I’ve been following along with you for eva eva 😂. Grandpa likes to press, no?
That’s not my grow. My mate did it and Autos worked there for that where he was just paid for consultancy. He designed and flew in twice a month to make it work. The people who paid him epic funny.

Bro - I’ve been following along with you for eva eva 😂. Grandpa likes to press, no?
Oh hey! Nick Hardy = Grandpa! 👴
Haha, ok, thanks, Nick!
Yeah, my life is all strung out, and I do not always know what is going on. (I blame it on the autosm.) But with a lot of prayer I always seem to make it--and we are going to get it one of these days!

Haha, it is a long story but I bought way too many seeds ('cuz when it is my health I get a little excited). So probably I will grow these autos until we run out of seeds, and then I will probably switch to photos and use those until I run out of them 😂
Maybe somewhere along the way we will adapt some kind of seeds to this climate (and if not, I will just have to add a grow room onto the house) 🏡
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