Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LED

Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

I will pm you the contact email. The reason it is troublesome is they are off by 12 hours being in China.
I also recommend the Mars 2 lights available from a sponsor here.

No updates lately guys I decided to jump on a plane and have spent a week in Jamaica enjoying legalization. Everyting Cris! Eirie!
Will have Jamaica details and pics for you after I return.
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

Smoked with the police they said "no problem man" while I burned a joint and listened to their stories. Toured pot farms, climbed waterfalls, swam in bioluminescent Algea, and more all while stoned as hell on cheap cheap great weed and Rastafarian brownies.
Fucking great trip!
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

Wow man that sounds amazing! I'm not jealous that you didn't take me. I'll get over it!

Can't wait to see pictures! Glad you and had fun! Was it a trip for you and the girlfriend? I'm sure she had a blast!

All the best my man!
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

I have just returned and tired as hell. So quick pics of the plants from tonight and more stories and Jamaica pics after I get them off my camera tomorrow.

Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

:drool: you da man!

Those look great! Can't believe how little room there is in there!
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

looking good :thumb: :goodjob:
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

Been so busy since I got back haven't had time for stories yet.

Jamaica was amazing. If you don't live somewhere with legalization, then you don't understand how incredibly relaxing it is to not worry about the police.
Jamaica decriminalized in April and made under 2 oz a $4 fine. However the government is up for reelection and has said don't charge anyone for smoking or possession under 2 oz anymore. So it was a free for all :cool:
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

If anyone is planning on going to Jamaica PM me and I will give you a great contact there. He can take you on a tour of a weed farm and the farmer will sell you enough mj for $30-$40 to be stoned for entire trip :cool:. He can pick you up right at the airport and go there, then drop you at hotel loaded up ;-)

I also recommend if you are in Jamaica that you check out "glistening waters" the glowing water lagoon. I did this right after a brownie and another joint and was blown away by how amazing it was ;-)
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

If anyone is planning on going to Jamaica PM me and I will give you a great contact there. He can take you on a tour of a weed farm and the farmer will sell you enough mj for $30-$40 to be stoned for entire trip :cool:. He can pick you up right at the airport and go there, then drop you at hotel loaded up ;-)

I also recommend if you are in Jamaica that you check out "glistening waters" the glowing water lagoon. I did this right after a brownie and another joint and was blown away by how amazing it was ;-)
May go back in February. Went twice before but it wasn't during legalization! I can't imagine how much cooler it would be now. No other island worth visiting now. Will hit you up.

Also glad to see someone doing so well with the exact same lights. Makes me really happy I got them!
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

Note they have all been back built using techniques from this site, that is why buds are huge with mini foxtails, they looked normal before I snipped them :cool:
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

Oh and went down from last weeks 500-600ppm feeds to just ph adjusted tap water two days ago. Three days until harvest! Woohoo. Expecting over a pound. Pretty good for 2x6 cabinet.
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

As always if anyone has questions let me know. Happy to explain what I do. :cool:

Bonus pick of pineapple chunk showing the beautiful colours from the combination of 17-18C night temps and 3 weeks of uvb :cool:
Re: Chocolope/Critical Kush/Pineapple Chunk/Incredible Bulk/Jacks Smack In SCROG - LE

That is ridiculous for a 2x6. Though it makes sense in the scheme of the lights to go that size. I have found that with my 3w x 150 that they definitely don't go much outside of 2 feet. I like the idea of the light mover to maximize what they do. It seems that you don't defol and this really helps the lights to penetrate through all that mass of green.

I see a wide range of defol vs. non defol in the journals. I think I am somewhere in between. What is your take on doing that. Also what do you find is the sweet spot for distance to the plants in the 3w x 150? Right now I am running about 8" away and the plants seem like they are fine with that.

I am finding myself impressed with these lights. I am mixing them with 600W hps light right now but for the summer I will get a few more and do a LED only grow. I think a light mover like you have is the ticket to success. Because I don't defol a lot it would help get that light into the books and crannies of the grow.
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