Chromes Gone Hempy: "Kushberry" + Bagseed/Bagseed Clone: CFLs!

way bored. Dude you can step up the volume of your yeast co2 generators, but they 'in my eyes' never going to do anything. I tried 5 x's the amounts, 5 x's the liquid's. with not muck better results. Maybe you can find the trick????????????/ GL Hope it keeps your Grass Green......
I used to brew (still do sometimes, but cleaning bottles is a bitch) it does pick up as it goes though... then it will die out, as the yeast is killed off due to the alcohol content going up... brewers yeast will allow you to ferment more of the sugar before it dies, allowing a higher concentration of alcohol, and better use of the sugars,,, but it is way more expensive.

Depending on how much sugar and yest you put in, you will need to change it out every few days,, My 5 gal beer batches, would be bubbling like mad for a couple of days, then it would slow down to a trickle for the remainder of the week...

I tried with 2 liter bottles, but I don't think it did anything... :goodluck: though.

got any place you can buy dry ice? also, how sealed is your closet? if you got alot of ventilation going on, the co2 will be blown right out....
great site green and it's good to know that August is national velociraptor awareness month

August is National Velociraptor Awareness Month! The American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention, along with the North American Velociraptor Defense Association and the United Velociraptor Widows Fund, will be providing free velociraptor safety seminars at local Red Cross centers across the nation. Contact your local center for more information.
Norcaliwood: Oh yeah brother I know. this CO2 thing is for entertainment purposes only.

Herb Zen: Oh yeah brewers yeast would work much better and much longer. But it isn't $.84 a pack like bakers yeast is. and since I doubt as well that any thing will come from this I didn't want to spent lots of money.

Green007: Yeah based on rate of bubbles coming from the one jug I'm going to have to say not enough to be worth measuring. Again, I don't really expect results from this experiment.
And how could you not know August is national velociraptor awareness month? which is in direct contrast to the fact that August is also Happiness Happens Month. the guys the guys over at the Secret Society of Happy People must never have had to deal with a pack of velociraptors.
Sweet! got my voucher form GE in the mail today. That was quick!


So thats awesome, one dead bulb and I can get an other free 6 pack! GE really is one of the few great companies left.
Ok I posted pics Just for you!

Still trying to get the ONA gel smell out of the house... Wait a minute. I have a solution! KONA!!

Hahaha. Thats great, Spilt ona? cant gid rid of that smell? No problem! just pack up a big bowl of kona! the smoke will replace the ona smell with that of lovely, earthy, with a hint of coffee kona!


On a side note I flushed the ladies with a H202 solution, then Ph'd water and then gave 'em a feed.
Hahaha. Thats great, Spilt ona? cant gid rid of that smell? No problem! just pack up a big bowl of kona! the smoke will replace the ona smell with that of lovely, earthy, with a hint of coffee kona!


On a side note I flushed the ladies with a H202 solution, then Ph'd water and then gave 'em a feed.
No it didn't split.

Ever fly on an airplane and have your shampoo and conditioner in your suitcases?? They blow up from the pressure at altitude. That's what happened to the ONA Gel container. It blew up, vented all the liquid that was in the container, all over everything in the box with it.

I learned when I moved here to put shampoo and liquids in ziplock baggies when traveling across the state. Going up and down passes causes your stuff to pressurize and then explode.
No I have never flown or dealt with that problem, sounds like a pain in the, you know..

It is if you aren't prepared for it. But most of the time I just put my shampoo conditioner etc in ziplock baggies. If they pressurize and blow up, it is contained in the baggie LOL
Alright I want to divert attention back to my crack pot CO2 experiment.

So afte a full 24 hours every jub is bubbling away nicely. If i stand near them with the fan off I can actually hear them fizzing away. its pretty neat. I rigged up my last plant to day so I can not see the bubbles from the tub, but this morning it was a steady stream (meant to take video. whoops) Placing a lighter under the tub and the flame does dance a bit as if being blown. so thats kind of cool. I think this system will in fact aid with adding co2. How much, still going with marginal at best on that. Still even if it add +30 ppm over the normal 300 ppm its not hurting but rather helping, barely. So I like i said before I will probably keep this going the rest of the grow.

Disclaimer: The experiment conducted in this post is not an a proven technique of CO2 supplementing. In fact all possible science provoked here is of the truest crack pottery. Exclusion to the previous statement is the fact that Yeast while consuming sugar produces CO2 emissions, thats true. This was an exercise in boredom and curiosity. any claims made of benefits will probably be exaggerated or completely fabricated. The quoting of this experiment as fact or proven growing aid is punishable by mauling and or death by velociraptors.
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