Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

This is my son that is up with you Doc... God forbid if something happens to him I'm sending you with the news and a big fat doobie... How fast can you run...:blushsmile:... He was in so much pain... With it being Sunday tomorrow I don't know if I'll ever be able to check on him... I just tried to call but everyone is already gone... He's probably so scared and I hope I didn't make it worse for him by dosing him.. I didn't know what else to do and he would scream so bad when I tried to move him before I dosed him... This just sucks...:circle-of-love:

I don't think you did the wrong thing in giving him the CCO. It brought his comfort up and his anxiety down. Also, you told the vet so they would be aware. He is in the right place now. Have faith. :circle-of-love::peace:
Super I was actually thinking about you after I saw him get hit and was sure wishing you were here... I tried really hard not to fall in love with this dog cause I knew my son would be coming back for him but I have had him for almost 2 years now and I failed miserably with the not falling for him part....:circle-of-love:
Wow boo. Why he get in the road. He ever did that before. Them dogs I would think never got to the road.
I haven't been able to find Barney a home and ever since he showed up here... He chases cars really bad.... that was fella's biggest issue with him... needless to say that's not his biggest issue any more.... but Paco started doing it with Barney and I can call Barney down and he will come directly to me every time... Paco... Flips me off...:straightface: The vet thinks he may know someone that will take Barney and fella has given me till Monday and if not I am going to have to take him to a shelter... It's gonna break my heart but I'm gonna end up in trouble... I can't afford the liability and honestly I can't afford to feed him... He is going through 55 lb bags of food every time I turn around it seems... He is such a sweet dog and he is such a good dog but he is huge and I just can't take care of him... If anyone out there knows someone that is anywhere within reason on the east side of the country and wants what looks to be a pure breed Great Pyrenees let me know... If there is some way I can be sure your not going to use him for a bait dog or something and you will give him a good home I will bring him to you... He's good with other animals... He doesn't eat my plants.... He would be a great guard dog for your outdoor grow and he just wants attention and lovin'.....:circle-of-love:
Dennise, My prayers and hopes go out to you and Paco. Dan
:thanks: lobo... It wouldn't be so bad if it was like people hospitals and you could call the nursing station and check on him or go see him from time to time on a Sunday but having to wait until Monday sucks...:thedoubletake: Thank you for real for the prayers my friend....:circle-of-love:
:hug: For Paco

:hug: For Dennise
Thank you my friend... It's been a real long day and I'm thankful my fella was here when I got home... I needed the hugs... He is so messed up... I can't even believe how horrible it looked... I think I am going to go sit in my garden for a bit... This breathing thing is starting to be a struggle...:circle-of-love:
Our pets define us and shape us as we grow up. When I was three living in Colorado my Dad bought a pure blood Labrador retriever and trained him for pheasant hunting. I didn't know to wait until Midnight brought the stick to me before tossing another. Needless to say I ruined him for hunting and he became my dog. I grew up with him as my best friend. We moved to Ca. and in the summers we would go to the mountain lakes for vacation. Dad would fish and midnight would swim around with me hanging on to his tail. We had him fixed and I can still picture the look he had when he tried to sit. One day he went through a barbed wire fence and nearly tore his penis off. My dad sewed it back up where it belonged and it healed fine. When we moved to the country we never kept our animals on a chain or penned up. Every month or so Midnight would disappear and be gone for three to five days and then he would come home with a shit eatting grin on his face and you knew he had been making the rounds of his girls. It is a well know fact that animals act to make us happier and relieve stress etc. Life without our pets would be untenable in my opinion. But I must admit that I like animals better than humans, hence my screen name. Have a great day. Dan
;) :peace: ;)
Thank you all so much... The vet called about 11 and said Paco is putting weight on that leg and hip. They didn't do xrays or anything last night to make sure he was stable enough to sedate. He is probably in right now... Doc said it would be done after lunch... He is being sedated... X-rayed... Then if he is not all mucked up they will do the surgery to repair his pecker and thigh... Doc also said again... The oil most likely saved him because he thinks it stopped him from going into shock....:thumb:.. He promised to call me after he was in recovery....:circle-of-love:
Lobo I love my animals more than anything or anyone on this planet.... I'd have sucked a barrel way to many times in my life had it not been for the undying and unconditional love of my babies... Make no mistake I would lay down and die for my boys.... But I would do the same for my animals... I can't imagine life without them...:circle-of-love:
I can run pretty fast and I can really roll a doobie fast so I am awaiting your command!

And I really don't think you did anything bad by giving him a bit. He likely relaxed and it did just what was needed at the time. Having to leave him on a Sunday by his lonesome does suck though. We had to leave one of our dogs at the vet for a week once. That was tough.

Bob ;)
Thanks Bob... If I haven't told you guys lately... I adore you... I'll be happy once I know he is awake.... We can heal the rest and if the oil makes it better for him... I'll share... Ya know they asked me the strangest 2 questions and even made me sign an ok about it before I left... First question was do you want him to be able to have pain meds and the second was do you want blood work done before surgery... Now who in the hell would say no to that..:confused: .....:circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Thank you all so much... The vet called about 11 and said Paco is putting weight on that leg and hip. They didn't do xrays or anything last night to make sure he was stable enough to sedate. He is probably in right now... Doc said it would be done after lunch... He is being sedated... X-rayed... Then if he is not all mucked up they will do the surgery to repair his pecker and thigh... Doc also said again... The oil most likely saved him because he thinks it stopped him from going into shock....:thumb:.. He promised to call me after he was in recovery....:circle-of-love:

:cheer: Paco! Our prayers are with him!

And....more comes to light on the benefits of the CCO....
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