Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I would continue on with the growth drench and then when she gets to be where buds are almost set I would recharge her and just keep on like normal. Make sure you give at least one more good trans drench before it is time for the cats and all should be good.
Ok so continue out an finish the veg calendar in the lil pamphlet that comes with the kit then start the flower chart like normal.
Hey Blaze! Happy New Year! Glad you are liking the kit! Dump the hydro, ha!:rofl:

That schedule thing is new so I've never used it and feel like it creates more confusion than without, there is not much difference with veg and bloom except the recharge/ewc (given at about 2 or 3 weeks into bloom but that may not be needed until later with autos, don't know, never grown an auto, just thinking that 2 weeks into flower with an auto is much earlier than with a photo) and the 2 cats, other than that the schedule is the same, alternate drenches with straight water in between. Does that answer your question?

Hey Blaze! Happy New Year! Glad you are liking the kit! Dump the hydro, ha!:rofl:

That schedule thing is new so I've never used it and feel like it creates more confusion than without, there is not much difference with veg and bloom except the recharge/ewc (given at about 2 or 3 weeks into bloom but that may not be needed until later with autos, don't know, never grown an auto, just thinking that 2 weeks into flower with an auto is much earlier than with a photo) and the 2 cats, other than that the schedule is the same, alternate drenches with straight water in between. Does that answer your question?


Yea kinda lol I jus thought since it was an auto it wud be the opposite of what u said an that 2 weeks into flower for an auto wud put that farther along into the flowering process then a photo at 2 weeks into flower. Or maybe I'm wrong I jus think sumthn that goes threw the flower stage quicker wud be farther along then the ones that didnt. But hey I've only been growing for a few years now so still pretty new plus this is my first time with the kit. But mainly I was wondering about I keep seeing people write about cats and timing certain drenches or sumthn I cant fully remember which or what but it was sumthn to do with the transition to flower so figured I'd ask an see if any1 had any tips on the best way to go about this lol. An since I got my gorilla glue#4 auto starting flower I figured I'd better ask lol.
Also completely off subject but I've been trying my hand at making rosin sonce I had a ton of semi useless buds well not really useless. Ut loaded with seeds since my last round was about preserving genetics an making some beans. An I didnt wana smke buds with beaners so decided it was hash bud or oil but I noticed it was kinda weak oil I figured it was do to making seeds. So then I tried making rosin in Hope's that wud be the best way to extract sumthn good from this. So I went an got a 25 dollar dam hair straightener and I'm barely even gettn any oil if any at all and I can see the buds have sparkles and crystals so I know they gotta have some jus wondering if this means my buds here are low in resin/oil content and will the kit make my buds have more resin?
Hey Blaze! Happy New Year! Glad you are liking the kit! Dump the hydro, ha!:rofl:

That schedule thing is new so I've never used it and feel like it creates more confusion than without, there is not much difference with veg and bloom except the recharge/ewc (given at about 2 or 3 weeks into bloom but that may not be needed until later with autos, don't know, never grown an auto, just thinking that 2 weeks into flower with an auto is much earlier than with a photo) and the 2 cats, other than that the schedule is the same, alternate drenches with straight water in between. Does that answer your question?

Adding the ewc during flowering is a way to boost activity in the soil and recharge is to prep the soil for next run right?

Need to get my learning cap on today :nomo:
Yes KB! Blaze this is why you wouldn't need recharge/ewc yet, your soil is still good. How long since you planted the autos in question? Most of us with photos, veg for 60 days or more, then another 14-21 days before recharge.

Any vets here growing autos that can confirm or deny?
Yep, recharge is to replenish the minerals in the soil... and I think the EWC is a little treat for the heard. Just dont want to use too much EWC cause it can make the heard sluggish. Or maybe the recharge is a treat for the heard... I cant remember. But they just keep the soil in check until the plant finishes.

Blaze, maybe look into making a tincture? Or use grain alcohol to extract the goodies then evaporate it off?
You could check out Master Wu green dragon tincture. Lots of ways to do it, just be careful!
Magoo! You’re rockin’ it man :D:cool:
That looks fantastic! :yummy:


Not here yet, but not far... :Namaste:
Yes KB! Blaze this is why you wouldn't need recharge/ewc yet, your soil is still good. How long since you planted the autos in question? Most of us with photos, veg for 60 days or more, then another 14-21 days before recharge.

Any vets here growing autos that can confirm or deny?

The 1 in question was planted on 11/21/18 in a 10 gal cloth pot of hb soil.
Sorry, no help here. Just not an auto kinda guy. Them I did grow I felt were 2-3 weeks ahead on things or I was slow. That being said I think speeding up the schedule's a bit may help an auto. I have only grown 5 so don't take that info to the bank.
Whats up everyone!?

Quick questions about transplanting from a aerocloner into our HB soil. I've seen earlier in the thread that going from hydro set up into the HB soil might cause some slight shock. What can I do besides the general transplant rules of being very gentle? Should I go lighter on the transplant drench? heavier?

Also, the clones are a 12 week Durban, anyone have tips with using the kit with landrace sativas? First time using the kit, and first time with a pure sativa.
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