Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

A ton. Read a ton just want re assurance as its well off my beaten path. Thanks for the info scrubby. It's the same method I've always used water very Lil get more roots get more bud. Well for the most part.
Just remember your feeding the soil with the drenches not the plant. So calculate the amount by how many gallons of soil your trying to water / feed not how many plants. Of course babies are less demanding on the soil so it can be cut down accordingly. :thumb:
Doc, I realize now, I gave Ca-Ma instead of Epsom Salts to most of my plants last feeding along with Growth. The Ca-Mg is Ca and Mg Nitrate, I understand the Nitrate form of N to be Growth oriented where as the Ammonium form of N is Reproductive. The plants greened up very quickly and look a little more leafy in 2-3 days Hopefully I didnt throw them into Growth too much and out of Flowering..
Any tips would be greatly appreciated..
..i know get rid of the Ca-Mg or dont use when sampling produce..:)
Doc, I realize now, I gave Ca-Ma instead of Epsom Salts to most of my plants last feeding along with Growth. The Ca-Mg is Ca and Mg Nitrate, I understand the Nitrate form of N to be Growth oriented where as the Ammonium form of N is Reproductive. The plants greened up very quickly and look a little more leafy in 2-3 days Hopefully I didnt throw them into Growth too much and out of Flowering..
Any tips would be greatly appreciated..
..i know get rid of the Ca-Mg or dont use when sampling produce..:)

I think that's damn smart Ziggy! There's nothing wrong with using some sound reasoning to solve problems.

You're 100% correct on the forms of N....the worry I have is that using too much MG can cause a few problems, but I think you did the right thing.

I recommend the Epsom salts due to the sulfur as well as the Mg, I think you did great, just go easy on the stuff!
Ok so my next feeding in like 3 days or so is it the growth energy I use?
Also being this small do I foliar with De stress this week?
Do I foliar with brix this week?
Ok so my next feeding in like 3 days or so is it the growth energy I use?
Also being this small do I foliar with De stress this week?
Do I foliar with brix this week?

1. how big are they?
2. how long have they been in dirt?
3. what have you fed so far and when?

You don't want to feed each and every time you water, so if you fed last time, just a bit of water this time is fine.

RE foliars: if everything looks perfect don't both with DeStress. Wait for 5 sets of true leaves before using Brix.
Been in soil since sprouted from coco plug
Only the transplant I fed.
Here's a pic this is the one I'm doing with house garden but they are both same size.
I noticed in your instructions you spec the HP Pro-Mix as 3.8 cu-ft bale, but on the label that came with the kit, you spec the Pro-Mix as 60 lbs. The only HP Pro-Mix I see offered is 2.2 cu-ft (compressed), which is supposed to expand to 4 cu-ft. It is definitely well under 60 pounds. Is this the correct size bale? Maybe other sizes are sold other places? I appear to have about 40 gallons of soil total between the HP and EWC.

A 3.8 cubic feet compressed bail is what the kit is designed for, 60 gallons of soil plus ewc is what it should come to.:Namaste:

Crap! I already mixed it all. I guess I can buy another bale and add about 40%-50% of it to what I already have.
Doc and other High-Brixers, just received my refractometer and I'm attempting to take some readings. I've searched this and other threads and just can't quite find the right search term to get what I need. What I'm looking for is how to get a sampling (of juice). I tried a mortar and pestle and a garlic press without much luck. Does anyone have a sure-fire method? Thx.

EDIT: I just saw that any2cards just ask the same question! How much plant material is needed, maybe that's my problem....
I dont do it anymore but my method was to wait until the plant has a few leaves to spare. Id pick off a few healthy turgid leaves from more than one location on the plant. If youve been foliaring they need to be rinsed and dried. wash and rinse your hands thoroughly first. Crush em up thoroughly in very clean and dry mortar and pestle. place that paste between two spoons and squeeze out a drop or two onto the clean glass field of the refractometer.

GT still does a lot of measuring. he will likely chime in.
I think u are gonna want closer to 73% of that second small bale.

3.8 - 2.2 = 1.6

if my maths are correct.

They are indeed correct. But for simplicity, I'd probably mix in all of the second bale and add a little extra roots, and for the water, I'd use 2-3 gals of 1/4 trans. in my line of thinking anyway. Maybe opt for the high side of the recommended EWC too...40lbs minimum.
They are indeed correct. But for simplicity, I'd probably mix in all of the second bale and add a little extra roots, and for the water, I'd use 2-3 gals of 1/4 trans. in my line of thinking anyway. Maybe opt for the high side of the recommended EWC too...40lbs minimum.

simplicity huh. thats confusing as hell to me so lets mix it up :D

i didn't fuck with roots or trans in my mix, just water, ammendment, ewc and dirt.

u cray cray or me is (i guess both!)
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