Double H: Second Grow With MarsHydro, SP3000 Over Three Autos

Hey all, I’m squeezing in a quick update today. Day 37 for these autos. I do believe they are about done with stretch and are building their little budlets!

I was able to track down some more of my lawn staples, but I’m still missing quite a few. I wonder where they have all gone? Either way, I found almost enough to tie them all, but only two pins for Jack Herer. She’s open enough in her structure, so I’m not too concerned.

Jack Herer

Mandarin cream xl

Og kush


The power setting is up to 50% now and so far, they are doing well with that. I’ll feed them later today and I’ll bump the MC up to 3.25g/gal. They are starting to drink more and more often, so I’m only going up .25g this time.

I think that’s all I have to share today. I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe out there! :love:
Your garden is just Beautiful my friend @Heavenly Hybrid :bravo:

Stay safe
Hope you are doing well also.:love:
3 beautiful ladies you've got there, HH- 3's gonna be a crowd pretty soon here....
has anyone checked the lawn?
And another obvious question: What the heck do you staple to the lawn?
Your garden is just Beautiful my friend @Heavenly Hybrid :bravo:

Stay safe
Hope you are doing well also.:love:
Thank you Bill :)
They all look happy and buddy!

This is an obvious question but I had to ask: has anyone checked the lawn?
Lol, the one place they couldn’t be :laughtwo:
3 beautiful ladies you've got there, HH- 3's gonna be a crowd pretty soon here....

And another obvious question: What the heck do you staple to the lawn?
Thanks carcass. Lol, that’s a good question, maybe that plastic stuff so grass or weeds won’t grow? :hmmmm:
Hi all! I’ve got a small issue to bring to the committee today. I think I know what to do, but I like to get your opinions too.

All three girls are showing varying degrees of symptoms, Og the most. Here’s the pics, I have forgotten which is which.

Their last feed was at 3.75g/gal and for the beginning of blooming, that’s probably too low. I fed them last night with a bumped up 4.25g/gal so I’m hoping that will help. But if it might be something other than underfed, please do say it!

Jack Herer

Mandarin cream xl

OG kush

Everybody :)

Mandarin cream is a real shorty, compared to the last grow, and that one was topped at the second node. I may just have to start topping lower/earlier on my autos?

That’s all I’ve got for today. I hope all is well with you, my grow buddies and your gardens are green. :)
Underfed was just what I was going to say! I'd get to 4.5 with the next watering and then 5.0 the one after that. Love all the pistilly puff balls. :)
Perfect, thanks Shed! They handled the 4.75 feeding well, so for the next, I’m thinking I’ll go 5.25g.
Hi HH!

Yes, time to up the feed.
Hungry girls! Thanks Felipe :)
The girls are looking great HH! :morenutes::slide:
Thank you CC, trying to keep them happy this time around. :)
They're looking good, HH-
Your training is working out real nice- get that hungry one a little more food, and everything will be
about as close to perfect as it can get!
Hi my grow buddies, I hope you’re all having a good Sunday (or Monday). :ciao:

It’s starting to get kind of exciting here. When I open the tent, I get a waft of those sweet smelling, baby buds. :yummy: We’re 47 days along, about halfway through, I’d bet. And without further ado…

Jack Herer
Still some signs of discoloring showing. I did increase their last feed to 5.12g/gal, and I’ll increase it one more time on their next feed, to somewhere in the 5.25-5.5 range.

Mandarin cream xl
She’s the least affected by the previous underfeedings. I just need to watch that she doesn’t get overfed, since it seems she’s not as hungry as the other two.

OG kush
OG seems like she’s bounced back pretty well. She is getting some wind damage, being right next to the fan. I adjusted the fan height up, but I may end up switching places on the mandarin and og, since mandarin is the house shortie.

And here’s the whole family.

Even in this pic, I can see that the Jack is lighter than the other two. I may need to make her, her own stronger feed?

That’s all I’ve got to share today. I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe out there, my sweet buds! :thumb:
Lookin good Hh! I love that part of the grow when the plants give you that lovely smell when you open the tent not to mention all the Guy Fiere heads everywhere!

I’m not much help as far as the diagnosis for the lighter leaves your seeing. Might be worth switching her over to your general organics nutes to see if that makes a difference.
Hiya HH! :passitleft:

Are you using any Epsom salt?
Hey Felipe! No, I haven’t used anything except the MC so far. What are you thinkin?
Lookin good Hh! I love that part of the grow when the plants give you that lovely smell when you open the tent not to mention all the Guy Fiere heads everywhere!

I’m not much help as far as the diagnosis for the lighter leaves your seeing. Might be worth switching her over to your general organics nutes to see if that makes a difference.
Lol, I can smell the fruits of my labor getting stronger! I’ll think about the GO line. They are a pain to measure and mix, so the thought of it makes my lazy side groan like a teenager who’s been asked to do the dishes. :laughtwo:

If I can’t work it out soon though, I will end up making the switch.
I’ll think about the GO line. They are a pain to measure and mix, so the thought of it makes my lazy side groan like a teenager who’s been asked to do the dishes. :laughtwo:

If I can’t work it out soon though, I will end up making
Hahaha you nailed it Hh, that’s the reason I don’t use Advanced Nutrients anymore too many bottles! I know from my experience it can be really hard to get the proper ratios with Mc, vegging with it no problem flowering that’s another thing. I’m a big fan of Flora Flex nutes it’s a 2 part powder really easy to use and I’ve been really happy with the results.
Hahaha you nailed it Hh, that’s the reason I don’t use Advanced Nutrients anymore too many bottles! I know from my experience it can be really hard to get the proper ratios with Mc, vegging with it no problem flowering that’s another thing. I’m a big fan of Flora Flex nutes it’s a 2 part powder really easy to use and I’ve been really happy with the results.
That’s the truth! I wish they never would have changed the formula. My last run of autos made it through pretty well with just MC (same bag as current). They fell off at the end, but it was really the end so I didn’t care. It’s just less to trim off at that point. I was hoping for the same luck this time around… we shall see!
That’s the truth! I wish they never would have changed the formula. My last run of autos made it through pretty well with just MC (same bag as current). They fell off at the end, but it was really the end so I didn’t care. It’s just less to trim off at that point. I was hoping for the same luck this time around… we shall see!
I have faith in you Hh!
You will get them to the finish line and have some great buds to harvest! A few ugly leaves is no big deal, you don’t smoke those.
Hey Felipe! No, I haven’t used anything except the MC so far. What are you thinkin?
I am remembering that my JHs seemed to like more Magnesium. You could try adding 1g/gal. I find it easier to dissolve it in a pint of warmed water before adding it to the rest of the mix.
I am remembering that my JHs seemed to like more Magnesium. You could try adding 1g/gal. I find it easier to dissolve it in a pint of warmed water before adding it to the rest of the mix.
Perfect! You already answered my next question. :) Thanks Felipe!
Such a pretty bunch of puffballs!
I just need to watch that she doesn’t get overfed, since it seems she’s not as hungry as the other two.
You can feed that one last and just add some water to dilute the mix down before you use it.
I may need to make her, her own stronger feed?
I like to make the strongest mix I need and then dilute it down for the plants that don't need it. Works for everything except it dilutes the silica ppm. Oh well, something's gotta give!
all the Guy Fiere heads everywhere
This! ↑
I wish they never would have changed the formula.
I can send you some of my v2.0. I probably still have 15lbs left!
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