DrZiggy's 2nd Journal - ACE Seeds - High Brix - LEDs

subbed up.
I have some Ace PCK x Kali. One of their limited editions strains.
Probably gone drop by the end of the month, need to get my ducks in a row and soil cooked.
: - )

Tell us you're planning on a journal kelticBlue.
Tell us you're planning on a journal kelticBlue.

Not sure my lazy butt could do a journal very well. I am gonna keep general notes. Maybe a piccy or two. A super small operation; CFLs, soil and maybe 2 plants at a time. I would only be able to update once a week since work takes me away for 3-4 days a week on average. Doesn't seem like I could do much but I have not ruled it out.

I dunno? :hmmmm:
Not sure my lazy butt could do a journal very well. I am gonna keep general notes. Maybe a piccy or two. A super small operation; CFLs, soil and maybe 2 plants at a time. I would only be able to update once a week since work takes me away for 3-4 days a week on average. Doesn't seem like I could do much but I have not ruled it out.

I dunno? :hmmmm:

you're always welcome to post here anything 420 related. I'm sure other HBers would also love to have you show and tell :)
Not sure my lazy butt could do a journal very well. I am gonna keep general notes. Maybe a piccy or two. A super small operation; CFLs, soil and maybe 2 plants at a time. I would only be able to update once a week since work takes me away for 3-4 days a week on average. Doesn't seem like I could do much but I have not ruled it out.

I dunno? :hmmmm:

I usually only update my journal once per week. Honestly, not much to comment on everyday anyway. A quick picture, a comment, and maybe a question, and you're done. The support and guidance is invaluable, unless you already have your HB/MJ chops. Even then...
you're always welcome to post here anything 420 related. I'm sure other HBers would also love to have you show and tell :)
And not just the HB growers.
. . . The support and guidance is invaluable, unless you already have your HB/MJ chops.

:rofl: Indeed I do not have the chops. Trying to work out my lessons in soil now. Hopefully get some mistakes behind me with bag seed (currently under way) then on to the real deal. I am inclined toward LOS in 5 gal cloth pots. Yikes! Just the thought makes my hands shake.

: - )
:rofl: Indeed I do not have the chops. Trying to work out my lessons in soil now. Hopefully get some mistakes behind me with bag seed (currently under way) then on to the real deal. I am inclined toward LOS in 5 gal cloth pots. Yikes! Just the thought makes my hands shake.

: - )

Just start following the HB journals and you'll get hang of it in no time bud. It's really hard to screw up, believe me I've tried (not on purpose). A lot of us are using the kit for the 1st time and the learning curve gets a lot smaller if you do a journal. I only update mine with pics on the weekend then pop in after work to see what everyone is up to. There is no pressure to constantly post but when you do the gang is there to show support or help or whatever, sometimes just to B.S. Doing a journal will also get you super fast customer service from Doc, he follows all his disciples journals lol. No point in learning any other method you found the only one you'll need.
The encouragement is awesome.
I have read through the basics and instructions of 'the kit'. I like it. Just have to do the math for a single 7 gal operation. I am gonna keep reading through the journals for now.
Sadly, I have no room to spare in my studio apt. And I only need enough for my Missus.(nothing for me) So my interest in the kit is the quality not the quantity. Me like the sound of that. WhooT!
I really like what DrZiggy has done here in relation to getting some seeds and propagation. I would love to do that with my PCKxKali from ace.:adore:
Just have to do the math for a single 7 gal operation.

From my Drench calculator for a single plant in a 7 gal. pot:

Tea = 0.5 ml
Growth Energy or Transplant = 4 ml
1/4 Transplant = 1 ml
Cat = 2 ml
DeStress or Brix foliar at the rate of 1 ml in 30 ml water.

These will get you in the ballpark and ended up working great for me. Hope it helps!
Hope it helps!

Hell yeah! That helps.
!!you rock !!

So I guess a clarification, I have seen the pictures of it. I think I understand, the kit is what it is. The proMix, perlite and worm poop are where I start with going 7 gallons at first. The kit amends and does magic to that mix as you go along. You would not use all the kit right away.
At those mix levels, Am I wrong in thinking the kit should last a long time with a small grow. Many happy plants.

The picture seen on this page, The Basics of Doc Bud's High Brix Blend Kit w/ Instructions - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®

(I seriously live in 600 sq ft)(with the Missus and 2 cats)
The help is truly appreciated.
I gotta get some food and sleep. I am up for work early (before 4 am eastern)
Not sure my lazy butt could do a journal very well. I am gonna keep general notes. Maybe a piccy or two. A super small operation; CFLs, soil and maybe 2 plants at a time. I would only be able to update once a week since work takes me away for 3-4 days a week on average. Doesn't seem like I could do much but I have not ruled it out.

I dunno? :hmmmm:

You noticing all of us encouraging you kelticBlue? That's because we know how much you can benefit from having all these talented and creative people watching over your shoulder. Many only update weekly. Some of us are just more long-winded and post daily. :green_heart:

You'll never know how you'll like it until you try.
:rofl: Indeed I do not have the chops. Trying to work out my lessons in soil now. Hopefully get some mistakes behind me with bag seed (currently under way) then on to the real deal. I am inclined toward LOS in 5 gal cloth pots. Yikes! Just the thought makes my hands shake.

: - )

Right up my alley baby. Your hands should shake with anticipation, not fear. Good LOS is the easiest and most rewarding soil in the world to grow in. Plant the seed, water, surround with light and harvest amazing bud.

I hear you guys. :laughtwo: I've just started with the HB kit, so I can't speak authoritatively on it yet, the way the rest of you can. Give me another couple months.

If you're serious about LOS, there are numerous resources becoming available on the site. Ask anything. Since we're on Ziggy's thread and I am working in HB soil as well, I'd be remiss not to encourage you to look closely at the kit. Cost effective, easy to run, exciting energy and stunning plants. What's not to love? :love:
kelticBlue;2526278f said:
You would not use all the kit right away.
At those mix levels, Am I wrong in thinking the kit should last a long time with a small grow. Many happy plants.

You are correct. With a single plant, you have 6 harvests even before you decide on re-running the soil.
its just over $15/plant(including shipping) for the kit, not including the ProMix, and EWC. :)

plus 'tech' support is awesome and free...service is awesome, the kit is kick butt and seriously..if I haven't killed a plant with the crazy things I've tried playing with the kit, you won't either...you will grow the most amazing produce, whether herb(s), fruits, veggies.. you've had.. :thumb:
So I guess a clarification, I have seen the pictures of it. I think I understand, the kit is what it is. The proMix, perlite and worm poop are where I start with going 7 gallons at first. The kit amends and does magic to that mix as you go along. You would not use all the kit right away.
At those mix levels, Am I wrong in thinking the kit should last a long time with a small grow. Many happy plants.

Just to be clear, the kit has the correct amount of amendment for roughly six 7 gallon pots. You'd use 1/6 of the amendment for each pot. But it would be better if you had room to store and tend the other 35 gallons of mixed soil - keep it alive and healthy. Or even a half batch at a time - 3 pots worth.

The foliars and drenches store a very long time as long as you keep them cool, and are careful not to contaminate them - I've had a couple for over a year.
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