Dutchman's Auto Quads Vs LST With A Critical+2.0 Twist!

Try making a panini sandwich with it. ;)
- Update -

Crystal Candy Autos #1 and #2
Day - 80

Pineapple Express Autos #1 and #2
Day - 80 PEa1 / Day - 79 PEa2

Day - 101 / Flip Day - 41

March 1
Well hello everyone! It’s another beautiful day here at Dutch’s garden. Plants are growing, trichomes are glistening and the scent of Rosin and weed is in the air! Let me not waste anytime with blabbering.... here we go!

The autos.... well well well!

PEa1 has improved but has never gone back to a nice green colour. She’s still lightly coloured and has a ways to go but I just wish I could get her stronger. I’ve increased her feed and she’s shown better health so hopefully she continues. As long as she turns out some Trichome covered meds I’ll be happy to press her out.

PEa2 is green and looking good still a bit on the lighter side but frosty and growing well. She’s got time to fill out and I’m hoping to see some decent nugs on her come harvest.

CCa1 is maturing nicely and won’t be to much longer. Each day I can see more pistils turning reddish orange and her buds have swelled nicely. Not quite as frosty as her sister but still looking good I’m excited to see how she smokes after a cure!

CCa2 has been steadily ripening and I’m at a point where I feel comfortable calling it on her. Every bud has ambers and there is minimal white pistils left. I see no new growth and her water uptake has basically stopped. I believe tomorrow will be chop day for her!! Here are a few Trichome pictures for you all! Let me know what you think!

As we keep moving along I’ve got some lovely closeups of the critical ladies today! Their buds are swelling and frosting up beautifully! The lemon fuel is stronger by the day and I get so excited opening the tent to look at them! They are swelling up nicely now and have been pushing out new pistils with steady bud growth this week! I can’t wait to see how these 2 plants finish off. If the continue to bulk and frost which I’m confident they will I’m sure I’ll get a good haul off them! Anyways enough of me talking here’s some bud shots!

Well that about sums up this update! I hope you all are well and stay medicated!!
I'd say your call is right on. Those trichs look just about right to me. :thumb:
Highya Dutchie,

Beautiful buds on the Criticals! Very nice job. Your PEa's are looking respectable. Quadline will outweigh the lst lady by a good margin. Nice to know. CCas should trim pretty easy. I'm still looking for a "lights out" indica for some nights. The fun of discovery.
I'm not very chatty this time of year, but I did want to tell you I like your work. Looks like you're wringing every microgram of trichomes. A worthy goal. Cheers
Love the trich shots! What are you using to take them?
Thanks stirstick! I actually use my phone with a macro lens attachment and an app to take all my pictures.

I'd say your call is right on. Those trichs look just about right to me. :thumb:
Excellent! Thanks for the input beez! I’m glad I waited on her a big longer she filled out a bit more and got some extra colour to her! Excited to give her a sample haha!

Highya Dutchie,

Beautiful buds on the Criticals! Very nice job. Your PEa's are looking respectable. Quadline will outweigh the lst lady by a good margin. Nice to know. CCas should trim pretty easy. I'm still looking for a "lights out" indica for some nights. The fun of discovery.
I'm not very chatty this time of year, but I did want to tell you I like your work. Looks like you're wringing every microgram of trichomes. A worthy goal. Cheers
Thanks a ton Bode! I appreciate you stopping by and giving me your kind words! The Pink Kush and BadAzz Kush I’ve got from Barney’s should be some killer night time meds same with the PurpleQueen I have. Ive been wanting some good kush strains and I’m hoping these will be it! I would like to breed with the purple queen if I get a winning pheno!
- Update -

Crystal Candy Autos #1 and #2
Day - 82

Pineapple Express Autos #1 and #2
Day - 82 PEa1 / Day - 81 PEa2

Day - 103 / Flip Day - 43

March 3
Hey everyone! I’m sorry I missed you all yesterday but life got busy and I wasn’t able to make it on for an update. I did however have an eventful day and things are on the move!

Let’s start this off!

CCa2 got placed into the dark yesterday evening. She remained there until today when she got the chop!! Definitely a small plant not much in the weight department but boy does she stink and she’s nicely coated in frost! I’ve got some pictures from today’s harvest.

I’ll post some Trichome pictures later tomorrow! Overall she turned out pretty nice! I wish she was bigger but her quality looks great and she’s got some rock solid buds! They are dense! CCa1 isn’t far behind to be next in line for the chop. She’s filled out and has slowed down on drinking. I think she may be getting the chop next weekend.

Both PE girls are doing well but PEa1 is faded and light in colour. She has been chunking up nicely though and starting to stink. I think PEa2 will be coming down before the quadline but PEa1 will definitely yield more.

Critical ladies are bulking up and are frosty frosty!! I can’t wait for them to finish off. They will be needing another water tomorrow and I’ll be starting with the first feeding of OverDrive. This will continue until harvest now for a late phase bloom booster. I can’t wait to see these ladies fatten and bulk up over the next few weeks!!! Here’s some photos from today!

Anyways I hope you all have been enjoying your weekend and are ready for the week ahead! I will leave you all with a fat chunk of some BlueBerry Rosin I pressed today and a video link if you feel so inclined!

Squeezin Blueberry Rosin

Stay Medicated!
Nice looking harvest :thumb:

I noticed you used advanced nutrients. I run pretty much the exact same nutes. Did you follow their feeding schedule or did you pair it back from there recommended feeding I'm asking because I followed there schedule and ended up with nute burn on the tips of my leaves was wondering if you experienced the same thing
Congrats on the harvest, Dutch! Quality over quantity seems to be a good thing in your case. :thumb:
- Update Day -

Crystal Candy Autos #1 and #2
Day - 23

Pineapple Express Autos #1 and #2
Day - 23 PEa1 / Day - 22 PEa2

Day - 44


What’s up everyone! I’ve got lots to go over today so I’m giving you a warning that this will be a BIG update!
So without to much chit chat I’ll try to dive right on in!

No food or water was given today.

So as mentioned yesterday it was time to start the quadline on the autoflowers PEa1 and CCa1. I remvoed them from the tent and began the process of starting off the "X" pattern. I only wanted to stress them once with the topping and node removal so it was all done today. Once both the girls were topped and had the lower nodes 1 and 2 removed I placed them back in the tent. I will let the pictures do the talking. If there are ANY questions at all about the process please ask and I will try my best to explain!

Once I returned to the tent I was inspecting CCa2 and decided she could begin her LST training as well since she was getting big enough I could bend her over. So with tying her main stalk to the edge of the pot I gently bent her over and tied her in the opposite direction. She will continue to get tied down and outwards to promote the lowers and inner growth.

PEa2 is still a bit to small to start this training on her so ill give her another few days. Still no signs of any pistils on either PE auto. From what I have read and heard from other members is the PE from @Barneys Farm Official starts showing preflowers around day 30. So I should start seeing them in the next week im assuming.

Now taking a look at the Critical+2.0 girls. #2 has been growing steady and perked up lovely since being transplanted earlier this week. I have been continuing to tie her down and work her 4 main branches out to the edges of the pot. On #1 I have been trying a little experiment. Looking back on a previous update I removed the lower growth on the branches.

But with this girl I wanted to try something different and save both growth tips. So over the past few days I have been massaging and manipulating that branch to bend and twist allowing both growth tips to start moving up. @Asesino85 i was wondering if you have ever tried this? I am doing it on both of the top branches to see how they do. Unlike with #2 where they have been removed entirely.

Maybe it wont work but from the looks of the training and manipulation so far they both seem to be growing upward giving me that extra growth tip. If it continues this way maybe this will be an addition to the overall structure of the quadline moving forward.

Phewf ! That was a lot to get through and I appreciate you all for listening. With the start of the Auto Quads im pretty excited. I hope they dont get slowed down but we will see!

Best wishes to you all and stay medicated my friends !
So useful seeing an experienced growers autos to benchmark against!
Big thanks
Nice looking harvest :thumb:

I noticed you used advanced nutrients. I run pretty much the exact same nutes. Did you follow their feeding schedule or did you pair it back from there recommended feeding I'm asking because I followed there schedule and ended up with nute burn on the tips of my leaves was wondering if you experienced the same thing
Hey N420 I reduced their recommended dosage to 1/2 strength at my highest dose feed. Never went above 8-10ml of bloom a+b per gallon. All the boosters I maxed out like BigBud and BudCandy at 8mL per gallon. I am switching away from AN though because I am wanting an easier feedigin method. MegaCrop is my go to nutrient for my upcoming rounds and so far my one critical clone is loving it!!

Hope that helps let me know if you have any other questions !!

Congrats on the harvest, Dutch! Quality over quantity seems to be a good thing in your case. :thumb:
Absolutely! I would rather a smaller harvest of premium buds than a pound of buds that don’t smoke lol! My new Rosin Press is going to be worked hard I can tell you that much hahaha!!

So useful seeing an experienced growers autos to benchmark against!
Big thanks
Hey Norris! Welcome to my neck of the garden here on :420:and I’m glad you could make it over! These autos aren’t the biggest but they have the quality! I’ll be sure improve the next Autoflower round so not to worry haha! Hope your well friend
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