Experiments With Blue Cheese - Brassic Style

Nothing wrong with emotions there Reg. Dres will back me up on that, I'm quite an emotional dude myself. You Know we can learn a whole lot from our elders. Noone is re-inventing the wheel here.I applied some good old fashioned common sense here and came up with what I got. Lest us not forget, the old ways are sometimes SIMPLY the best ! There is a tendency to be going with the latest and greatest and to forget the roots of good technology. For sure technology has brought us on in leaps and bounds, but it comes at a price. Sometimes SIMPLES will do.
Heya, BB :ciao:

Looking good. I'm going to try this out soon. I love not having to buy anything. What is the reason behind the 2700K versus 6500K? I have an abundance of 2700K bulbs, but assumed I'd need 6500K.

Aww, Reg. I hope you feel better. Missing loved ones is hard every day, but hits especially hard on the holidays. You're in my thoughts :circle-of-love:

And amen on the thought of technology being great, but the past still being ripe with valuable lessons. One thing I cherish nowadays is handwritten letters. In this age of digital communication a handwritten letter is so sentimental and meaningful. Everyone write a letter to someone you love :love:
hey dres the light question you have one spectrums is for veg one is more for flowering
2700k more for flowering
the 6500 better for veg
err yea why?
I just use litro grow lights full spectrum t-8 bulbs they do great
pricey tho
Why would you want 2700K instead of 6500K for a clone?

Hey Dres,

Reasoning behind 2700k is that we need to suppress growth in the top of the cutting and let it concentrate on making new roots. The process will still work under broad spectrum light but probably works better under 2700k. It's just established wisdom, but I'm no expert, it works though.
Hey everyone,

Quick update on Dresney. I left her on the table so she's getting no special treatment. Temp around 70F RH 40% ish. Light is whatever is going on in the room. She must be well confused ! Anyways around 42 hours later, here she is holding her own and seems to have got through the first part of the ordeal ok.


Harvest pics up next.
OK here's the first batch,

Several shots of before she got the blade. There were some amazing colours going on in there.


I decided not to go all the way and kill her off. There was a lot of immature stuff lower in the canopy. It's not very clear here, but the canopy is nicely leveled off now. So I've lowered the lights, and if she recovers from the shock we'll see if she can ripen the remaining bud over the next week or two.


There are some lighters in there somewhere for scale. Quick bud shot before I get to work on trimming. More in a few hours.

I don't like scissor days.

Two colas got rejected for suspected mould growth. So need to look at air circulation before next flower cycle. RH was low and stable. Probably upwards of a half oz. loss. Anyways I'm hoping spores have not infected any more. I'll guess there is around 2 oz. dry, will update when I get the number.

I don't like scissor days.

Two colas got rejected for suspected mould growth. So need to look at air circulation before next flower cycle. RH was low and stable. Probably upwards of a half oz. loss. Anyways I'm hoping spores have not infected any more. I'll guess there is around 2 oz. dry, will update when I get the number.


Damn nice nuggage, I love the Blue cheese strain. Looking good :bravo:
Congrats Brit.
When will you be chopping the rest of Gloria? I'm watching this as I have a sense that a lot of the bigger indoor plants could have the same issue with lower buds not being as far along as their upper buds.
Congrats Brit.
When will you be chopping the rest of Gloria? I'm watching this as I have a sense that a lot of the bigger indoor plants could have the same issue with lower buds not being as far along as their upper buds.

Hey Reg,

I think I'll give her around a week to see if there is some noticeable progress. I'm pushed for time as there are some more plants waiting for the space. There could be issues re self pollination if she's got overly stressed with today's chop. For what is left to gain, might not be worth the time and effort. I'll update every couple of days on this. Ultimately this plant has got to go, there is nothing of great value in her pheno type that I wish to save. She was a learning project, and has been invaluable in that respect.
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