Fudo's Spring Organic Sativa Grow

Congrats on the cooking soil and the bulking buds! When it's all trimmed and jarred those leaves will be just a distant memory.
Thanks Shed! I hope so because right now they’re pretty aggravating lol.
Day 105, day 41 of flower

Buds are still putting on weight and drinking plenty. I’ll be giving them straight water for a couple waterings and see if that helps any. The ph is 6.5 with all the Junk in it and 7.0 right from the tap. There’s some mosquito bits in there but that’s it. I haven’t measured it as of late but I need to keep better track of it. These Sativa’s definitely need a little more care. Lesson learned.


Whatever is bothering the leaves doesn't look like it bugging the flowers!

Good call in the water only. What was it that made you add the calmag and Terp?
Thanks Shed, I hope it stays that way. I’m holding my breath.

Long story short, I simply mistook lock out for deficiency. And I’m still not sure lol.
@InTheShed , ya know, I think @Krissi Carbone mentioned root issues from my last grow and I didn’t believe it because it didn’t affect all the plants equally. Now I’m seeing the same stuff here, etc…The gnats are confusing me lol.
Day 107, day 43 of flower

Today is the beginning of week 7. The B2 is a 8-9 week plant so I’m not really worried about her but the others still got me concerned.
The bugs have made a resurgence. I noticed yesterday morning and mixed an extra strength dose of bits and that’s all they got. 1.25 gallons each.

The girls are fighting hard. I’m seeing new pistils on all the plants less the right side Malawi. She seems to have stalled, fn bugs. I need this to sort itself out in a hurry.

I’m mixing this rain water in when I turn the soil later today.



Gnats causing problems? I'm with Shed that luckily the buds seem not the slightest bit compromised. Leaves, eh, another story but like the last grow of yours, these flowers are exquisite. Have you tried the Ecoworks Neem Oil for the bugs?
Gnats causing problems? I'm with Shed that luckily the buds seem not the slightest bit compromised. Leaves, eh, another story but like the last grow of yours, these flowers are exquisite. Have you tried the Ecoworks Neem Oil for the bugs?
Thanks Krissi, they look great if your focus isn’t drawn to the brown crap.

No I haven’t but I’ll check it out and add it to the arsenal.

Your buds look great, huge and even. Hard pressed to see better ones.
Thanks Kristi, they look great if your focus isn’t drawn to the brown crap.
I wasn't looking at the brown crap...in your gardens it's those colorful buds and bright foliage that catch my eye!
No I haven’t but I’ll check it out and add it to the arsenal.
It's a game changer. Not a single gnat this grow and I had much trouble with them last summer!
Your buds look great, huge and even. Hard pressed to see better ones.
Awww thanks so much Fudo!! They're growing faster than I anticipated but that's always a good thing, right?!!
I just want to double check that the mosquito bits are sitting dissolved in water at least 24 hours before you use them. The longer they sit the stronger they are.
Sure thing Shed. I put 2 heaping tablespoons per 4 gallons-ish yesterday at 6:00am. Sometimes I bubble it, this time I did not. I was only using 1.5tbs and only adding a little every couple days. It apparently got weak.
I just want to double check that the mosquito bits are sitting dissolved in water at least 24 hours before you use them. The longer they sit the stronger they are.
Aaaah this must be why I always asked myself why everyone was pointing me towards mosquito dunks in the past and I thought they were useless :laughtwo:


Still have amazing results with this...where are you? I can send you one of mine if you'd like.

Aaaah this must be why I always asked myself why everyone was pointing me towards mosquito dunks in the past and I thought they were useless :laughtwo:


Still have amazing results with this...where are you? I can send you one of mine if you'd like.

Thanks Krissi, but my paranoia would never allow it. I’d rather live in the fantasy of anonymity that the matrix has provided for us. :laugh:
Thanks Krissi, but my paranoia would never allow it. I’d rather live in the fantasy of anonymity that the matrix has provided for us. :laugh:
Totally understand Fudo! I couldn't have put it better!
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