Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1

Thank you!

Thanks. :battingeyelashes: In my mind, mainlining differs from manifolding in the manner and timing in which the pruning is done. They are similar but different enough that I feel different names are appropriate. I'd be happy to change the name mainlining to something else, but to me it's not quite the same as manifolding - though extremely close. I'm only going to mainline for 8 colas because I also believe there may be a decent number of secondary branches from the Skunk Hazes to deal with. I'm not as certain what to expect from Special Queen so I'll play it safe and only prune for 8 with her as well.

I hear what you're saying about the pH and have read the same things but I'm not entirely certain my soil is playing by the same rules since I replaced the peat moss with coconut coir, and as a result, I skipped lime. It may also be that my soil mix is just not established enough yet. If I see any negative reactions to lowering the pH I will certainly not do it again, but I'd like to see if it helps.

I have a confession to make. The molasses I used was not organic. :shhh: Technically, I just blew my organic qualification, but it's what I had on hand. Such is life.

If the soil is not buffered with lime, you would probably want to adjust pH with your nutes and water.

Also, if you decide to broadcast a little lime, no dolomite. You should use calcitic lime.
Looking good Fuzz! Theyre so symmetrical right now! Topping is great. So many more bud sites and quite a love of mine. I enjoy watching them get all bushy! :)

Thanks! I hate the waiting time between when you top and when you wait for the plant to forgive you and plump back up. I know it will happen, but I feel better about abusing them when it actually does. :rollit:

If the soil is not buffered with lime, you would probably want to adjust pH with your nutes and water.

Also, if you decide to broadcast a little lime, no dolomite. You should use calcitic lime.

I will definitely keep this in mind, thank you! I probably won't try it this time because I already feel like everything I add and do is just an educated guess with an emphasis on "guess". :laughtwo: However, I will consider it when I re-amend the soil between grows for sure.
I wouldn't be concerned about the molasses. One can get completely carried away with the "organic" designation. Life needs more flexibility. I don't use organic molasses either and I don't think the world will shift on its axis because of that. :laughtwo:
Good job with the topping. Now the lateral branches will explode with growth. You will have bushy girls in no time. :thumb: :love: :Namaste:
I wouldn't be concerned about the molasses. One can get completely carried away with the "organic" designation. Life needs more flexibility. I don't use organic molasses either and I don't think the world will shift on its axis because of that. :laughtwo:

*Gasp* You don't use organic molasses! Sue, I'm shocked. :blalol: :laughtwo:

morning hugs :hug:

Good morning my dear! How are you doing?

:hug: :circle-of-love: :hug:

Good job with the topping. Now the lateral branches will explode with growth. You will have bushy girls in no time. :thumb: :love: :Namaste:

Thank you! I like bushy. Do me a favor and tell them to hurry up. I try but they don't listen to me. :battingeyelashes:
Photos - Day 28
I don't really notice any improvement yet with these ladies, but I don't think they've gotten much worse. I hung a white LED bulb in the closet for the sole purpose of getting better light over Special Queen when I take pictures. This may better "illuminate" the problem. :blalol: They all definitely had some growth overnight, but it was slower than pretopping. Tomorrow should be better. I hope.

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2)

These ladies received the same water I gave the photos yesterday: 1 tbsp molasses in roughly a gallon of fish tank water. Even though I don't know yet if it's helping the photos, I figure it's unlikely to hurt them either. *Fingers crossed* Ideally, I could use another light in here for pictures as well but I'm out of sockets.


Quick One - Day 10. I'm curious to see if the lower pH water uncurls this ladies leaves.

Bubble Gum - Day 11

Dark Devil (1) - Day 11

Dark Devil (2) - Day 9

As one of my favorite pigs say, "Tha-tha-that's all folks!" :circle-of-love:
They are for sure different as you said. And I honestly dont care about the name.. Who are we to change the name lol. Plus it serves it well. Its all on the main line of growth. But I think manifold is on the main line too so IDK. Im interested to see your final result even tho our situations arent the same. My bulbs are in for my DC so Im about to move it to my smaller tent.
Photos - Day 29
Woohoo! All the leaves seem to be improving. So either they loved the molasses or they loved the lower pH. Maybe a little of both.

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2). The color difference on this one under the T5 is killing me. If my memory is correct, the bulbs in there now were only used for a couple months. However, I'm going to take them all out and put brand new bulbs in there today to see if it helps at all. I'm thinking 3 grow and 1 bloom.

Remember these ladies were watered with the molasses yesterday as well. Everybody seems to be doing well EXCEPT Quick One. *Grumble grumble*

Quick One - Day 11

Bubble Gum - Day 12

Dark Devil (1) - Day 12

Dark Devil (2) - Day 10

Time is ticking away and I'm one leaf closer to my b-day / snip a bud day! Oops, just realized I took the picture before I put today's pom pom on. Ah well.

Have a lovely day everyone!
They're starting to fill in their nests quite well :) Looking good Fuzzy Wuzzy!! I bet that quick one takes off before you know it. I have faith!

Fuzzy Wuzzy...:laughtwo: This fuzzy wuzzy wishes she had a bear. Maybe a nice koala or panda... :blalol:

You have more faith than I do. I'm inclined to believe I'll rip her leaves off one by one in a fit of frustration and feed her to my worms if she doesn't shape up. All I know for sure is she better hope space does not become an issue in that closet, because at this point she will be the first to go.
:goodjob: My mouth is watering thinking about your fine selection of smoke your gonna have. I wish I had the brains, balls, and what ever else it takes to grow that many different strains at once. Im a buffet type person. :) I like having a little of everything. Im going to grow me some Autos one of these days. But until then. :popcorn: Ill just sit back and watch yours grow.
:goodjob: My mouth is watering thinking about your fine selection of smoke your gonna have. I wish I had the brains, balls, and what ever else it takes to grow that many different strains at once. Im a buffet type person. :) I like having a little of everything. Im going to grow me some Autos one of these days. But until then. :popcorn: Ill just sit back and watch yours grow.

I have to grow multiple strains at once because I don't have the patience to try them all one at a time. :)

I'd love to have a solo cup grow like dick23rk has with a different strain in each cup. And then have like a dozen budsicles of all different flavors to sample. Maybe 1 gallon fabric pots instead of cups though. I suspect they'd be more difficult to knock over. Anyway, now that would be a buffet. :yummy:
Good morning everyone!

Photos - Day 30

Special Queen #1. She continues to look better.

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2). I put new bulbs in the T5 yesterday (3 grow, 1 bloom), and I think her color looks a little more vibrant today. It might be my imagination though. I have, however, seen enough to know I will not be using the T5 again after this grow. Yep, that means I'll be buying ANOTHER LED. :) (My husband isn't a member here but he's been reading my journal to keep up with how the plants are doing. I love you honey! :love: :laughtwo:)

All the autos got topped today. Even the youngest DD2. The photos are after the topping. I was going to do before and afters but it was such a small difference I didn't bother. I also lowered their LED lights to 24" above them. I'll stop here and just let them grow up to the light now.

Quick One - Day 12. Wah wah wah. I feel like she's going to be one of those plants I have to fight with through the whole grow to keep happy. I'm not sure I care enough about her to stress over what are clearly "her" issues. The other autos look fine so...yeah, I don't know. I went light on the nutes in these auto pots and may top dress them earlier than planned at the next watering.

Bubble Gum - Day 13

Dark Devil (1) - Day 13

Dark Devil (2) - Day 11

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have an amazing day! :thanks:
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