Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

To do:
1. Upper body workout. Check!
2. 30 minute stroll on the treadmill. Check!
3. Food and water intake. Check!
4. Shit-Shower-Shave. Check!
5. Check plants. Check!
6. Hit really good Rosin...Several times. Check!
7. Sit in Lazy Boy and start watching GOT. Check!

Have a nice day! Check!
All is well. Gotta give blood tomorrow morning to check cholesterol and triglycerides again, but everything is good-to-hook as far as the doctor is concerned. She’s happy with my weight loss and fitness am I.

4 days from now will be the one year anniversary of me having a freaking heart attack. 9 days from today will be the one year anniversary of them taking a jigsaw to my chest. I still can’t believe it.

Here’s a pro tip from the old guy: If you workout, eat right, and really try to take care of your heart, keep on it. If you don’t...start today. I do not recommend waiting until they need to crack your chest. It’s much harder, trust me.

If you can’t run...walk. If you can’t walk...roll baby! Do whatever you can to increase your cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness. It truly makes a difference. End rant. :Namaste:
But I love my brownies. Canna oil brownies.

You’re not alone.

The difference is, before my heart attack I’d eat a pan of brownies or even a whole cake in an afternoon...3 or 4 times per week! Now, I limit myself to a few treats on Sundays. Oh...and now I look like the Rock. :cheesygrinsmiley: Well, closer anyways. :headbanger:
Nice work Grandpa, on the plants and the health regime.
I need to do a bit more diet wise, fell into a few bad habits.... Hehe.
Hope your well.
All is well. Gotta give blood tomorrow morning to check cholesterol and triglycerides again, but everything is good-to-hook as far as the doctor is concerned. She’s happy with my weight loss and fitness am I.

4 days from now will be the one year anniversary of me having a freaking heart attack. 9 days from today will be the one year anniversary of them taking a jigsaw to my chest. I still can’t believe it.

Here’s a pro tip from the old guy: If you workout, eat right, and really try to take care of your heart, keep on it. If you don’t...start today. I do not recommend waiting until they need to crack your chest. It’s much harder, trust me.

If you can’t run...walk. If you can’t walk...roll baby! Do whatever you can to increase your cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness. It truly makes a difference. End rant. :Namaste:
Preach brother!!! :high-five:
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