Graytail's Cupwinners in High Brix Soil - 4x4 - 600W HPS - Perpetual

Another week, another bunch of pictures:

I'm disappointed in Hawaiian Snow. She gave up, darn it. I think the last cat drench was too much for her - the previous mineralized soil plants didn't react well to it, either, but as I said, I didn't have much to lose. She was starting to bulld some good fat buds, but her clock just ran out. So, I'll chop her and (ugh) manicure her, and see what I get. It'll be good quality resin, I'm sure, but I think there's going to be too much plant material to make it a pleasure to smoke. She'll probably end up being mostly kief.

Hawaiian Snow - 170 days old - 154 days 12/12 - 120 days since pistils - brix 15/15





JD3 is busy building calyxes and growing trichs, but ... ahem ... it woulda been kinda nice if she'd stretched a bit first. She was all of 17 inches tall on Saturday. I have to figure out why my plants don't stretch anymore. Part of it may be overtraining. I also think I should put the veg lights on a timer and go to 20/4.

JD3 - 82 Days old - 28 days 12/12 - 18 since pistils - brix 12/14





White Panther is keeping right up with JD3 - a bit behind in trich production, but she looks heartier.

White Panther - 90 days old - 28 days 12/12 - 17 since pistils - brix 11/12





I'm lovin' this Wild Thailand!

Wild Thailand - 56 Days old - 11 days 12/12 - brix 11/11





Panama continues to show good vigor. She's poppin' pistils all over the place. I may get some stretch out of this one. I can't tell if she's a red or green pheno yet. Occasionally, I see some reddish aura in the fresh new leaves and the veins on the undersides are redder than usual, but I may just be seeing things. The green is supposed to be buzzier anyway.

Panama - 59 Days - 12 days 12/12 - brix 12/13





I topped WP1 and it'll produce 7 good branches. I'm going to leave it at that and see if it helps with vegging and stretch. Maybe I've been training for too many tops.

WP1 - 42 Days old



Tangerine Dream perked a up a little after her last spraying of Stress, so I stuck her in the flower room. I have some bare floor, so I'll nurse her a bit and see if she responds. If not, she's a goner.

Tangerine Dream - 58 Days



Utopia Haze got potted Sunday. I'll probably LST her some time this week - get some more branches growing.

Utopia Haze - 36 Days old



SLH1 is really looking fine! She's going to get a topping this week.

SLH1 - 36 Days old



SLH reveg has found the nice new biota and they're getting along fine. I plucked a bunch of dead leaves. The new growth is looking vigorous and eager. I think I'll bloom this one - haven't done a reveg bloom before.

SLH Reveg - 170 days old


To bad about the Hawaiian Snow, as I said before I have read that phenos can vary, that one does not look like solid one.

With your reveg SLH, I would consider trimming out some of the branches. Regrows can get real bushy, diminishing the quality of the buds later.

Everything is looking good though. :thumb:
To bad about the Hawaiian Snow, as I said before I have read that phenos can vary, that one does not look like solid one.

With your reveg SLH, I would consider trimming out some of the branches. Regrows can get real bushy, diminishing the quality of the buds later.

Everything is looking good though. :thumb:


Yeah, this Hawaiian Snow didn't grow the way I would have wanted it to. I think I could have managed it better with a longer dark cycle, but I didn't want to slow down the others. If it had just been the HS I would have dropped the days to 7-8 hours. I think that would have plumped it up some.

I'm going to give the SLH Reveg a week or two to show what it's going to do, and then I'll trim it down to the good dominant branches.

Thanks for the headsup!
Hawaiian Snow yielded 77 grams, 2.75 ounces, over 172 days = 0.448 grams per day.

I'll post a smoke report when I've had more of it. It has fairly good potency and a nice aroma, smooth smoke ...
Ok, here comes another buncha pics! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Jamaican Dream continues to be my top performer. It's pulling away from the White Panther - riper and with more trichs, even though the Panther is a week older. This one's even starting to show a little color like the last ones. I put a 500 watt baseboard heater in my flower room with a nifty day/night thermostat, so I now have complete control over day and night temps. I started out running 80/60, but I read that the swing might be too wide, so I dropped it to 78/62. Does anyone know what the best daytime temps for growth are? Do you get any advantage running close to 80? Anyway, here's the latest JD, about halfway through flower.

JD3 - 89 Days old - 35 days 12/12 - 25 since pistils - brix 12/14





White Panther has thicker branches than JD, and very little color in her petioles - lotsa lime green. It has a bud structure similar to my SLH - very dense nuggets at each site.

White Panther - 97 days old - 35 days 12/12 - 24 since pistils - brix11/12





Tangerine Dream still doesn't look so hot in these pics from Sunday, but in the past two days, she's recovered and is shooting up like a rocket - I posted a pic from the room just now to show the difference. It's really startling. This has happened a couple times with this kit soil. I have no good idea how all this high brix stuff works, but everyone who grows in it has noticed these really odd things that the plants will sometimes do. With this TD, it's like the fog cleared, or the jet passed over - suddenly the biota and the roots can see and hear each other and everything "hooks up". It's gonna be fun to watch for the next couple weeks. I may experiment on this one since it's been a disappointment to so many other growers. I think she'll get early cat drench and lots of stress, and I'll probably play around with the nutes a bit. So far, I've stayed very conservative with dosages.

Tangerine Dream - 65 Days old - 7 days 12/12 - brix 13/14





Panama has been looking a little limp, but I think it's just overwatered. It's been stretching and has a good start on her pistils already.

Panama - 66 Days - 19 days 12/12 - brix 9/10




Wild Thailand ... hm ... I'm not so sure this is Wild Thailand. According to the breeder, this is a very homogeneous strain - tall leggy and fast. Uh huh. So I wonder what the heck this indica-looking thing is. Purdy, though ...

Wild Thailand - 63 Days old - 18 days 12/12 - 5 since pistils - brix 12/13





White Panther Cut1 has been a pleasure just like her mom - perfectly happy and vigorous.

WP1 - 49 Days old


Utopia Haze has been unhappy ever since I potted her. I have plenty stacking up in veg though, so if she can't get her act together, that's ok.

Utopia Haze - 43 Days old


SLH1 is probably going to be my new mother, she's doing just fine.

SLH1 - 43 Days old


SLH Reveg is going to get flowered, definitely. I trimmed her up a bit and she's lookin' dressed for success - tons o' tops!

SLH Reveg - 176 days old


I promised a smoke report on Hawaiian Snow:

I gave it a couple more days to be sure, and I can say now that it's not one of my favorites. I actually prefer the Indian Skunk for that sort of high. This HS starts with a strong zingy buzz and fills out nicely as you smoke more, but it hits a ceiling pretty quickly, at which point it becomes nothing special. It's mid-level potent and all high, no couchy feeling.

I love the aroma, though - a wonderful earthy sandalwood with a sort of syrupy note.

This was grown in mineralized soil and it never did really well. It was also a particularly long pheno, so I think the strain is generally better than this one. I hope so. I'd like to try another one in Doc's kit.
Glad you like the big pic-filled updates, guys, LOL. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I wonder sometimes if it's too much, so I fire up the pipe and think about it, and well ...

... then I just keep posting lots o' pictures!

Never too many! You take damn good one's too!

If you are thinking of culling the TD anyway maybe try Epsom bath? Doc told me that one before, and it did help a lot. Or maybe extra Cal/Mag with water. I have seen that help too, but it only helped temporarily.

Sandalwood and Syrup, very good description, it reminds me of a candle scent or something!

Never too many! You take damn good one's too!

If you are thinking of culling the TD anyway maybe try Epsom bath? Doc told me that one before, and it did help a lot. Or maybe extra Cal/Mag with water. I have seen that help too, but it only helped temporarily.

Sandalwood and Syrup, very good description, it reminds me of a candle scent or something!


Thanks, Rain!

I don't see any signs of Mag deficiency - just lack of vigor. At this stage, I'm pretty sure it's been unbalanced soil. I'm starting to get a feel for when it's in tune and when it isn't, and that's what the Stress foliar is for - it helps the roots and biota communicate (if I understand the process correctly). This improvement came on the heels of two sprayings in a 3 day period. I had been getting lazy with the Stress. So I'll keep spraying the Tangerine until it looks like it's hooked up correctly. I don't need the floor space for another couple weeks - that should be a good enough window to see if it's worth keeping.

So ... when ya gonna post some more pics ... ? :cheesygrinsmiley:
the peek growing temperature for cannabis is from 70°-90° Fahrenheit.

I just did some quick research.

- Wider temp swings will produce longer node spacing and vice versa.

- Higher temps produce stronger growth

- Daytime highs above mid-80s are detrimental unless accompanied by CO2 enrichment.

- Night temps in the 60s enhance coloration.

- Temp swings over 20 degrees reduce growth rates.

It seems that an 18 degree swing may be ideal, with a high around 80 degrees, so my guess was right on the money!


Fellow kit growers, I'd like some opinions ...

I have three and a half weeks before JD3 and Panther finish and I've been trying to map out a nute schedule. They need water about every 5 days now, so I can work backwards from finish - 5 more waterings to go. If I end them on Energy and give them 2 Cat drenches before, that leaves me one more feeding of Energy on Friday. So it would go like this:

(just water last feeding) ... Energy ... Cat ... Cat ... Energy ... water ... Chop

Think that's too much? The last feeding before all water was Transplant. Should I stay with Trans instead of Energy?

Whadya think?
Fellow kit growers, I'd like some opinions ...

I have three and a half weeks before JD3 and Panther finish and I've been trying to map out a nute schedule. They need water about every 5 days now, so I can work backwards from finish - 5 more waterings to go. If I end them on Energy and give them 2 Cat drenches before, that leaves me one more feeding of Energy on Friday. So it would go like this:

(just water last feeding) ... Energy ... Cat ... Cat ... Energy ... water ... Chop

Think that's too much? The last feeding before all water was Transplant. Should I stay with Trans instead of Energy?

Whadya think?

I'd use the Cat once.....finish strong on Energy. They bulk up and taste better that way.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Graytail.
Thanks, TanR and BAR!

To you and all, I wish a heartwarming Holiday, good food and safe travel.

I'd use the Cat once.....finish strong on Energy. They bulk up and taste better that way.

That's Awesome! I was going to tell you the opposite lol. I finished strong with cat drench and transplant and really liked the results, but I will have to try the energy at the end. Listen to Doc!

I really like the pics Graytail. I think you should keep the Tangerine around if you can. I really want to see how she does for you because I have grown her so much. She stretched like crazy for me. One thing I wanted to suggest was about your foliar sprayer. I am not sure what brand you use. I bought a solo and it was a POS (just my opinion) and it sprayed a stream of water on the underside of the leaves. Not what you want. I ended up using an old SNS bottle and it puts out a very fine spray, definitely what you want. I noticed a big difference in plant health just switching sprayer bottles. I think the plant can "use" more of the sprays if in a finer spray. Just a thought.

I love the Jamaican man. Awesome plant. I got a wild Thai in flower too that looks pretty bad ass as well.
That's Awesome! I was going to tell you the opposite lol. I finished strong with cat drench and transplant and really liked the results, but I will have to try the energy at the end. Listen to Doc!

I really like the pics Graytail. I think you should keep the Tangerine around if you can. I really want to see how she does for you because I have grown her so much. She stretched like crazy for me. One thing I wanted to suggest was about your foliar sprayer. I am not sure what brand you use. I bought a solo and it was a POS (just my opinion) and it sprayed a stream of water on the underside of the leaves. Not what you want. I ended up using an old SNS bottle and it puts out a very fine spray, definitely what you want. I noticed a big difference in plant health just switching sprayer bottles. I think the plant can "use" more of the sprays if in a finer spray. Just a thought.

I love the Jamaican man. Awesome plant. I got a wild Thai in flower too that looks pretty bad ass as well.
I agree about the Solo Step, it does not deliver fine enough and it puts out a blop on the initial spray. I found this out spraying some panda film and saw this. If it is the 1 litre with adjustable nozzle model. The SNS bottles work good as does the little spray bottles they use for eyeglass sprays but if you need volume refills are needed. I also used one of those misty mate misters and they hold more and deliver the perfect mist but they clog every now and then and a pain in the ass. I too noticed the plants responded and looked much better and healthier with a fine mist. Not sure why it should make a difference but I am assuming uptake is easier. Perhaps Doc can expand. The ideal would be a wand type application with a mister delivery. Solo makes a 2 litre with a wand/nozzle but I am sure it is a course spray. Anyway my 2 cents.
Very nice as usual Graytail!!!!


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