
Forgive me Dawg, how many plants you choppin again?


Naw,, nothing to Forgive Brother.. .. Im chopping the only Lady I have in Bloom this Weekend.. The only other Plants I have right now,, are 2 tiny Seedlings,, and 1 Budding Clone.. ..

Much Respect to you and yours my Friend.. ..

Hey Red, Looking at those beautiful pics of your cola, it looks like some of the pistils are still white. Are the pistils just a lighter color? Your girl looks great! You must be very happy with her.


Thank You Bro.. !! .. And you are correct,, there are a few Pistils here and there that are White.. And normally I probably wouldnt be cutting Her down when She still has White Pistils,, except the Trichs are at least 50/50 Amber,, maybe even more Amber than not.. ..

And Thank You again.. !! .. Im EXTREMELY HAPPY with Her.. !!

Honey Oil, what method do you use Dawg?


Its pretty simple actually.. Find the BEST Honey you can possibly get your Hands on,, SLOWLY Heat it up,, VERY SLOWLY,, .. ,, then just mix in all of the Keef your willing to use,, the more the merrier.. !! And Viola !! !! .. Yummy Honey Oil .. !!

Well,, really its a BUNCH more technical than that,, but you get the jest of it hopefully.. The best Pan to use Ive found,, is a Double Boiler Pan.. Its kind of a long drawn out process if you want to do it right,, but thats basically how you do it.. ..


Its pretty simple actually.. Find the BEST Honey you can possibly get your Hands on,, SLOWLY Heat it up,, VERY SLOWLY,, .. ,, then just mix in all of the Keef your willing to use,, the more the merrier.. !! And Viola !! !! .. Yummy Honey Oil .. !!

Well,, really its a BUNCH more technical than that,, but you get the jest of it hopefully.. The best Pan to use Ive found,, is a Double Boiler Pan.. Its kind of a long drawn out process if you want to do it right,, but thats basically how you do it.. ..

I thought "Honey" Oil was just another name for hash oil, which is the oils from the pot trichome usually extracted with 99% isopropyl alcohol or something like butane and then heating the mixture until there are no remnants of anything but the essential oil from the trim/buds that is loaded with THC. "Sweet AS Honey...:grinjoint:"

As an edible that honey sounds delicious though and a great way to take it as an edible...but you wouldn't wanna smoke it...sugar is pretty harsh...:tokin:

Some really good guides out there, some good ones on this site. Either process is bit on the dangerous side for me though, so I do butter and edibles and make gumby hash with my trim...honey oil sure sounds good though.

(Please forgive my correction brother....just don't want to confuse people with different terms.)

:peace: my friend from my little garden.
I thought "Honey" Oil was just another name for hash oil, which is the oils from the pot trichome usually extracted with 99% isopropyl alcohol or something like butane and then heating the mixture until there are no remnants of anything but the essential oil from the trim/buds that is loaded with THC. "Sweet AS Honey...:grinjoint:"

As an edible that honey sounds delicious though and a great way to take it as an edible...but you wouldn't wanna smoke it...sugar is pretty harsh...:tokin:

Some really good guides out there, some good ones on this site. Either process is bit on the dangerous side for me though, so I do butter and edibles and make gumby hash with my trim...honey oil sure sounds good though.

(Please forgive my correction brother....just don't want to confuse people with different terms.)

:peace: my friend from my little garden.


Ahh,, on the contrary my Friend.. the Honey Oil that Ive been making is VERY smokable,, and it actually tastes pretty good when put on top of a Bowl of Bud.. And its rather tasty as an edible too.. An old Hippy friend of mine showed me how to make it 15 years or so ago,, Ive even seen it for sale in a Dispensary a while back too.. Its very potent when smoked,, especially if you use really good Keef.. ..

But anything is possible I suppose,, maybe weve been doing it wrong for all these years.. lol .. Although,, wrong or not,, Ill continue to smoke it.. .. :)

Much Respect to you and yours Mr.MountainHigh.. ..

VERY nice lookin' buds there RedDawg. I'm going to spend some time this weekend catching up with your journal. It looks like a good read with a fantastic ending :)


Thank You kindly Sir.. !! .. This Venture has been a learning experience to say the least,, lol.. And with any Luck,, my new Grow will be even more of a learning Experience.. !!

Thank You again my Friend.. Ill look forward to seeing you around.. !!

Much Respect to you and yours.. ..

Good Evening Friendz.. !!

Well tomorrow Morning is when my Lady in Bloom is going to get the Axe.. I hate to see her go,, but whats done is done.. She hasnt done TOO bad considering this was my first attempt at Hydro I suppose.. And I wouldnt mind trying to Re-Veg her,, but Im just not Positive.. I will say this Hydro Stuff sure beats the CRAP out of Dirt in my Opinion.. And Im sure some would argue that point,, but,, its just my Opinion.. ..

I hope everyone is enjoying their Weekend so far.. !!

Much Love and Respect to all.. ..
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