Growing Hermie

have to give myself a pat on the back, I've gotten pretty good at bending branches, they were nice curvy bends without splitting

I'll try an get a better pic of the bend
a little worried about the top two branches, two weeks ago when I tried her down she split at the crotch. when I topped her I left about a half inch of the main stalk. adding the weight to her is putting more strain on the split. the damage hasn't caused any problems yet ... fingers crossed
the seed casing didn't want to come off
Emilya says that a drop of saliva helps dissolve the membrane and loosen things up. I tried it on some Pepper seeds......have you heard of Ann Boleyn?? Yeah - same thing!!!
not sure how much the nuts I use to weight her down weigh. I've used them in past grows and typically after a few days the plants start to lift the weight trying to stand back up

Neat I never thought to use nuts..
so the dumb-ass award of the day goes to me... hanging the weights broke the top branch off, she's hanging by a sliver. I knew better I was even telling myself I should brace the branch before I add the weight. I braced it up in place before I went work and when I got home it looked ok, she even started straightin up where I bent her. I have to figure out how to tie her together.



don't know what to do... I split the top branch almost completely thru, she's hanging on by a thread. I've braced her back together but not sure that's a long term solution. I've been studying it and I don't think I can tape or tie it. it's a difficult spot to get to and my arthritic fingers just don't delicate work anymore. if I had a better track record with cloning I'd cut it off an try and to clone it.

Emilya says that a drop of saliva helps dissolve the membrane and loosen things up. I tried it on some Pepper seeds......have you heard of Ann Boleyn?? Yeah - same thing!!!
that a great suggestion. I just kept spritzing it with a spray bottle with little success. but saliva wouldn't dry as quick. got file that one away in the memory banks
don't know what to do... I split the top branch almost completely thru, she's hanging on by a thread. I've braced her back together but not sure that's a long term solution. I've been studying it and I don't think I can tape or tie it. it's a difficult spot to get to and my arthritic fingers just don't delicate work anymore. if I had a better track record with cloning I'd cut it off an try and to clone it.

Clone her I mean that's what I would do
Wrap, tape, Velcro wrap...anything honestly lol'll be okay they are really hardy .. I had to snap a main cola to a 90° angle just wrapped it and it was fine.
it's a tricky spot to wrap or tie, the top two branches are almost vertical. it need something like a liquid bandaid. in a past life use to grow roses and would use some kinda pruning sealer... hopefully tonight while I'm asleep my subconscious will come up with a solution.
Maybe tie them to each other and tape the tie where you want it to stay so it doesn't slide up or down?.... Just spit ballin sorry lol
you were spot on hap-haz I wrapped the tape around one branch then pulled the two together. it was a little tricky, with all the small branches in the way it took three attempts, I couldn't get a nice tight wrap but she's back in place I hung the weight back and braced her better. she should be good for a while, I'll just keep a close eye on her. thanks to all for the support



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