Hello from the UK - New member

Hello, I'm new to the forum, loving the huge amount of information and knowledge here. Currently, have a small grow room with hydroponic strawberries and tomatoes as a hobby. Thinking of growing a few plants for my own use.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :ciao: :welcome:
We have lots of your wonderful neighbors here.
If you need anything let me know.
I'm always around. :high-five:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 @Big Tank

If you're already growing tomatoes a few autos will be no problem at all
What kind of effect would you be looking for? Medicinal or relaxation?
It's warming up and getting drier now so a good time to make a start as ventilation is easier
Welcome to the 420 family @Big Tank you'll never be short of help here and the page is full of information.. waste no time nothing better then smoking on your own grown 👍🏽
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Big Tank

Will you be growing in Hydro of soil?
If you decide on hydro, there are many of us here that play in water.

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hello, I'm new to the forum, loving the huge amount of information and knowledge here. Currently, have a small grow room with hydroponic strawberries and tomatoes as a hobby. Thinking of growing a few plants for my own use.
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family @Big Tank . CL🍀 :welcome: :theband::party::420::Namaste:
Hey mate. Originally from the UK myself, south, Sussex way. Used to grow tomatoes with my Mum every summer and wan’t to grow some gangbusting ones here but my grow rooms aren’t really optimised for them😂

Welcome and need help happy to - maybe you can steer me right on tomatoes!

Welcome to 420 Magazine @Big Tank

Will you be growing in Hydro of soil?
If you decide on hydro, there are many of us here that play in water.

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Thanks for the warm greetings!! I'll be growing hydro in a small grow tent. At the moment, I'm growing in 50/50 perlite-vermiculite mix for strawberries as they like their roots constraint. What's the most user-friendly media for Cannabis and beginners? I've got a 1m x 1m homemade tent. Just looking for a few plants to get the ball rolling!
Thanks for the warm greetings!! I'll be growing hydro in a small grow tent. At the moment, I'm growing in 50/50 perlite-vermiculite mix for strawberries as they like their roots constraint. What's the most user-friendly media for Cannabis and beginners? I've got a 1m x 1m homemade tent. Just looking for a few plants to get the ball rolling!
I would say any hot soil, Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Happy Frog would be a good start. CL🍀
Hello, I'm new to the forum, loving the huge amount of information and knowledge here. Currently, have a small grow room with hydroponic strawberries and tomatoes as a hobby. Thinking of growing a few plants for my own use.
Welcome! I’m a big hydro fan :)
Your start medium I’d go some decent potting soil, peaty. Put some layers of perlite in.

Then up pot to so some airpots - google them (you’ll get a load of noise about Airpods and assorted so add “airpots grow 30x30cm 5 gallon” you can do a monster plant in that using the same medium you use anyway. The airpots encourage the roots out. When they hit the holes the roots cut and die but start growing out again inside.

Or I’d squish 4 plants in those pots in that room.

You’d have lots of space.

You’re growing hydro in that medium. Same principle so make sure choose nutrients (I use Dutch Pro Hydro/Coco which is available in the UK easily I think online) but whatever pick one where possible that is designed for Hydro/Coco - that’s what you have essentially.

My Graduation grow linked in my signature below is a very fancy version but might gove you some ideas. I didn’t start like that 6 long months ago!

Big Grow is basically the same. Pictures not as good.

You could SIP or pure hydro but if you already have that medium around in terms of medium do that!

Oh and Ph to 5.8 every time for the food.

Its magic.

Thanks for the warm greetings!! I'll be growing hydro in a small grow tent. At the moment, I'm growing in 50/50 perlite-vermiculite mix for strawberries as they like their roots constraint. What's the most user-friendly media for Cannabis and beginners? I've got a 1m x 1m homemade tent. Just looking for a few plants to get the ball rolling!
Easiest way is Canna Coco, CaMg, A/B Coco and a tiny bottle of PK 13/14
All you have to do is pH to around 6.0 and don't let it dry out - that's it
Easiest way is Canna Coco, CaMg, A/B Coco and a tiny bottle of PK 13/14
All you have to do is pH to around 6.0 and don't let it dry out - that's it
Yep pretty much - but they has a slightly different medium that will perform the same already for his other crops so yep by all means those nutes but easier use what they have already medium wise.

Thanks for the warm greetings!! I'll be growing hydro in a small grow tent. At the moment, I'm growing in 50/50 perlite-vermiculite mix for strawberries as they like their roots constraint. What's the most user-friendly media for Cannabis and beginners? I've got a 1m x 1m homemade tent. Just looking for a few plants to get the ball rolling!
If you need some good genetics @Herbies Seeds is where I get all mine.
Excellent genetics, reliable delivery and great customer service. Members get a discount too.
Start off right. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Welcome 🙏🏻

I'm in Kent myself. First time grower been on here for a couple of months now, made my first grow stress free having them guys above. You won't be short of help and advice here mate, just keep asking questions, following the advice of the guys and your first grow will be successful. I'm at the stage where soon I'll be flushing and looking at a harvest. Next grow I'll be doing a journal for sure, consider doing a journal yourself. Documenting it all will help you learn quicker I'd say.

I'm currently growing 4 autos in soil. In a tent. So if you opt to go down that avenue feel free to shout me any time. We're dealing with the same weather and laws, so I'll share whatever I've learnt so far with you happily 👍🏻

How's the tomatoes going. I'd actually like to grow some bits and bobs on the side for my own meals. What would you recommend?

Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Hey mate. Originally from the UK myself, south, Sussex way. Used to grow tomatoes with my Mum every summer and wan’t to grow some gangbusting ones here but my grow rooms aren’t really optimised for them😂

Welcome and need help happy to - maybe you can steer me right on tomatoes!

I didn't know you were from my neck of the woods originally, Nick. What made you decide to do that huge move? Did you get much growing done whilst over this way?

Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
I didn't know you were from my neck of the woods originally, Nick. What made you decide to do that huge move? Did you get much growing done whilst over this way?

Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
UK generally or you’re also Sussex way? I’m originally from Chi.

I left the UK in 2004 aged about 25 and moved to Cape Town. Don’t marry a South African lingerie model with lesbian parents is a bit of life advice I can give you. I sold my wife and divorced my business. In 2009 I left (by Land Rover) and drove back to Chichester through Africa. I have a really old blog I did of it I can DM you.

Then 2010 moved to Hong Kong. Where I still work. But I was doing 10 days Thailand, 10 days HK from 2018. Got married, had a kid. Covid hit and since part of my business is setting up work from home I haven’t been back since January 2020. My clients are ok with it. They just want to see my ugly mug to go out and party. They’re offering to pay too! They’re all longstanding now. I’m like - meh I’m busy with my wife’s business which I can’t tell them about and remain entirely professional!

So North, East, South or West for you? I can afford to be a bit more blase with my location. Because my wife’s biz and its legal and licensed for us.

Thanks for the warm greetings!! I'll be growing hydro in a small grow tent. At the moment, I'm growing in 50/50 perlite-vermiculite mix for strawberries as they like their roots constraint. What's the most user-friendly media for Cannabis and beginners? I've got a 1m x 1m homemade tent. Just looking for a few plants to get the ball rolling!

straight perlite since you already have it. also the cheapest method on the board. only need a dollar store bucket of your choice. grow in anything from a 750ml to 20L, depending on how much space you have to fill or amount you want to grow.

also the easiest method.


Those are in 5L buckets of perlite.
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