How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hello all, I am sorry I have been mostly absent for so long. I have been nursing my dog. He was very ill. Long story short I did what I always do and spent hours researching his condition. He is almost back to normal now and I want to start him on oil as well. I really need that CBD strain though. This CBD issue has been a pain in my arse for months now. But I am still planning on making oil out of close trim leaves and trying that to see if it has a pain reducing effect. Hope all is well with everyone and their families here. Happy belated Thanksgiving.

PS, Just because I have not been on here does not mean I have not been thinking of you all. And Thank you Motoco for the kind words. I will keep you updated when I start dosing myself more and regular.
Love you all. (I feel especially sappy tonight) :)
Yay Jaga! You made it over. Yep, this is what it's all about for some of us.
Better living through Mother Nature...

I was watching a video of Tommy Chong debating with some jerk that was all for putting puff down,,, the bit that made me so angry was when he started to talk about this synthetic THC stuff they supposedly created??? Like really wot the hell why make try to make a chemical compound when the natural one works better than anything o the planet
Hi Jaga,

I have a friend that was prescribed the synthetic THC. It was a major fail and the worse med he was ever on. The pharmies are scrambling to come up with something synthetic that will compete with MMJ/Cannabis concentrated oil, the latter the biggest target. The profit margin for the pharmies are huge and MJ simply cannot compete. Fact be known, cannabis concentrate can replace man-made meds. There are a lot of natural cures for many different aliments. Vim and Vigor; been around for years as well as many others. You don't have your Dr. recommending those.

Tommy Chong as most know cured himself on the cannabis oil (prostate). Its been gone but I can tell you he still uses it and I would guess from watching him on 'dancing with the stars' he is still using 'daytime' oil. I also heard he put down on smoking MJ. Honestly I don't find that to hard to believe on the daytime oil especially. I really don't believe much from the media nowadays so unless it comes from the sources mouth its pretty much rumor. I thought Tommy Chong would be more of an activist for the oil, but, surprising many who use it for their ailments even when cured stay silent. I totally get why, job, family members against it, social pressure etc., but it comes down to put our selfish acts/thoughts aside, get the word out on natures ultimate healer. Hard to believe its been on the shelf for so long because of greed. Its a HUGE money game for the pharmies and their profits buy governments. The HARDEST thing for me is watching children with cancer on commercials. In L.A. driving down the 60 all you see is cancer commercials be it St. Judes or City of Hope. The biggest expansion in the U.S. right now are hospitals. 90 percent of the commercials are pharmaceutical/hospitals and cancer is at the top of the list. What is even worse is watching peeps walking around with a bag of meds like its a badge of honor or something. Its astounding how many man-made meds is consumed so its very easy to understand why 90% of the commercials are pharmies selling their wares. What is even more amazing is the side effects they have and people don't pay attention to them. Explains why our government (U.S) patented THC with the latest CBD back in 2003. Now the pharmies want to patient the concentrated oil. Curiously; why would they be doing this if there is no medicinal medical value in MJ/MMJ? The Gov. pushing some bs medical plan down our throats. They take every dime from you and when you have no more dimes your kicked to the curb to die. All for the greed of quan. Didn't mean to 'jump' your post, but it gets my blood pumping also. :Namaste:

I was watching a video of Tommy Chong debating with some jerk that was all for putting puff down,,, the bit that made me so angry was when he started to talk about this synthetic THC stuff they supposedly created??? Like really wot the hell why make try to make a chemical compound when the natural one works better than anything o the planet
Yes IPA is widely available.. (i hope you are talking about rubbing alcohol)
But i read some where that using Isopropyl alcohol is dangerous for making this oil..
I don't any one who created with it and healed...

I might be misunderstanding the jargons though so kindly co-operate

Hi. Go ahead and use 99%IPA just be careful while actually preparing the oil(use fan).
I wanna thank Motoco and MO for helping me out with the dosing and tacking problem.
You guyz are just great.

Thanks again
Checking in. Almost home, whew. Hope everyone's having an awesome holiday.

Hi Cajun, been wondering how things are going. It's awesome here, the weather turned really warm and all of the snow is gone! YEY

I'm making a batch of oil today. It's getting to be something I really look forward to for sure.

Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Thanksgiving holiday.

Guarav, congrats on getting your oil tacking/dosing going for you. :)

Hi Gaurav,

Our pleasure! Now your Mother will be on the right track!

Your welcome!

I wanna thank Motoco and MO for helping me out with the dosing and tacking problem.
You guyz are just great.

Thanks again
Welcome back Canjunbro! Glad your back home :). Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome compadre!

Glad the weather is clearing up Canna! Not for long though, lol. I always look forward to making oil, its really enjoyable. Perhaps because we LOVE the product and what it does for us. Cloudy with a big storm moving in, we sure need it, total jammie day :) Nice and crisp fall air 60 degrees, lol. Hope your Mother is feeling better.
HELP. Please. I am trying to decide when to harvest. They will be at 10 full weeks of 12/12 on Tues. I have been flushing for over 2 weeks now and still have not found any amber trichomes. I can now tell the difference between clear and cloudy and the top buds are mostly cloudy. Chop or not to chop. Also I am wanting to keep my leaves for separate oil to test the CBD content (will be testing by tacking to see if there is pain relief) I hope I am not too out of line by posting a couple of pics to see if you all can give an opinion. You will have to zoom in to get a better look at the trichomes. My macro setting on this digital camera does not work like my old 35 mm. Thanks everyone for taking a look. I want the best oil possible that these plants can give. These plants are clones from a mother plant of unknown strain. Also, since she is taking so long to mature, does that indicate that she is sativa dominate??

Beautiful FSC. The flower times given by seed co's are for a 1000w, perfectly grown plant. You might feel she's been flowering too long as a result. Not true.
Keep her going is my opinion. The trichs will go amber. Might be another week or so, I'd microscope every other day.
10 to even 12 weeks is not uncommon, even though it was supposed to be 8. I rarely have had flowers ready in just 8 weeks. Don't worry, I believe you're right on track.

And... Congrats! Another week or so & you did it!
Thanks cajun. The mother plant was from a bag of weed and I did not take note of what it was. Had no idea it was important to know at the time. And yes it is under a 600 wt light. I did not know that would make it go longer. I thought it would just make the harvest smaller. I have 3 plants in another room that have been in 12/12 for almost 2 weeks now. I went ahead and started them with the bud cycle because they were getting to big. When I harvest the tent, then those will take their place. I hope that turns out ok. I always seem to have some kind of experiment going. :)
Thanks to you also Canna, So Motoco had mentioned earlier that I may want to harvest at a specific time to try and increase CBD. Any idea how when the perfect time is?? He had mentioned 20% amber. But if I am going to keep those leaves separate to try for the CBD then would it be a good idea to go for as much cloudy as I can get. All of a sudden I feel like I don't know what I am doing anymore. LOL
In general that is true. When THC degrades CBD/CBN increase. I was referring more to an Indica strain as they produce more CBD. If you already have flushed for two weeks I would harvest now, just my opinion. If you already have half clear/milky, again, I would harvest now. if you want to go longer into the grow you shouldn't of started your flush so soon. Also I was referring to hemp leaves having 3-5% THC. If you look at your fan leaves now there shouldn't be much on them, they transferred their trich's to the flowers. Any CBD should be in the flower. Why not just get some seeds (high cbd) from a seed bank? Think Canna posted where she got hers. They are discreet in shipping. The flowers are looking nice!

Thanks to you also Canna, So Motoco had mentioned earlier that I may want to harvest at a specific time to try and increase CBD. Any idea how when the perfect time is?? He had mentioned 20% amber. But if I am going to keep those leaves separate to try for the CBD then would it be a good idea to go for as much cloudy as I can get. All of a sudden I feel like I don't know what I am doing anymore. LOL
Thanks Motoco,
I get my seeds from Herbies (sponsor here). Very fast and discreet shipping for sure. Great customer service. :)

So, I want to clarify this. For Indica (night time) oil, we should look for 20% or so of amber for more "couch lock" sleep and relax help...and for daytime Sativa strains it's okay to harvest at milky/cloudy because we are looking for energy as opposed to relaxed. Right?

If I've asked this before, I am sorry. I gots lots on 'da brains rights nowse. :laughtwo:
Hi Canna,

Correct on the Indica. On Sativa I harvest at 50%clear & 50% milky (in between peak thc and mid-term). For fsc we were trying to get some CBD out of her unknown Sativa dominant strain. A rule of thumb for me; High CBD strain= full term. Sativa dominant = 50 % clear, 50 % milky. Indica 95% dominant = Full term. Find the 3 strains you like, master growing them and you will always have consistent oil. Consistency; especially blending oils pays off big time for treating specific aliments. Chronic pain for an example, a 50/50 blend would be preferred over an 2-1 ratio thc/cbd I use for PM/most all aliments. So on the norm I would use 2 ounces of high thc to one ounce of high CBD. For chronic pain/ post surgery/brain surgery I would use 1.5 ounces of high thc and 1.5 ounces of high CBD. Make sure on you strains that are high in cbd you know what the percentages are. Harlequin is sativa dominant (75/25 sativa dominant). They also have high cbd strains that are Indica dominant. So if your making a daytime oil and you add a indica dominant cbd oil you might get it leaning on the indica side which doesn't give the up/positive mind/wellness feeling like sativa does.

Thanks Motoco,
I get my seeds from Herbies (sponsor here). Very fast and discreet shipping for sure. Great customer service. :)

So, I want to clarify this. For Indica (night time) oil, we should look for 20% or so of amber for more "couch lock" sleep and relax help...and for daytime Sativa strains it's okay to harvest at milky/cloudy because we are looking for energy as opposed to relaxed. Right?

If I've asked this before, I am sorry. I gots lots on 'da brains rights nowse. :laughtwo:
Thanks Motoco,
I get my seeds from Herbies (sponsor here). Very fast and discreet shipping for sure. Great customer service. :)

So, I want to clarify this. For Indica (night time) oil, we should look for 20% or so of amber for more "couch lock" sleep and relax help...and for daytime Sativa strains it's okay to harvest at milky/cloudy because we are looking for energy as opposed to relaxed. Right?

If I've asked this before, I am sorry. I gots lots on 'da brains rights nowse. :laughtwo:

Herbie's is great. 8 orders & all good.
Yes, for night time... Indica, so harvest 15-20% amber.
For day time... Sativa, harvest when most are cloudy, no amber or very little.
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