Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

That would be YES my friend!

Try some Blueberry or Strawberry Cough and you will certainly taste the fruit...or try some Chernobyl for a lemony-licious experience.

Blue Dream is fruity I think. But not gay. I think.

Though taste is in the eye of the bowlholder...

Peace, Hyena
Love it!Thx...will do. My quest continues....
Happy Growing!!
I appreciate your hard work in the grow journey, with good judgement comes from experience:thumb:
GS1000 is only consume 400W electrical, the bloom is only 200w. It can save 50% electrical comparing with the HPS 600w with less heat output.
Thanks again, Hyena.
Howdy Hyena and all. BK here. I stumbled across this thread 3 days ago and haven't slept since! I am inspired and blown away all at the same time. I have read each and every word in between planning and taking notes and can't decide if reading your adventures or the planning is more fun. I laughed at times, was jaw dropped at other times by the perfect bud porn and had the inspirational quotes ringing in my brain for days. I think that I searched "dutch bucket scrog" and found this thread, btw. Anyhow, this post is to lavish the necessary and much deserved praise you deserve, kind sir, for elevating all of our games to another level. The light hearted and clear language that you use is addicting. Two of your gifts in this life are most definetly writing and growing. Thanks again for the mind numbing inspiration. Sean, I'll be needing that coupon code...I can see a 1000w Growstar LED dancing in my head.

Great to hear that. i am sorry i missed your message yesterday. we can send the coupon code to you today. 10% discount for the 420 magazine member. 20% discount for the ones who would like to make the grow journey or show his /her grow journey with GS1000. 30% discount for video making and share the grow journey and vidoes on the forum and SNS, such as facebook etc .
If some one like our lights , please let me know. We do our best to support you .
Thanks for Hyena's fair evaluation for our GS1000 led grow lights.
Happy Thursday!

The Hyena seed project is off for now.

I am getting nice male flower clusters on several branches so the pollen creation worked...just not fast enough. I am going out of town for 5 days so if I was to fertilize everybody I would need to do it today at the latest. Seeds need weeks to properly develop and my buds are ready, but unfortunately still no burst sacs yet so out of time, this time around.

I have isolated the branches that contain the male flower clusters and I will wait until they all ripen and burst then cut the whole thing off and save it for next run. At least I will be able to do it on the perfect schedule next time. Meanwhile, I can settle for a couple pounds of frosty, ultra-stony Hyena stash.

That's life. The only way to do this is to do it right.

For now, I close the hatch to the secret lab, confident as I can be that in 5 days I will return to a perfect garden. Considering all the systems involved I am pretty proud of my setup. Of course, many things could happen...power interruption...water leak...meteor...earthquake...I really have to quit smoking so early in the morning. Paranoia may destroy ya...

It'll be all right. Hope you have a blessed and rocking Fourth of July weekend. I will be the really high guy on the jet ski in Northern Michigan. If you see me, wave!

Peace, Hyena
No worries with the secret lab of Hyena!! Cant wait for the next chapter! The perfect scheduled seed project. No worries on the lab been stellar thus far! Hope u have fun and will see u n five days or so!! Be safe n have a blast!!!
The Fourth of July!

Just returned, and everything is okay!

My systems are automatic and they worked very well. I can only check on things using the baby monitor but everybody looks fine and the temperature is at 85 degrees which means all systems are go.

I will visit tomorrow morning and issue a full report.

Happy Fourth of July everybody!! Celebrate the amazing founding of the freest nation on Earth, an idea conceived by a bunch of hemp growers! I believe if Ben Franklin were alive today we would be best partying buddies!

Peace, Hyena
Well hello there! :welcome: It's update time for PROJECT 25 and the GROWSTAR GS100 LED light!

First, here's how we look in the secret hidden grow lab...mmmmmm-mmmmmm good!


It's gettin' furry in here! Yes, the smell will tell and the smelly smells of this thicket are intoxicating! Now is the best time of all, the last four weeks of budding...and the fruity essence is magical. The overall health of this grow is a 10. My updates to the water delivery system eliminated uneven distribution and it's obvious everybody is getting everything they need.

My inexact guesswork in nutrient application has turned out to be just fine I guess...I just splash a little of this and a little of that in as the mood strikes...I know it's not scientific and I use way less than recommended but...I don't know how things could be plumper if I used ten supplements. I stand by my totally ridiculous phobia about over-fertilizing my plants. :helpsmilie:

Some teenage kiddie porn:


Maturing nicely


Growing like weeds


Sativa dominance exhibited in every inch. And that great Hyena cerebral cortex massage will be in every bowl. The buzz of this stuff is soooo heady, no body stone to speak of but wow does it enhance everything from physics to pizza.

Another maybe 3-4 weeks I think. I guess. I play by ear so I will judge by trichomes and my patience...

Meanwhile, the GROWSTAR GS1000 LED light is producing very good results! Even on only the 200W BLOOM setting (half its full power) the light has supported full growth and development comparable to the 600W HID fixture right next to it!


I see some differences in the buds under the two different lights, but these are, I believe, related to the additional heat the 600W HID fixture produces, despite the fact that it is vented. The hairs on the buds under the hotter 600W HID light are noticeably finer, while the hairs on the same plant under the (now 200W) GROWSTAR GS1000 are thicker than I have ever seen!



Apparently, these buds like the lower HEAT produced by the GROWSTAR GS1000, because they are simply juicier. I don't know how that will translate to the final taste/potency, but there is a difference without a doubt. It looks cool. I just cut a bud of each and will compare them in about a week when dry. We'll see...but another major win for the GROWSTAR GS1000 LED. This baby is very, very good!

Finally, check out this major cola which has foxtailed into a quad cola supreme. This bud is almost twelve inches tall and thick as hell. I think it will be a NOTM submission in the near future if it finishes like I think it will...


That's all for now. Less than a month from the chop. Keep'em green baby!

Peace, Hyena
FANTASTIC!! Man those are some healthy ladies. Love to always visit the secret garden. Makes me fell some kinda special. That Growstar keeps doing whats its doing might have to pull the trigger. Thanks for the bountiful flavor engulfed update!! Till next time!! Glad everything went according to plan on your fourth trip. Anything new going on with the POLLEN?? Cant wait for the next instalment!!
FANTASTIC!! Man those are some healthy ladies. Love to always visit the secret garden. Makes me fell some kinda special. That Growstar keeps doing whats its doing might have to pull the trigger. Thanks for the bountiful flavor engulfed update!! Till next time!! Glad everything went according to plan on your fourth trip. Anything new going on with the POLLEN?? Cant wait for the next instalment!!

Thanks bro, I love your feedback!

The pollen still hasn't erupted, lots of bulging pollen sacs but no burster yet, and most of us know when those devils are ready they blast pollen everywhere so I'm keeping watch. But I wouldn't have enough time for these plants to form fully mature seeds at this point even if they all blew tomorrow, since we only have about 3-4 weeks left max, so I will let them do what they're going to do then save the pollen as best I can for next run, when the full pollination will carefully take place, at exactly the right time (which for this run, sadly, was about two weeks ago)..

Life goes on and It may take some more time to do the seed thing right but I will invest the time...got to be perfect.

Peace, Hyena
I wonder if a female is pollinated late in her cycle, would she continue past her prime to nourish her seeds so long as there's food and light?
Great question Skybound!!

Hyena please do what u do n dial the seed project in perfect!! I will be the first consumer assuming thats the route predicted! Quietlt been following the other Hyena journals (in envy) to only watch and observe the same vigerous GIRLS! That was bred n created by the SECRET GARDEN, and Master of such a great hobby that we all on this forum decide to embark on! Keep up the great work and if u dont mind will stick around till the very end and hopefully an end isnt in sight!! Lol!! Till next time keep em green!!
i read the message very carefully, i can see that all of the growers are very professional on the marijuana growing. Especially for Hyena.
It seems that the temperature , light and environment etc are very important for the plant growing. It is pity that we can not grow marijuana in China. Otherwise, we will try to do it follow the 420 magazine.
Thanks Hyena, good job.
Oh my my what a set up hyena! Don't mind me but I'm going to plop a seat up here at the head table and keep an eye on things. Looks like I could learn a thing or two at this table.

Looks like we have many discussions ahead of us, this fall I'm in for a revamp of my house which includes a much much much larger grow room which will suffice for a 4x2 cloning area a 10 by 10 vegging area which I can also use to stage my outdoor season. And 2 seperate flower tents. I'm doing away with bottled nutes on my indoor soil grows and moving onto the organic super soil in one tent and plan to jump up to a 4x4 hydro tent as well. The new grow room will also be actively exhausted. Currently I recycle most of my air because I have to. The new grow will also have a dehumidifier and air conditioning.
With all this said I could use some expertise in the hydroponic world when I make the transition. I would be fine doing it on my own but it never hurts to have someone who knows more than you checking in on you from time to time.

Plus I plan on doing an outdoor hydro plant next year :p!
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