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Leaving the leaves is good if you have the patience and the airflow, but taking off the larf and the branches that will only produce larf is of utmost importance to me :).

I really need to learn which branches to remove so I only have nice big colas or nugs and plenty of them
Quickie Tuesday update, the one where the Power Plant (from @Weedseedsexpress) gets its post-stretch thinning.

Here is the before/after pic, flip day 29:
Thanks a lot for sharing these great pics again Shed! :green_heart: :cool:
I really need to learn which branches to remove so I only have nice big colas or nugs and plenty of them
Think of branches as mains then go no inner new growth on lowers remove them or take one off then next leave on next off next on..I like to take off 20 % of lower branches myself and leave only top three of four baby shoots on .
Thanks Joe and WSE!

I'm now going to bombard you with trichome pics of Carnival on flip day 56 (8 weeks for those who think that way) as my Wednesday update. After those pics you will find some macros of the tops of the Candida that got sprayed with the GA3. Begin scrolling.....NOW:

And the weirdness going on at the very top of the completely stretched-out Candida. I'm thinking of culling this and starting over with a more dilute solution, though if this strength hasn't stopped this from pushing pistils, I don't know if a lower strength will:

I'm considering taking down the Carnival this weekend. Thoughts?
The Carnival trichomes have some nice colour, probably more than I would like myself :)

If you do decide to try again with the GA3, I would suggest a lower strength for sure. As I said, too high and it prevents or delays flower rather than reverse sex and I believe that’s what has happened here. Similar to what happened with my PC .

Some strains seem to be more sensitive to GA3
Wow that Carnival is looking frosty and it looked like I could see a few amber. When were you going to harvest.

Also what's your thoughts on the strain. I bought some seeds that I plan to run right after this crop

The description sounded just like the kind of buzz I Love. Happy upbeat and Groovy
Highya ITS,

I would chop the Carnical lady at your next opportunity. She's ready! Happy Smokin'
I thought I was going to be scrolling a lot longer
Carnival looks juicy, ripe for the picking
That's a lot of pics on one subject for me! One vote for the chop, thanks JC!
The Carnival trichomes have some nice colour, probably more than I would like myself
If you do decide to try again with the GA3, I would suggest a lower strength for sure. As I said, too high and it prevents or delays flower rather than reverse sex and I believe that’s what has happened here. Similar to what happened with my PC .
Some strains seem to be more sensitive to GA3
With all the pH madness going on I completely forgot to track how old the Carnival was. :oops: This much amber was not my intention, but we'll see how it smokes!

On the Candida, I think I will take a pruning shears and cut it in half and wait another week or two, but I'll also take another clone to start with at a lower PPM of GA3.
Carnival is in the harvest window for sure!
Three for chopping...thanks smokey!
Wow that Carnival is looking frosty and it looked like I could see a few amber. When were you going to harvest.
Also what's your thoughts on the strain. I bought some seeds that I plan to run right after this crop
The description sounded just like the kind of buzz I Love. Happy upbeat and Groovy
It's one of SweetSue's favorites and she runs on sativas, so how bad can it be? I probably should have taken this down last week, but Amy tells me that amber in the sun is different from amber in a tent, so I'm not as concerned about it.
I'm running away to the Carnival, mighty nice looking
With your many talents I'm sure the Carnival would be glad to have you!
harvest weekend coming up! Really looking forward to the toke reports on the carnival!
Not wait another week? Phewf! Down it will come. :thanks:
Highya ITS,
I would chop the Carnical lady at your next opportunity. She's ready! Happy Smokin'
A true consensus...chopping time has arrived! Thanks Bode.
Great trichome pics!
That amber can sneak up on you, once it starts, it seems to progress pretty quickly.
Happy harvesting!
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