InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thank you Shed! :thanks:
Do fabric pots make any difference with it avoiding becoming rootbound? Interesting, I just thought I would need to water more frequently. Always learning!!
Hi Heavenly, I grew a strawberry cough in 15 gal of living organic soil, in a tent and it gave me over a pound dry. So it was a long grow. The roots were not bound but very thick with "micro roots" if you will. They were extremely dense and hard to break up to replenish and cook but I didn't get the impression they were over worked as the term root bound means to me.
Thank you for sharing your story WL. Anything dog-related is always welcome here. Cat stuff can go on IG. :)
Haha, thanks Shed! Hopefully my cats don't catch me agreeing with you.
Put them out see how they do then we will know the answer.Cannot hurt to try.
My thinking too I had to stick 6 outdoor in pots some in starters still.

I thought sane mind set what can it hurt to try .
If you only have 60 days before the freeze comes, I would say you don't have a chance of bringing your plants to harvest. If you put them outside now it would be at least two to three weeks before they show pistils, which would leave you with somewhere less than 45 days to complete flowering.

But if it's that or throw them out then give it a shot!
Unless you throw them dark period now around flower time out dark for 24 hrs then maybe see what happens ?
Dropped in for pics... :(
:welcome: to my journal FoodGuy, thanks for joining the fun! This isn't a pic-heavy thread so I'm sorry I can't help you there. I only post pics that I think are important to what I want to communicate about my grow. The rest of my journal is great banter and attempts at scientific inquiry and increasing knowledge :). I'm sure you can find lots of pic-heavy journals out there though!
Haha, thanks Shed! Hopefully my cats don't catch me agreeing with you.
Unless you throw them dark period now around flower time out dark for 24 hrs then maybe see what happens ?
If light-deprivation is available, then that would be something to start now and continue straight through harvest. Run them 12/12 like I am (outdoors for 12, light dep for 12). That would speed things up, but 60 days is still a very tight window for even the fastest flowering strains.

Pics in a bit!
Monday update! It was in the 90's this weekend and I don't do well in the heat, so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. But here's what happened between Friday and now. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I harvested the first two Dark Devil Autos (DDAs) yesterday evening, both on day 68. As you might recall, here was the before harvest pic from last week:

It took a lot of washing to get all the aphids off (dead and alive), and I rescued about 6 ladybugs and 10 ladybug larvae. And squished a few caterpillars as well. Here are the two plants post wash:

I trimmed them while I didn't watch The Chase, a weird game show we never heard of before (from about 6 years ago) that my daughter has been watching. Here they are hanging:

RH in my house is in the high 50s to low 60% range, so the fan outside the box is blowing on high.

It's getting late to do the post-stretch thinning on the summer grow from @Weedseedsexpress and they are both getting some PM, so I did a quick job on the Chocolope this morning:

Loads to take off, much of it probably worth keeping if I weren't the #nolarf type with a PM issue:

Already sticky AF!

Then I sprayed them both down with my 1% citric acid spray for the PM.

Here is the Candida, sprayed with GA3 and flipped 22 days ago:

It looks like it's trying to do something new, but I'm not sure what. Doesn't look like it's going to drop pollen any time soon so I'm keeping it in the shed with the rest for now. It's going to get cut down to size and put in a box with a CFL once it looks like pollen is in the offing.

In regards to the pH issues with the ProMix HP, Amazon has no idea where my fertilizer is, so I went to a local garden center and bought some 20-10-20 orchid fertilizer powder with both ammoniacal and nitrate N, and gave the plants 3 gallons each at 2.8g/gallon. We'll see!

And even with 3 gallons in a 7 gallon pot, the medium is not completely saturated, for those keeping score at home.

I hope you all had fun and productive weekends and are looking forward to next weekend already! :cool:
That DDA is a beauty!
It's getting late to do the post-stretch thinning on the summer grow from @Weedseedsexpress and they are both getting some PM, so I did a quick job on the Chocolope this morning:
Thanks for sharing the pics ITS. One of my many weaknesses in the growing process is thinning. I’ve always thought there was a specific set of leaves you could and couldn’t strip. Your Chocolope looks like you stripped everything within an established margin...hopefully that makes sense? Do you mind sharing your process for that? Please? :battingeyelashes:
She's definetly gonna be sticky
If 28 days is any indication I'm going to need more iso to clean the trimmers!
drool-- DDA oohh I am feeling really green and envious.
No need dynamo, you can grow a DDA farm up there!
Thanks Amy!
Nice job on the DDa Shed. Sorry the Zon product never showed up... you could almost see that coming though.
When it didn't arrive Saturday I knew I was screwed. I just set the return up for "Arrived too late"!
Yay, pics!! About to GA3 myself, watching closely.
LOL! Glad to help out FoodGuy! The GA3 dilution strength seems to be the key and each strain seems to have a different sensitivity. I may need to redo this at a much lower strength to minimize the stretch, which is out of control!
That DDA is a beauty!
Thanks for sharing the pics ITS. One of my many weaknesses in the growing process is thinning. I’ve always thought there was a specific set of leaves you could and couldn’t strip. Your Chocolope looks like you stripped everything within an established margin...hopefully that makes sense? Do you mind sharing your process for that? Please? :battingeyelashes:
Post-stretch thinning is truly a personal preference, so I am not prescribing my method to anyone. I usually take off the bottom third of the entire plant. In the middle third I take off the branches that will never reach the canopy, and then the remaining buds that I think will never get big enough for me to want to bother trimming (leaving the adjoining fans as best I can). I don't have any need for all the lower fluff at harvest so out it goes into the salve bin.
Quickie Tuesday update, the one where the Power Plant (from @Weedseedsexpress) gets its post-stretch thinning.

Here is the before/after pic, flip day 29:

And here is what I took off:

Even though I thought I did a good pre-flip pruning, there was loads to take off. And as I mentioned yesterday in response to @BooWho2, I don't necessarily recommend this to everyone. I hate trimming larf and I don't worry if I took off so much that it might possibly ding my harvest weight. If I made edibles or had a rosin press I might leave more of it, but I also think that my top colas end up bigger without having to share the plant with the fluff underneath.

Either way, it should have been done about a week ago, week ago. [Explicit lyric warning]

I harvested the first two Dark Devil Autos (DDAs) yesterday evening, both on day 68.
Grats on your DDA harvests. What you lack in quantity, hopefully you make up in quality. They certainly are pretty!
I usually take off the bottom third of the entire plant. In the middle third I take off the branches that will never reach the canopy, and then the remaining buds that I think will never get big enough for me to want to bother trimming (leaving the adjoining fans as best I can).
I'm trying my best to be a #nolarf club member, but it's a lot harder than one would think. I've pruned more off my plants this season than ever before, but when I look at them from a distance it doesn't even look like I've taken anything off. I do try to remove the small shoots, but leave the fan leaves as long as they are getting direct sunlight. I guess I should start a new club called #lesslarf.
I don't like thinning out a plant too much. All the nutrients they use from the Leaf's at the bottom then they just fall off like self pruning. I make sure to have plenty air flow
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