Jay233 Perpetual Grow - Photos - Autos in Coco

Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Quick photo update

THC Bomb plant


THC Bomb plant either has an evaporation problem or has a magnesium deficiency. For a magnesium deficiency you can either use Epsom Salts at 1 teaspoon per gallon or a calcium and magnesium supplement at 5 millilitres per gallon.

Congratulations on your harvest!
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

nice work their man, whats your opinion on the auto plants. i'm thinking about trying to grow autos myself, but Ive read a lot of different reviews. :thumb::goodjob::high-five::bigtoke:
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Thank you LA...hope all is well my friend :Namaste:

THC Bomb plant either has an evaporation problem or has a magnesium deficiency. For a magnesium deficiency you can either use Epsom Salts at 1 teaspoon per gallon or a calcium and magnesium supplement at 5 millilitres per gallon.

Congratulations on your harvest!

Thank you KJC...I fed that plant the same as the others but it has the leaf ridges curling up almost like a sign of heat stress...the temp is at a stable 78 deg F...i will treat for mag def...thank you

nice work their man, whats your opinion on the auto plants. i'm thinking about trying to grow autos myself, but Ive read a lot of different reviews. :thumb::goodjob::high-five::bigtoke:

Thank you Huey...I have only harvested one auto so far with two more growing....I may not get to see them finish as I may need to move 900 +\- miles away this weekend...I noticed that the two growing now, have done much better so far with less feed than normal and periodic flushes. Don't expect a large harvest from the autos but they are fun to grow and I will be growing more in the future. Good luck :)
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

I recently spent some time in the hospital and when the emt's came to my home I had been dead for over 10 mins...I need to move for health reasons and other reasons but I plan to keep this thread going if I can...I may be away from the site for a week or two while I get everything squared away but I will keep documenting this grow ...I may need to start from scratch but if all goes as planned this grow will be expanded...indoor and outdoor...I will take some THC Bomb harvest pics from yesterday in a bit and a couple shots of the autos, clones and mother plant I have kept for 5 months now...thank you for taking the time to follow along...sorry it has been infrequent lately...my life has been a difficult mess ...I hope to have everything back on track soon
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

I recently spent some time in the hospital and when the emt's came to my home I had been dead for over 10 mins...I need to move for health reasons and other reasons but I plan to keep this thread going if I can...I may be away from the site for a week or two while I get everything squared away but I will keep documenting this grow ...I may need to start from scratch but if all goes as planned this grow will be expanded...indoor and outdoor...I will take some THC Bomb harvest pics from yesterday in a bit and a couple shots of the autos, clones and mother plant I have kept for 5 months now...thank you for taking the time to follow along...sorry it has been infrequent lately...my life has been a difficult mess ...I hope to have everything back on track soon

Either way I will continue to follow your grow journal, update when you are able.
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Thank you LA and KJC :Namaste:

Well I finally got my computer back today :)...I am currently packing for a move over 1000 miles from where I currently live...I'm very excited :)...Although I needed to dispose of my current grow I will be keeping this thread alive as it is perpetual and I will pick back up with the THC B, Vast and Fast autos and some Kerala/Skunk...Hopefully some THC B clones too...I will be somewhat set up by the end of next week...both indoor and outdoor (150 acres in the middle of nowhere)

I am sorry I have not been able to document my grow as well as I would of liked to recently as well as follow along with all the excellent grows on here. I will be back on track very soon :).
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Hey jay been reading your journals and I also have a LA DIVA. Mine is about 65 days old from seed with about 10% Orange hairs. How many days did yours go? Thanks.

HEY Bud Diamond...sorry it took me a little while to reply...I moved and just got internet installed...I let my LA Diva go 73 days and I should of probably let it go a little longer...the buds were tasty and potent...we were happy... but they were airy, not dense ...grower error and a slightly early harvest is what I think was the problem :)...do you have a loupe or microscope?...look at the trichomes with the loupe (30x magnification or greater seems to work good) when they are mostly cloudy and about 30% Amber is when I usually like to harvest...good luck my friend :thumb:
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

OK I got moved and I managed to keep 7 clones from an excellent mother plant....they went 6 days without water but things are getting back on track now :)...here's a couple picks

Outside only for now (this is my first time outside)


Temp 95-100 F 80 % humidity avg. They seem to love it :)

I will be repotting the 4 still in solo cups tomorrow ...more pics to come soon

I have 3 1/2 OZ of THC Bomb, just finished the cure today, from what I could salvage of my grow before the move


Sorry for the poor pic quality...Yes that is on my comforter LOL...some of the most dense and trichome covered bud I have grown to date...Ill try to take better pics tomorrow

Hope all is well in 420 land ...I will be catching up on everyone's grows within the next day or so
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Glad to see you're all moved and have plants outdoors, Jay. You should send me half your humidity.

Thanks PeeJay :)...I am really excited about this grow...I need to create a better grow area but I have 150 acres to work with... to a limited extent...family is all around here (younger kids), lots of dirt bike riding on the trails, so I still need to be discreet but have water access relatively close...I'll get it sorted shortly...no big rush they are still babies (all THC Bomb) ...once I have a good area selected I might pop an auto seed, or two :)...going to keep a low plant count so I may cull a clone or two...just need my medicine

Yeah LOL...if I could give you half of the humidity here I gladly would :)
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Little update...I just went out and pruned off lower branches and supercropped 4 of the plants in half

My main dilemma right now is location...even though I have a huge area to work with my spots are very limited for two reasons...family is visiting and there are kids everywhere, riding dirt bikes on the trails and doing kid stuff...also crop duster planes fly over often, very low...although I am a legal patient I dont want any problems mainly with the kids...they are here for 2-4 more weeks...the location I selected gets dappled sunlight in the morning and evening and full Sun for a portion of time mid day...also I have hidden the plants amongst some tall grass and shrubs ...there are fallen leaves and some debri all around so with the high humidity mold will become an issue...I am battling stretch right now the plants have tripled in height in the past five days and there is an average distance of 3-4 inches between alternating nodes...hence the extreme super cropping...if the plants can hold on for one more month or less I should be able to put them in a full Sun location with an area around them cleaned up better...I am leaning toward constructing a greenhouse but money is an issue right now as I currently have zero income LOL...good times...good times...I'm gonna roll a fatty before my girl and I go swimming :rollit:

Peace and love to you all
Re: Jay233 perpetual grow, photos and autos in coco

Hey bud. Lil late, but found ya. Holy shiite! Outdoor grow huh? Awesome. I missed a lot. Your health, move, outdoor grow. Looks like yourrolling now. Hope all is good now my friend. I'm actually growing some Widow outdoors. Still got the tent/hydro going, but gonna do this too.
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