KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Flower Day 11

more pistils are forming. you can see some heat scorching on some of the top leaves. High Pressure Sodium light was raised on Flower Day 10.










damn dude..that girl is out of control. my blackout kushs are turning into real (men/women) and look like true kushes at this point.

your plants is looking incredible. love the color, love the it all :love::thumb:

im really seeing the sativa in the background now though, and the leaves are standing back up normal. shes healthy and kicking!

i see the mild burn youre talking about and i see only like one permantly downward clawed leaf from the nitrate stress..odd, she bounced back easy as pie..
thank you for all the pleasant replies.

Good morn Maharaj

good day Jaga!

Looking great there kingjohn. How long did you veg this baby?

the plant was in a vegetative state for a from 4/28/2013 to 7/03/2013. for 15 days it was placed under a 400 watt Metal Halide light on supper lumen setting (440 watts) from 6/17/2013 until 7/03/2013

on 4/28/2013 it broke soil and was kept under a 2 foot T5 24 watt light
on 6/03/2013 at 10 inches it was topped to 4 nodes and transplanted to a 1 gallon pot
on 6/17/2013 it arrived at my place and was placed under a 440 watt Metal Halide light for 15 days
on 6/24/2013 2 dominant branches were bent down to the node it was topped at height
on 7/03/2013 it was placed into Flowering under a 440 watt High Pressure Sodium light
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