LA's Continuing Adventure Feat - Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flow!

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

...Statistic.. Down here in 2009, 59% of all growing related charges involved a jilted partner calling the cops...
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I do have a few friends who know, however, they benefit and they've been my friends over 35 years. I think I'm safe and with family in that. However, nobody else knows. If my neighbor notices, I will offer to give them some. I think I'm fine. But the pop with Oz definitely put the freak in me.

I certainly have a couple of friends who know that I'm doing some small-time growing, but they have all been friends for decades! I swap smoke with them occasionally. Nobody has ever asked to see what I'm doing, and I have never asked to see what they are doing.

One of the big things for me is staying within the bounds of the laws that let me do what I do with diminished fear of prosecution. For me that means three in veg, three in flower - and no more. I'm not saying the rules I must live by are perfect, or fair. I only know that if I stick to the rules not much can go wrong. I post here, I could get tracked down. I may get paid a "visit." So long as I don't violate the rules, it's all good! Same sort of thing while driving - folks who don't speed rarely get speeding tickets.

Greed and lust are killers! When I see folks working many plants outside the bounds of the laws - the thrill as well as the fun of trying lots of strains is mighty tempting. The desire to share what I produce is strong, and so is the notion that I could make some extra folding-money...

In the end, I suppose that I'd much rather provide some guidance to friends who want to grow a couple of plants than to supply them with smoke. Trusted long-time friends who grow a couple of plants, I'm finding, are happy to do some product swapping. Those folks are much easier and more fun to get along with than they were when I wanted to know if they could hook-me up!

It's a funny thing - the temptation to "go big." It's thrilling to watch when folks do! God bless them - they kept me hooked up for years before I became legal.

I really like growing the cannabis - it's a fast growing and fun plant with great effort vs. reward payoffs. Risk mitigation only makes the hobby more fun.

Yeah... Staying safe is a big priority. It's easy to get tempted by the "rock candy mountain." The mountain leads to belly-aches, however.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Only topped once on a micro scale, then some simple LST and defol. That adds up to way less stress than a many headed/fimmed plant for scrog etc etc loads of other techniques cause a lot more stress! :) hope that helps. Yet please remember this is my first flux the original to use my flow system feeding loop idea.

I thought that it looked like lattice work on an apple pie.:circle-of-love:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I'll see the doctor tomorrow. It was something metabolic. I got rid of Hepatitis C after having if all my adult and most my young life. I have stage 4 Cirrhosis. There is no stage 5. But, I'm mostly stable. Labwork is needed. I feel better, much better. Just tired and no appetite.

Thank you for caring...that's really sweet. I see men and women here in this forum who really are genuinely nice people. I have not met ONE person in the canna life (as of October 2013) who was nasty, mean, stingy or otherwise. Everyone is so kind. We are a great generation of people.

I have to agree with you. This is the nicest site I have been on. I keep saying that they need a refugee icon/smiley thing. I hope that your lab work comes out well. I understand being down. My son helps me with the garden after a 5 gal transfer I am worthless for a few days. I have been trying to get him to get on here and read if, anything happens to me my garden is frelled. I hope you get better.:circle-of-love:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all, security, security, and yes you guest it; touch my dream gear/set up and ill chew you up and spit you out Syndrome.!!!!!
Please remember aint good territory over here! :)
Once Ive moved in my own time !!!! YES MY TIME lol :) ill be stepping it up for real so hard nuts, I love 420 yet aint risking nick/prison for your impatience! :) :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Yeah trust me I wanna be running my gear now! :) Yet my current residence is not safe !! A few ex friends know what I do and where I am. They also know who I am on here!
This is my reason for not having anything at my place at present. My mates mom baby sits all my nutes my light etc, even my seeds :) its crap enough having Gitt at mine with that much bud she invites thieving shites.
So as said until Im moved its no go on any of it! Hopefully people understand that moving house does take a bit of time to organize :) as soon as humanly possible this grow will start up I assure you all :)

Also once moved Im gone, vanished! Only one person our best mate will know where we live. We wont even be registered at the address :) So soon all will be totally secure, as Ill be a ghost :)

I am so, glad that I have not fallen into that boat yet. I have my MMP card but I get really paranoid about smell and who comes to my house. My parents know, my electrician,son,husband and one close friend that gets slave from me once in a while. I worry more about break-ins. I am so behind with all the reading. I was down for almost two weeks. Still caring for the garden. man, if you go longer than one day lots,and lots of reading to get back up to date. So take your time. We will all still be here. :cheer:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

The BritOz's talking their BritOz language! I like Ricky Gervais. Does that count?

'Are you being served" if anyone remembers that show.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Now THAT I'd pay to see lol :)

Sorry, filling up your journal. Me too!! Baseball is like watching tines. That is to funny
I like to watch jousting
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I lived in CA for 38 years, and Colorado for 12 (amazing because I am only 30), and I'd have to say, CA has a longer grow season for outdoor grows, butttt, a lot more laws, and pretty expensive, especially for land.
CO is a lot more chill, but you'll need to grow indoors much of the year. It's cheaper, more laid back, and less people.

I loved gardening year round in CA, and it's beautiful there with all of the action, but I like my new laid back life so much better! Seeing the deer in my yard every morning and evening is relaxing! :high-five:

PS Lake Tahoe is BEAUTIFUL, but expensive.

I drove through CO last year paid my toll fees and they still sent me a bill. Go figure :thedoubletake:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

'Are you being served" if anyone remembers that show.

...Ce'....Car door'....

No, you idiot. I said Carte' D' or...

...Ce'...Car door...I 'eard yu sir,...I get the car door... ROFL...

I Visited the states when I was 9. LA, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Vegas, Tahoe late Autumn I think, had snow on the mountains around, San Fran, Knottsberry Farm, Universal Pictures (hey is was 9 ok!), then flew to Mexico then Acupulco, Taxsco (can't remember how to spell this) Sun and Moon pyramids...back to LA and home. I still remember was life changing...I love the squirrels in the Park at Lake Tahoe...Im now a squirrel fan
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Ladies, I'm verklempt; I've got schpilkas in my genekdezoindt.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, a yenta in da house! I haven't heard the word, schpilkas, in years! Unless you count me hearing Howard Stern saying it.

That was a good laugh.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey GardenFaerie (I like the spelling!), you know it's funny the impressions you get of people who you've never really met.

I watch peoples language use (I was a linguist in a previous life)....I was going to say cunning, but I'll leave it out...:;):

...and watching your use of words and the words chosen I wouldn't have put you over 30!

I love having my pre-conceptions blown!!! No truly, it's the greatest gift!


I was surprised. But, totally young a heart and how the mind works is the true age of the person. I have seen 20 year olds behave as if they were 60 and 60 year olds behave as if they were 20. :cheer:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

It doesn't matter whether you say can or can't. Either way you are correct.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I concur. Once these old codgers in gobermunt get a load of the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of tax dollars, and they examine and watch as Colorado doesn't crumble to the ground with junkies and skullduggery, they'll legalize it. Trust me, money is the issue which will get pot legalized. Those pigs can NOT deal with someone else making THEIR effing money. Don't get me started on the government and their idiots who run it. I even considered moving out of the States, altogether. Siyonara. But, I think once that money pours around into the system, they won't be able to get it legal fast enough. Watch...10 years. Sooner my friend. I say most, 3-5.
When are they going to start letting the farmers put the money in the bank? Just wondering
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Lady V I saw an interview with the US Attorney General. It's supposed to be in the works. Everyone smells the money and he banks don't want to miss out.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

...Ce'....Car door'....

No, you idiot. I said Carte' D' or...

...Ce'...Car door...I 'eard yu sir,...I get the car door... ROFL...
I just realised that was a 'Faulty Flowers', not 'Are you being served' quote...what a ...


Mr Peacock, Oh Mr Peacock...

Yes Mrs Slocombe

Mr Peacock, oh I just don't know how to tell you...

Please Mrs Slocombe I have things to do,

Well, Sir, I'm having terrible trouble with my pussy...(laughter)

(Before this is removed, the reference is Mrs Slocombe's cat who she is always having trouble with.)
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