LA's Sideline Grow -GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST -Self Build Budmaster in Cupboard!

Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Gotta keep the lady happy. That's why I keep her stoned hahahaha I'm stoned all the time, so should she... Same plain is good. It's not like I'm forcing her to smoke, she's down of course :)

I want to try 1 plant under a 1000w... not this round, but possibly the next? XJ-13 stretches so much, might be a good candidate. Shit.... Just thinking about it makes me want to do it.
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Yup, I had a journal going a while back that I had to kill off due to safety concerns. It was 9 strains with 9 styles of training. I had some wicked daft plans and it still niggles me I couldn't see that grow through!!!
So basically I want to get my training hat on again and share some new weird and whacky ways to get good yield! ! :) (kind of what I'm about lol)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Yup, I had a journal going a while back that I had to kill off due to safety concerns. It was 9 strains with 9 styles of training. I had some wicked daft plans and it still niggles me I couldn't see that grow through!!!
So basically I want to get my training hat on again and share some new weird and whacky ways to get good yield! ! :) (kind of what I'm about lol)

Safety concerns?
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

I'm UK lol and it ain't friendly territory. Then I had work being done at mine so shifted to a friends. He then went away and got a water leak in his flat. Had his door put through and people in his place with all my girls!!!! So Scrapped they were!
Also my success on here, also my dumb ass trusting nature that has led to some locals, who were friends at a former time maybe being a really big hazard! So now I'm stealth to the extreme and work mostly around my friends places! :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Well my beans done gone and turned up from Herbies! Yeay!! So I'm most definitely set for the BID grow in January! :)
I'm a little annoyed, as they give reg seeds out for freebies. My norm seedbank that ain't a sponsor gives you the choice of reg or fem for your free extras!
I don't know if ill bother with the sleestack skunk? ? Don't know if its any good??
BAR you've ran one I think?? What's the score people??
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

I don't know if ill bother with the sleestack skunk? ? Don't know if its any good??
BAR you've ran one I think?? What's the score people??
As you already know Professor, I re-posted the smoke report on my thread. For those who aren't subbed & would like to see it HERE it is.
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Well helll I ain't in this for the cudos! But with no one about but the trusted few, why carry the journey on???? 420 seems to have changed and I ain't in the stream of it now matter the effort. I miss my friends of old, lol daft but thought more would stick around!

Much Love 420 psace out :) sorry just feckin dismayed with most things!
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Hey LA, don't be like that bro. I've noticed my thread has quietened down a bit this last couple of weeks. I can't explain why but people are obviously busy with their lives at the moment. It'll get busy again sooner or later :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

I notice it goes in waves.... Some days its busy some days not. People are always looking though :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

La your journal is just that yours . It shouldn't really matter how many people turn up . The fact that I only have four of five people visiting mine and leaving comments is just that . At least the four of five who turn up seem to quality people and I know consider my friends . Quality over quantity any day for me . And for all the people that are missing it are really missing out . There loss not yours dude .
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

I agree with all of them I only have like 2-4 people that comment on my thread but every time I think about stopping they start commenting it'll pick up I'm sure keep up the great work.
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