Lavendar's - Continual Harvest - 5th Grow

Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

well yesterday was a bear cat....
changed the water and nutz in the gnome buckets, got a couple of good rooted clones, a sweet tooth and a haw. snow....looks like i have a blackberry clone also, hope so, dont have one otherwise, i think its too far gone in the bud cycle, but may try taking some again friend that i give the surplus clones to has asked for more indicas....great, and im a sativa the blackberry a little more time to get better roots, but planted the other two....

repotted some from the 6oz cups to the large beer cups....and another couple got "upcanned" to 6in pots....took clones off the ducks foot, and have them soaking, put the remainder of the l.a.c. cuttings into the cloner, and the rest of the twilight....changed alot of the foam inserts, changed to the neophene ones....they seem to last better....mixed more spray....removed and cleaned all the areas of the nursery....looks nice now....

brought the super lemon haze, blackberry, and humboldt into the house and put in the bathtub and sprayed up and down front and back, until saturated, drooping and dripping, put what was left in the soil of each pot, left them to dry while i was cleaning the nursery....

moved the slh to the 4x4, so that makes 5 in there, one more than i want, but this was bring them in of today, she seems to really be liking the heat and extra hours....already perked up overnight....

moved the blackberry and the humboldt into the bud room as they already have very small nubs with flowers on them....had to find enough pots to lift to the light canapy with the others, but tonite they seemed fine...gave them their first ferts once again i am very overcrowded there....have had as many as twelve in there, but mostly kushes and indica, which take a smaller area....put their ribbons on them so they dont get a diet of straight water and/or water w/ ribbon means that....

the major worry i have or had was bringing in a bug....thats why we sprayed heavy and twice in a to watch...had no bugs in greenhouse that we knew about....since its been raining again, we had to turn on the dehumidifyer.....was up to 80%, not in the rooms, but in the going into a sauna to the dehumidifyer will probably run most of the winter or for a good while....the plants are liking the cooler temps and are moving from survival to thriving....finally....they did really well thru the hot spells .. the vegs did great, but the flowering ones cooked....alll in all i ended up losing 7 this yr from heat....or at least losing enough so that it seemed like i lost the entire plant....we finally sprung for an air conditioner, and it did make a large diff in the bud rooms....was able to get the temps down to 80....from a hundred and eight plus, that is quite a drop....we'll be getting a xmas card from the power company im sure a down economy theirs was an i.r. light to the bud room, and it is causing the buds to gain weight....somehow i need to add factor x into the mix the last two weeks....bought some more roots oregonisms, that stuff is the bomb....really works, healthy roots=healthy why did it take me so long to start getting all of this put togather and executed? seems like it took forever....

the last sour diesel is still drying out after being flushed....not quite dry enough for me to add m/h2o yet....the col. gold is going thru a lose your leaves phase....not sure if she is just maturing or what, but seems to have enough healthy replacements to not cause worry just yet....the way the brain storm is going, she may beat the sour diesel to the finish line....she is one fast and heavy duty grower....have another clone off her....not ready to end her line yet, she gets better and better....wish i had a clone off of the chronic haze....that plant was and is a continuing surprize....she gets bettter everytime i smoke her....and i didnt think i would like her....guess thats what i get for thinking....."but, i do have a seed" soon as i get all the planned cycle thrus thru, then i'll plant a new one....

the old skool plants are doing great...some are on their 3rd set of will be topping them soon....everything in that nursery has to stay small....the 3 additional seed i put in, all dinafems are doing great also...put in a blue hash, critical and a moby watching two of them grow, so decided i had to try one....omm's moby and miss j's blue hash....and the other was just a whim....know nothing about it....

the second blueberry clone is in the budroom and so far is doing good....the hawaiian snow is all over the place....super cropping the heck out of it now...and the l.a.confindential is growing unbelievable this time, is over eighteen inches taller than the last one i grew, and the one comming up is large also, and ever the mother cloner lac, is hugh to keep it going....still cant get them to clone, but still trying....high demand for these plants, and so hard to grow....guess they're worth the money they get for clone of l.a.c. sold for twenty thousand dollars, goes for eight thousand a lb....outrageous....getting a room of these could take forever to get....

well, that covers the plants and what is going on in their world....the 4x4 is doing fine....still need clones off the nepal kush....thats the plant im waiting on now....the kind of plant they get charas off of, or finger hash from just rubbing the cola's....that will be interesting....and the humboldt was a special edition limited so need to keep that one going....have one clone now....

will get pics from this wk, taken tomorrow....goodnight...L
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

That was an amazing update lady lavendar :bravo:. Just droppin by, hard night out spreading a little cheer. :Rasta:

:peacetwo: to you and your hubby.
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

That was an amazing update lady lavendar :bravo:. Just droppin by, hard night out spreading a little cheer. :Rasta:

:peacetwo: to you and your hubby.

well thank you kind sir....yep, i have those nights, tonite is one, too tired to sleep....and as an extra bonus to the whole shebang, i take care of the plants after dark and we are surrounded by forest....we now have a bear that is hanging out in our acre....great...just what i needed....senior, only slightly senile lady suffers heart attack after seeing a bear approach her while tending her mmj grow....our little burg would feed off of that for a i got some slugs for the shotgun....better to feel safe than bear teeth...hugs, L:Rasta::lot-o-toke:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

"Better to feel safe than bear teeth." That's funny, especially as many times as I find myself singing loudly (and badly), clappin my hands, and lookin scared in the woods in Alaska. I have a feeling I'm gonna use that one sooner or later.
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

"Better to feel safe than bear teeth." That's funny, especially as many times as I find myself singing loudly (and badly), clappin my hands, and lookin scared in the woods in Alaska. I have a feeling I'm gonna use that one sooner or later.

yep, when i lived in ak, couldnt even go get the high bush cranberrys without running into a dang bear....lived on the island across from petersburg for a while in a logging camp, (kake) when a couple of natives died, the bear found them first....used to go to the dump and watch them from the truck every evening....mainland was worse....then it was grizzlies, and kodiaks...big suckers....worst for me was when out on three wheeler and coming home at dusk and you'ld see these giant bear track over your wheeler tracks with the water still filling about goose bumps....actually lost a moose one time to a brownie....i shot the moose and the bear ran out and attacked it, did i hear dinner bells anyone....glad you know what i mean....L:lot-o-toke:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

shit! where I come from we have snakes, spiders, sharks, alligators and such, but if i saw a bear, I would literally shit myself, shot gun or not.
You have guts;
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

shit! where I come from we have snakes, spiders, sharks, alligators and such, but if i saw a bear, I would literally shit myself, shot gun or not.
You have guts;

well, im terrified of snakess...grew up in alot of the nasties there...did you know they, the phara's stopped making anti-venom for the coral snake bite? about the same time as the oil rig that would really terrify me....we have just yard snakes here that catch the small koi IN the pond, actually dive and catch them .. was sitting out there sunning one day and saw it...actually i came unglued, scared the dog to death, it couldnt find or smell what was after me....told hubby and he said yeah, hes seen them before also....just never thought about it....L, diving, fishing snakes, just when i thought it was least a bear you can see...well, sometimes....thanks, L
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

ok, heres the pics for this week...

the mighty gnome bucket


bt plants




the newest seedllings and clones


sour diesel-last time thru, diff. diesel next time...


hawaiian snow


the kali


brain storm, the stinker



columbian gold



blackberry, stuffed inside from outside...ugh, she'll get more room soon tho..


humboldt, inside from outside


new york city diesel, last time thru....


baby buds on the l.a.confidential


ducks foot, just cant seem to get a good shot of her...buds are starting to fill out...


sweet tooth, needs clones taken 4x4


4x4, l.a.conf.


super lemon haze, moved inside from green house, too cold and rainey..4x4


twilight 4x4


nepal kush, charas plant, temple balls ect..'4x4


sorry they aren't better picx but the battery was going dead, charging it now, usually take a few of each but this was a quick one shot each thing except for the col. gold....enjoy...L

Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

I do not know what a "koi" is. We have some nasty reptiles here too, but oh well, if the absinthe does not get me, then the cigars will so I figure they are more dangerous to a city dweller.

Your plants are looking very vigorous and green. Great stuff. The odd one, though is showing signs of too much water.

Your husband is a lucky man - to have a partner with guts;

regards, and happy harvest,
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

wow busy busy lots of work to get lost in! but thats ok its fun work!

yep, posting some t pics tonight...L and thank you...

I do not know what a "koi" is. We have some nasty reptiles here too, but oh well, if the absinthe does not get me, then the cigars will so I figure they are more dangerous to a city dweller.

Your plants are looking very vigorous and green. Great stuff. The odd one, though is showing signs of too much water.

Your husband is a lucky man - to have a partner with guts;

regards, and happy harvest

not so brave, just like to garden, we both like to smoke, but him much more...ok, a koi, is a fish, in the carp family, like a catfish with the wiskers on the side of face, they use them to find food and feel around with, koi, can get very large and are colored like gold fish and tropical fish....bright colors...have a pic of the koi pond somewhere back in posts if you want to see them...some are over 3 foot long....not really an eating fish, more to watch....
thank you for the compliments....herb is good stuff...L:tokin:
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

the strange one is a duck foot, and australian kind of pot, guess they grow it alot in the outback, bred to be camo'd so leaves dont look right....look it up online, its really strange stuff....she has been out...just brought her in, only fert. once in 3-4 months, so yep, she is lacking everything...just brought her in and put on reg. fert....she's getting better....yes, very wierd looking...smells the same tho....her branchs feel like they have hairs all over them, kinda bristley like a knettle or something....not pleasant to touch...prob. so animals dont eat it....L....took some cuttings but dont know if they will grow...leaves are webbed like a ducks foot, thats why the name...
Re: Lavendars'-Continual Harvest-5th Grow

tonight we flushed the brain storm with clear ex....had some t pics of her and the sour diesel which is also being discontinued, BUT every time i load them, i get a this pic is not supported yet, so i guess there is something going on here....i've checked it all at this end and even logged in again, so will try again tomorrow...sorry...L:peacetwo::peacetwo::tokin::peacetwo:
high all,
hope you enjoy the t shots as they had to be uploaded one by one, couldnt do all of them at once...something wrong with the pic thingy...L

THE next four are all brain storm...she was clear x ed last night, the bulb in our little 30x's mag.. was/is burned out, so had to use this one to see where the t's were at in development...





sour diesel, this one is being d/c (discontinued)..great plant, just want to try something new...





enjoy the day....L
Wow, great update of the garden! Nice close-ups of the plants too! Got a very nice garden. Got some wild critters in your backyard with grass snakes fishing and bears wandering around. Something nice to be close to nature but also nice to have that protection just in case.
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