Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Evening all ;)

Well I'm sat chilled at work :) very chilled ;) ;)

I'm still lost lol, not enough time with my gals at the moment. Although my darlin missus would probs tell ya they're never seems enough time for me and my plants :)

I'm sat stressing though lol. One of my girls the andromina by 710 has one branch that didn't develop much secondary growth. Now this plant is one of my favs at present and looks like she will hit me around the 15oz mark once I'm done :) yet that damn branch has me mad lol. It throws the entire plants balance out and stops her from looking perfect!!!!!!
I know ill be able to re jig her in a week or so, yet still my plant OCD is biting me hard lol.

Anyway I have a little announcement :) yet this is a BM thread so ill talk of it on my auto thread :)

Oh I will have a new BM lamp in a week or two! Not a huge bad boy but cool none the less! :)
How good are they?!?!! Best purchase I've made in a while!

I found the Method Sevens to work really well except for the Classic clip on version. Their coverage suffers as I see enough LED light coming through around the edges to make me feel only partially protected. If you're considering purchasing a clip on set to put over your prescription glasses I would definitely go for the Aviator set, the classic are much smaller than they look. I wrote a review on my journal in my sig if you're interested in checking it out. Other than the size problem they are indeed a superb set of glasses :)
I'd have loved to have been able to get the wrap arounds, but having to mess about with contact lenses whilst messing with plants, nutrients and soil I thought I'd give it a miss lol. I'm still using the classics but they do annoy me sometimes from certain angles. Also, apologies for the comment regarding my review, I thought we were on another thread for some reason. Too much reading and not enough smoking I say ;)
I found the Method Sevens to work really well except for the Classic clip on version. Their coverage suffers as I see enough LED light coming through around the edges to make me feel only partially protected. If you're considering purchasing a clip on set to put over your prescription glasses I would definitely go for the Aviator set, the classic are much smaller than they look. I wrote a review on my journal in my sig if you're interested in checking it out. Other than the size problem they are indeed a superb set of glasses :)

I never trust clip ons! Bought the wrap arounds and just throw my prescriptions over the top! :)
I thought about doing that but I'd been using some normal sunglasses while doing the same and my glasses kept falling off. I didn't know the thickness of the wraparounds so decided on the clip ons. If they're thin enough to use under my glasses that'll be my next buy :)
Hey folks :)
Best of everything green to ya :)

Some pics of my photo girls :)
Why thanks indeed my friend :) it's.just a walk in the park with my nute range lol. GET means no need for CalMag I just use lemon juice and away we go!
I'm actually bored with the line as you get zero problems with it. Even now without a PH pen lol, it's just plug and play growing :)
I was hoping to get some of REMOS line but will have to wait a bit for that, so I may give my pal at GH an email and get their line sent out for something new! ;)
I love looking at your grows LA. I know what it's like over here with the draconian laws and you are a champion for freedom! It seems that you have everything that one could possibly need but you may be missing something that I picked up from these very forums. You are the best (I mean that literally) that I have ever seen at training your plants and having a healthy harvest but...what about this side of the protection?


Say hellooo to my little friend! lol. All meant in good fun mate hope you don't mind the pic, if you do I'll edit this comment. All the best and may you wield the light for the forces of goodness always :Namaste:
He he :) I know right it properly sucks :)
Mrs LA is actually far closer to the GH guy lol. They really hit it off as he's an awesome guy and missed his wife and kids like crazy. She could open up to him about her issues with anxiety etc as he openly shared about his terrets (sorry cant spell) . She got to know folks at spannabis on a more personal level than me, as it was mainly business/networking for myself :)!
Anyway I know Im very lucky nowadays! Remember my humble beginnings with an old painting canvas as a door to my tiny kitchen alcove lol. :)
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