Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Beautiful video Light... I had to watch it twice to get used to the accent... quite thick I might add and very beautiful but a bit hard for this southern gal to get used to and understand... I have a feeling you would think the same thing if you heard my southern drawl....:welldone:.....:circle-of-love:

I resemble that statement...
Hey all :)

Well today was a busy mornin. I potted up my 4 photo girls into 5 gal cloth pots. I was able to source some good quality coco fibre from a local department store. So I used mostly coco mixed with perlite, bat guano, Greatwhite and then some of my old used soil and then some generic blank topsoil I had. This was a top up for my soil and will just get worked into my soil stock. :)
When potting up I like to use blank soils such as topsoil if required when running low of my own recycled soil.. you don't want some potting soil with nutes in it. Better blank and carry on with feeding levels you had before the pot up. :)

Anyway much love people's :)
Thanks mate

Popped to my bros tonight he grows too. Spotted this on every plant

Spider mites maybe? There only on stems. Not leaves. No cobwebs. There are tiny leisons around the little red clusters.


Hello Macca :)

Hey LA :)

Macca, I only know of this from other plants not MJ, but looks suspiciously like White Scale, or Scale Mite.

It looks, cause they've turned red/ or they're late adult stage.

Looks, like you're mate mite have a truckload more little..hard scaly white thingies...soon.

I don't want to alarm, cause it's real hard to tell. But, from what I've seen ....can u ask his mate if these were small and white once, and now they're bigger and that pinky colour?

Organic is tough cause they stick real good, so basically mechanical removal wash off with mild (very mild) soap and milk and water solution and remove all visible thingies. :)

Wash off residue with water and watch.

Or SNS and you'll be right :)
I'll :passitleft: to that :)

Looking forward to it mate :)

I went back and read your PM after I watched the video...I really needed the was really good seeing you hearing to speak...

Hope you have a great day :)

oh and ...


...for the next one :)
Tassie & canna
Thankyou very much. I'm so confused now lol
I started a thread separate about the issue and the feedback I got over there was it was a type of fungal. Baco soda water mix was advised so now I just don't no what to do. I added some more piks over there and it's a bit more detailed. Don't want to take up any more of LA'S thread on my mates issue so il post tye link and please pop by :)
Il be taking action tomorrow afternoon
I concur with Tassie..the Devil. Do a search on google images for "Scale Mites on Plants". You will see them, young and mature.


AND they be hard to get rid of....unfortunatly. :smokin:
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