Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Almost put this in the wrong thread again...

Thanks mate, I had guessed that the structure was important, but being a stickler for understanding rather than assumption, thought I'd ask.

Im gearing up for a hideously low budget fluxing grow, I've got more seed than I care to have...if the boys in blue found out....and probably 5 different varieties...all bag seed, ok, so I don't got no el-primo known strains..

If i put a bunch of seeds in, wait and observe structure, then make a decision on which strain/plant looks appropriate for fluxing then go with that, does that sound like a reasonable way to start, without knowing what each strain is really like structually? The others I'll just turn to flower and get rid of some seed, find out what they're like and maybe keep some mothers for cloning.

It's about the only thing I can think of doing to start - I love the volume you have achieved with the technique! and they just look so damn....well nice...but better than nice....oh yummy will do!
Hey know Koalas are permanently STONED? The eucalyptus they eat ferments in their gut and gets them high...not like alcohol "drunk" but PROPERLY stoned lol :) I could just imagine a possum after eating your buds swinging by its tail and saying to the Koala "dude....the eucalyptus is ALL yours...I got way better" lol :)

Hey OZ, i got a mumma possum, who I have allowed to live in my roof and eat my gear coz the poor girl has survived two husbands, two daughters and one son...all killed on the road outside my I reackon she needs to get stoned just to cope with the PTSD!

She has a habit too, of say 3am in the morning I'm outside having a smoke and a pee, she come's silently right up behind me, and then run's past really quick, just brushing my leg with her tail....

I swear she's having a contest with herself to see how high she can make me jump! Last weeks effort was one tail and two paws high...about one and half feet vertically from standing off the ground! :goodjob:

one day girl, one day....

She did a really good tipping job on one plant one year, I was devestated when I saw it, let it go, and I got a lovely bush of heads for her trouble.... truley I am serious, this girl is a connoisseur....
I love possums mate but, Jesus, they are DUMB ASSED when it comes to "look left-left right" when crossing roads lol :) Amazing how tame they get isn't it? I've got vidoes of them 3 at time on my nephews balcony being hand fed carrots :)

What the FLUXING heck is this LMAO:lot-o-toke:She,s a Beaut :lot-o-toke:

What the FLUXING heck is this LMAO:lot-o-toke:She,s a Beaut :lot-o-toke:

Cheers my friend, yeah this is the Double Fluxed Waffle :) Im gutted really as her veg period got shortened. So she had no vertical growth before flipp to 12/12. If Id been able to give her a proper veg she could have been awesome. Yet with all my workmen nightmares etc I had to chuck her in early!

Hope you and Padma are having a great Sativaday yourselves! :) best of buds!
I think she is real pretty ! Hey it finally is over 40 degrees around here, maybe spring is really around the corner !
Good Afternoon LA. :reading420magazine::nomo::ganjamon:
I know I've said it before mate but, what the heck, I'll say it again......the DFW, given Gitts time would be an absolute BEAST. She's immense as it is but done "right"....the sky's the limit :) Can't wait to watch you do it with a BV :) . A 30 zip girl? HELL YEAH :)
Good Sunday to all! Where's Chronic with the correct name for today?!

Hey OZ, sorry I had a bit of a turn yesterday, and left the non-topic conversation early. Im glad someone else in here is as nutty as a squirrels purse.

Light, obviously I need to show you some piccies of the (hopefully) ladies, can you advise what the earliest stage of growth would be enough structure to determine suitability to fluxing, like if I look back at the early stages of this thread, then Im guessing at three true leaf sets or nodes, would be enough vegetative growth to show enough structure to determine the best strain?

Thanks, Im ahead of myself, but im never here, always there....:cheesygrinsmiley:
Woooo Hooooo...LA takes a chill pill....hold the front page :) Mate, YOU DO realise that all this Gitt toking is gonna effect the zippage lol :). Mate, you must have done a zip by now lol :)

Tassie my friend...In my opinion 3 nodes is ideal to determine. I've just started a flux on an auto...3 nodes and BOOOOM......head off, stretch and strip the bottom (I'm actually "trying" a DF) node :)
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