Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Evening all :)
Sorry I missed RAR tonight , should have new laptop this week :) then I can keep up! Tonight just some pics of my small two girls as Gitt is just to big to shift :) Hope your weekend was a weedfilled one! :)
Today is a BAD DAY!!!!!! Simply put, I was right to not be keeping anything of value here such as my God light! Today a guy from Council caught me off guard. He said he just wanted to check fire alarms, so let him in. Then it switched to looking in all other rooms at other work. Long and short of it, I have been compromised. My fan was on and obvious sound from cupboard. Then there was a light coming from my kitchen cupboard Veg area.
So Gitt has been chopped earlier than I wanted! Not much amber at all!!!! :( She has been flushed already so not full of crap. Yet gutted to be sure.
Im kind of looking at it as a win still, as my buds are trimmed and gone to dry at my friend's. So I have my massive crop somewhere safe!!
So now I just have 3 girls :) if I get the knock!!! Ill be nice let them in and show em my girls gladly lol. As long as all my gear and main crop is safe Im happy.
As Im not sure entirely, I am keeping up with my others. No where good to farm em out so ill ride my luck!! They have 5-6 weeks left so If I can get em done also things will be good.
I have my moving house fund safe so I might be gone before they come anyway if they do!?!? :)

Sorry not many pics as was all done in a mad rush!!! Ill still do weight once sorted and do more pics at that point!
Cheers Harley but as said everything I need safe is safe so Im not to stressed. Smoking on her already, with some quick dried , low immature stuff and she is niiice :) just not couch lock city like I love!!

That dreaded knock ! :bitingnails: :thedoubletake:

Well I am happy you kept your cool, I would have been really freakin out. Could you please tell me how you did your quick dry.
I would like to start sneaking a little smoke from my big girl. I kind of started fluxing my Obsession. I didn't do it from the start, so it's kind of a flux. When you flux it seems from the pictures that you do not allow growth on the tops of the main branches. When do you allow growth ? I hope that makes sense.
Hey MsBadger, :) Yeah now if they do come ill just lose 3 girls and one 400hps and that's it. So all is good, especially with the amount I have hidden up now! :)
For quick drying there are loads of ways. In an envelope on top of your light reflector if using hps. In an envelope in the bun warming section of a GF grill :) So really anywhere with a dry heat in something to protect it some. :)
Anyway ill repost a harvest pic or two as Im still quite chuffed with the yield off one girl. Even though she could have done better, but hey! Its been a battle with stuff for ages.
Best of buds all :)
Mate......I swear, I nearly died .......Read "today is a bad day", caught a glimpse of the top of the first pic and honestly...I felt sick!!!! I thought FFS NOT AGAIN.....but then I calmed down and read on :) So, congrats on one HUGE harvest my very good friend :) Actually, with the amount you and Mrs Light have been "plucking off" I'm surprised there was anything left to chop lol :) NICE ONE BUDDY :)
Cheers my friend :) Im quite happy with the smoke even if its a bit early for my usual taste. That just the immature low little stuff as well! :) Also loads of trim and popcorn stuff, well anything that wasn't a main bud lol. So my MB machine will get used soon also:) :)
Now as well I can give my others more light so all is good. Im really chuffed with my tiny pot girl. She would with led just become on big bud type xmas tree!
Now I wish id given her a big pot lol. I still have a few of the beans though so :)
Hope all is good with you and Emma my friend. Hope she has you running around for her :) !!
Evening all :)
Sorry I missed RAR tonight , should have new laptop this week :)
You didn't miss anything. It was cancelled.

Mate......I swear, I nearly died .......Read "today is a bad day", caught a glimpse of the top of the first pic and honestly...I felt sick!!!! I thought FFS NOT AGAIN.....but then I calmed down and read on :) So, congrats on one HUGE harvest my very good friend :) Actually, with the amount you and Mrs Light have been "plucking off" I'm surprised there was anything left to chop lol :) NICE ONE BUDDY :)
Just repeat what Ozzy said and consider I posted it.
Hi mate....glad you're happy :) Can't wait for the weight lol :) .....buddy, she's got me like a little lacky boy. Run Fat Boy Run springs to mind lol :)
Hey Light, as the great Gilda Radner's character from Saturday Night Live, Roseanne Roseannadanna, used to remind us, "It's always something. If it's not one thing, its another". It was a great grow. Kudos to you.

I think you should take the skeletal remains of Gitt, slowly dry her out, put an LED diode on each tip--some reds, some blues, probably even a few UV's to get that good old 1960's black light effect, hook it up to a power cord, turn her upside down and make her a smoking room candelabra. In fact, i 'd be willing to bet that some enterprising grower/handyperson could make a bunch of those and sell them at various Cannabis/Hemp cups and conventions. in the US, the dried stems are not illegal to possess.

Did you get any final pictures of her prior to cut down?
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