Lion n' Witch Garden


Guess i should show the canopy he speaks of.. ill have more pics tonight of it as well as a pic of my temp in my 5x5x7 tent with a 1600 in there.

haha no worry at all man, i just thought i should throw the pic up so no one read your comment and asked them selves "what thick canopy is this guy talking about" ;)

this journal is completed and ive just been using it to keep posting what i have going on for this next grow.. ill start a new journal for the small leds im running that is in a post above. may start that journal after xmas, not sure yet. but when my OLD ISLAND INDICA and SWEET BABY JANE strains are ready, then i will be starting a new dedicated journal for them.

for now, this journal will be the home for this "thick canopy" penetration test of mine.

Congrats man!
Those are some beautiful buds and pictures :)

thank you sphnx, means a lot coming from another hps grower..

that hps grow (i assume your talking about)

im one of two caregivers to that garden. so its not all my work there ;)

im the younger of us, and we both are caregivers for the head volunteer.

there is two sides to that grow, 6 lights on each side both are in flower.
(the other side)


*these pics were taken with just a couple ballasts kicked on to take pictures. thats why you see shading in the pictures where there are solid nugs, i dont have invisible lights ;)
Beautiful nugs:):bravo: i reccommended that nematodenate from the mars journal to follow your 5x5 1600 watter to see what it can do.....he has a 3 x3 if it was me i would go with at least the 1200 knowing what i know now:) sorry.....thats twice i have apologized today....just thought he could benefit as well as me from your canopy test:)....hope i havent overstepped any boundaries here:)
Yup I was talking about those. Great job man +reps.
I'm the younger one out of the caregivers I know and work with too... Its pretty cool being able to work with people who have been growing for years and years and then me the "young one" at 25 comes in and blows they're flowers out of the coco. Got the nickname mad scientist now... Pretty sweet lol
Beautiful nugs:):bravo: i reccommended that nematodenate from the mars journal to follow your 5x5 1600 watter to see what it can do.....he has a 3 x3 if it was me i would go with at least the 1200 knowing what i know now:) sorry.....thats twice i have apologized today....just thought he could benefit as well as me from your canopy test:)....hope i havent overstepped any boundaries here:)

no boundaries were crossed, i thank you for recommending me..

in a 3x3 tent i definitely wouldnt run a 1600, unless you had a blower in and blower pulling air out your temp would be to hot to control and this could be the issue with all the 5w chips.. in a month i will be getting some 144x3 when they get restocked and will do a journal with those in a 5x5 tent as well.

if i was to buy a light for a 3x3 tent, which i may be doing for my fiances herb garden. i am looking at the 192x3w , for two main reasons. 3w = low heat
a coverage of 4'4"x4'4" will surely cover 3x3 strong.

you also are drawing literally half to 1/4 of the power as you will with a 1200 or 1600
and its half the cost of the 1600 which is nice too.

Yup I was talking about those. Great job man +reps.
I'm the younger one out of the caregivers I know and work with too... Its pretty cool being able to work with people who have been growing for years and years and then me the "young one" at 25 comes in and blows they're flowers out of the coco. Got the nickname mad scientist now... Pretty sweet lol

im the young one at 24, they both have been impressed with my led grow but still wont make the leap themselves. the head volunteer almost did it, then the main caregiver was like "F leds, and F light movers" haha so we do what he wants for now. but i just went and looked at a 860 sq foot grow basement so im excited and waiting for the leds to be restocked. then ill be replacing all my lights at my house with leds and moving all my hoods to the basement. cant wait.

I tend to want to go on the bigger side now as i started out with 1 100x3 got two more, then the mars 400, then the 144x3 reflector and then the mars the 144x3 is used in my veg room 2x4 and fills it up nicely......the 400 and 700 mars adn one 100x3 fill the flower room.......i am looking at a couple new options now one big light or maybe two smaller lights but upgrade from where i am now......i have spent enough on lights from top led now that i wished that i had been more patient and ended up with something know if that makes any sense....back away from the bong:):)lol......
when i joined the led movement i knew one main thing. well two, first being expect to pay 1000 for a good light to cover a 5x5 area, second being "leds dont work they are a joke".. so i watched a few growers (all different brands) and the prices were all over the board. what i noticed was the medium priced led (1600w led for 600$) was giving the exact same results as the lights that cost 1000+

now its hard to make this judgment, as you will noticed that 9/10 of the sponsored grows here act like their light is the only thing that makes their plant grow.

i knew that Strains, Genetics, Nutes, Environment controls, Ect go into play to determine the end results. so i watched and listened to how the growers carried themselves. ive always been a very perceptive person and i can read people like no other, i was raised to be on the edge. i wont mention their names but the three i followed were on this site and ive spoken in all three of their journals and ive even caused one of them to hate me as i made him believe i was saying im a better grower then him when i was simply saying my light is no different then yours. well ill let bygones be bygones my point wasnt getting across there.

but from what i seen was a great priced led, with amazing results, and i havent regretted my purchase.

it said it covered a 5x5 area and i would say it does at around 24-30 inch but i like it around 12-16 inch above my canopy so the 1600 is great for a 4x4 but works well in a 5x5.

for the price, i can never complain about the lights. the fact i dont have to buy bulbs every 4 months is enough to make me buy em. i pay for a 1600w in 12 months just buying bulbs.

im buying at least 2 144x3 this coming month when they restock. and when their new light comes to the market ill be getting 2-4 of those depending on price since they only pull 300 watts, thats amazing.

I have been fascinated by LED technology since I was young! I am also Very Happy to be testing LED light panels that are capable of producing superior quality cannabis then conventional High Pressure Sodium light bulbs with the same growing nutrients and environmental conditions! I can only agree that LED light technology for growing cannabis has arrived!
One gallon Smart pot, Inside a 3 gallon GeoPot No Stress Transplant

So awhile back i mentioned on someones thread that i just place my smart pots inside each other, with no transplant stress. here is a fine example of what i was talking about. you will notice that the roots had no problem growing through the cloth, and did not disturb the pots hardly at all. this plant was only 2 months old and was from seed. So if it was to have grown for another 2+ months the 1 gallon pot would not be in great shape.

From clone ive never had a problem with salvaging my smart pots. now when i grow for 6+ months i may have a un-salvageable pot but the one gallon pots i put most my starts in are about a buck each bought in bulk so its not a huge hit for me.

From seed you have a taproot, ive never done this process with a seed for a full 4 month round. so ill see how they do when the rest finish up.


Happy plants under a 1600 w aptus boosters

So i added a full line of aptus boosters to my feed, been going on 2 weeks with them now and my plants have shown me what they feel about their new feed. They dont mind the light either ;)


Veg Room , new eye hortilux blue and eye hortilux e-start

So im waiting for some new leds and i needed some more light as my plants have grown to bushy to keep to one light. so i went to the grow shop and asked what was a decent light that wasnt spendy but wasnt a pos. Ushio was the brand they sent me out with, looked and sounded great. went to the grow hooked it up and it kicked on then shut off, i run a digital ballast so i tried it at 75% first, when it shut off, i thought huh maybe it needs 100% so i tried that, same thing kicked on and shut off, so i tried it on 50% and same thing.

i run a quantum digital ballast and was trying to connect to a ushio mh bulb. well i took it back and told the guy (newer employee) that it wouldnt fire up, he looked at me like i was trying to pull a fast one, he set it up to his ballast and it fired right up. well luckily i made the quick observation and mentioned his isnt a digital ballast, this point the main employee comes out from back and asks whats going on. he gets the scoop and says o no man, that bulb wont kick on a digital you need a hortilux.

im sure other bulbs may work, but hortilux are the only bulbs ive got to work on a quantum digital ballast. anyone else have any luck?

So i got their Blue Spectrum version just to see how it was compared to my e-start hortilux bulb. the e-start has alot more red in the mh, the hortilux blue, i swear alot of green in it. i can take a pic of the spectrum chart (which does show green in) thought this was weird since green isnt suppose to be up taken by plants?? but were also starting to see that color come in leds..

once i seen the light fired up and worked properly, will do till the leds arrive i hooked the ducting up that temp climbed to 100 F real quick. with the 6" fan going at 100% speed my temps are at 82 degrees in a 6.5x6.5x7 tent

This is why i needed the extra light asap, they were wanting to start stretching bad, and these are just a month or so away from flower themselves, not time for stretch yet

8 days ago i seen early signs in veg room of plants showing sex on my old island indica and sweet baby jane. i found 5 males out of 16 plants so far. the other 11 are not for sure female, they just are showing hairs instead of balls. after 8 days of being secluded to the bathroom ;) i discovered that they are indeed males. they have been turned back into the soil which they came from. been watching a few members including curso do this so figured ill try it out and see what the soil looks like this summer.

Clones, always Clones :)

Clonex has been 100% same with my Mad Farmers root it


Cleaning up Reclaim

So my small diamond glass dab rig got packed full of reclaim so instead of dumping rubbing alcohol in there (im not a fan of) i pored Everclear inside the rig and let it soak for about 48 hrs, shaking it when i got around to it. this broke it all up and i then filtered it into this mason jar, once purged it was the cleanest tasting reclaim ive ever smoked. i did this for a test to help patients and others save what most consider to be terrible tasting aka resin bowls haha

hey there Green Dreamz!! thanks for still checking out my completed ongoing grow :)

i enjoy seeing males myself, lets me know my seeds werent messed with in any way. i have no idea if feminized have issues or not but i just like regular seeds. keeps the joy of growing there, keeps ya on your toes haha

lmao your completed ongoing grow is looking great Gfc. I really was surprised by that reclaim idea, but that's actually pretty cool! - I've smoked the leftover hash resin before, and its awful. truly terrible. I bet using everclear and purging it makes a big difference!

Always something to learn from you :Namaste:
lmao your completed ongoing grow is looking great Gfc. I really was surprised by that reclaim idea, but that's actually pretty cool! - I've smoked the leftover hash resin before, and its awful. truly terrible. I bet using everclear and purging it makes a big difference!

Always something to learn from you :Namaste:

dont have the time to do a journal like i want this next time around. im also tired of seeing all the same strains being grown on here, even if the names been changed the same it seems there is a standard set of strains that im following in journals anyways that are close to the same genetic wise.

this next grow i will be doing a journal on will be my landrace strains from Vashon Island up here off the coast of washington. Old island Indica and Sweet baby jane.

The reclaim idea came about because i needed to clean my rig. i have a few rigs, but my "baby cakes" rig is my fav, so it gets gooped up quickly. i usually use rubbing alcohol and throw it away, my friend has used the rubbing alcohol to clean them before as well and used the outcome for edilbes, which he said he would never do again. hah. i decided since i break premade bho down with everclear to make winterized, why cant i do this with reclaim?

the thing about my reclaim, is im a health freak so i smoke the cleanest oil in our part of washington, Solventless costing 70/G (till i can make my own)
so there is no waxs, fats, lipids anything of the nature in my oil, but friends do bring by their "oil" they got from whatever shop they went to and i try it out, which will dirty the reclaim in my rigs (which i dont smoke). Well i always give my reclaim away just like i use to when resin use to be something people smoked in washington before legalization. So i thought, how can i make this reclaim the best possible. so i winterized it with everclear and froze for 24hrs. there was not much in the filter but it did catch some fats. after it was purged out, i actually tried some of this reclaim and it wasnt bad. i will stick to my regular oils but when your rig gets dirty, just throw some everclear in it, shake it up let it sit till it breaks the oils down, filter through a coffee filter, store in freezer, strain through filter again while in freezer while it sits for 24 hrs. then purge her and enjoy some lost earl.

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