Lion n' Witch Garden


Sorry its taken some time, and this is far from all of it. i have a few different dry methods going right now (2 different jars, 2 different dry styles, boseda packs, and more)

This Budate will include (Grape Ape, Harvested and trimmed : Harlequin, Harvested and Trimmed : New veg room thats in need of some time from me : Clones that will be taken tonight and or tomorrow.. : issue i had with Grape Ape at end of flower : Washington Recreational Marijuana : homemade watering stick)

So lets get started now that the pics have uploaded.

Grape Ape
In my last update i showed pictures and talked very little about my grape ape. the last 2 weeks of its flower cycle something went wrong but at that point there is no real way to correct the issue without further damaging your flowers. so i made the executive decision and harvested early. my first guess is that i had to strong of a feed and resulted in my plant dying/stop taking in nutes. second guess was maybe this strain needs more calcium then the harlequin and sour tsunami did/does.. i mix my nutes in a 5G bucket, my nutes are as follows
[Humboldt county Micro + Humboldt county Grow + Humboldt county Bloom + Humboldt county Sea mag & Sea Cal]

I decided to harvest when i seen the damage not getting better. i noticed no more growth and the plant didnt seem to be getting any healthier looking so instead of watching the problem get worst, i cut her down a week early. i will be taking a micro pic of it soon and posting the pictures when i do so. this is a personal grow so it will either be turned into butter or extracts.

I was not ready to hang any flowers at this point so this became my quick dry shelf. which i ended up adding a black tarp all around it with a small office fan on the inside blowing air out the far side. i was going to make a cardboard box like i read here on 420mag but some of my flowers were to tall for any box i was willing to damage to hang. all my big boxes are for my garden gear and i keep that for moving reasons.

As many of you are most likely thinking, those flowers will dry out rather fast in the setup you have right now. which they did, and when i smoke a piece of the flower i can taste the earthy plant taste mixed in with a sweet almost bitter taste. this is the reason i added a tarp to keep the temp/light from the veg room away from the flowers, with the mind thought that it would also increase the humidity which is good for drying as well as you have good air flow, where the fan came into play. but this wasnt done till Harlequin (will get to later) came down.


Start the trimming process, Hard to look at these when i know they still had another week+ of growth

Once all trimmed up, They look a little better.

In their final resting place for (1-2 months), they are placed in a 1 gallon container with 2 (62% boveda humidity packs) these will be my yule treats and smoke. pictures of their final weight as well as tric pics will come later.

My harlequin i have been real happy with. the only thing i wish i could have done better, is gave her longer life time in the veg cycle. all my plants i have been vegging for only 2-3 months tops then i flower for 2 -2 & 1/2 months. this is because the growers i have been taught from are strictly about profits. i never thought about what would happen if you grew the plant longer in the veg cycle. i have some mothers that have been going for 2 months now and have decided to let them keep growing (excited to see what i can do with a 8 month old lady). i do have a new batch (that are young) i will be throwing in flower, that will come later.

So as ive mentioned a few times, i lack room in my grow area. so much i couldnt get this one 6' section of hanging flowers in one pic. so some of the flowers will be in 2 pictures, you should be able to see from the flower characteristics. im sorry for not one picture, ill have a bigger better hanging system soon, our grow shop actually had no hanging nets. Recreational has cleaned out our one local grow shop.

im not a huge guy, about 5' 6" give or take a inch. so this is some what of a wet comparison of the sizes.


And then i got a few pictures of them all trimmed up. have a few different ways im drying right now. i have half the flowers on a dry screen in a dark cupboard (trimmed up), i have the other half inside a mason jar with a 62% boveda humidity pack inside with it. the mason jar still needs burped twice a day. im doing this so i can see if a real long cure (burping twice a day with a boveda pack) will result in a smoother smoke then the faster cure in the cupboard. its taking more maintance for sure but if its a smoother smoke its well worth it in a medicine stand point. i dont have the space to make a dry room or else i would just get another tent and dedicate it to drying. its hard to find a nice place in a small moutain town.


After this point, the screen was placed in a cupboard with a gab allowing for air to flow below and on top of the flowers curing.

Mason jar with boveda pack also stored in cupboard.

Something that has been eating alot of my time right now, many outdoor growers are wanting new ladys for their next crops. so this has been a busy time for me getting new starts going. once these get rooted, the red tags will be gone instantly. the blue tags will have their sex discovered, and the green tabs are clones i want for myself. once i discover the sex of the blue tags (by placing the main plant i took the clones from in 12/12) then i will pull the male clones from the garden (if i have a old island indica male clone im saving him for later) the females i will continue to flower the plant that i took the clones off of. their clones will be my mother once i see which genes i like the best out of the 4 new strains. cutting those blue tags, down to 4 plants (1 female of each strain). i would really be able to do a true gene pull but plant count doesnt allow for that to happen.


Vegging Room
My vegging room will keep changing and i dont believe i will ever find a setup that i truly like. i seem to find an issue with every setup ive had so far. but maybe its like a house, no matter what you do there is always something to improve or clean ;) i also cant handle looking at something the same for more then a few months. i rearrange our shop about once a month and my living room polly 2-3 times a year. im sure they have some disorder or some name for this but i dont consider it a issue so ive never went and asked the doctor to tell me i have something that i dont. on to my veg room ;) just deleted a huge ramble on doctors

so this was the old style, i needed some type of separation for no real reason other then i wanted it. its nice to have since i spray my mother plants every other day just to keep dust, pests, hair off as well as help get some calcium on their stomatas. would this hurt my smaller plants on the right side? most likely no, but i would rather have the calcium under the leafs then dry on the top so a added black tarp will help prevent any overspray onto my smaller guys when im going up my ladys ;)

Ok so here is the issue in my veg room. my mothers need trimmed up and trained while trimming
my sour tsunami needs to be arranged further in the light, ive had it out of my tent for 5 days now. i had a thirp issue so i separated it and sprayed it daily with my organic insecticide. after day 3 i didnt see any more lil thirps moving around so i went a extra 2 days and at that point the leafs were needing some more energy. so its in my tent staying away from the others right now while i watch its progression. ive placed sand over all my mothers to keep gnats away and havent seen any other then the ones my fiances baby elder had (dear jah that was horrid) ive bought some sticky traps and will be hanging them as well. The spray i made this round will be uploaded in my thread "pictures of homemade insecticide"

Now again im limited on space. my tent has 3 doors ("360" degree acess) 2 windows (got set up against a wall :p)
so watering shouldnt be a issue at all right. well only one of the doors i can actually open and be able to work from (other doors have about one foot space, i could squeeze in there thats it) so instead of every other day trying to get in there and water i decided to create a watering wand. now many will say why not just go buy one for 5-10$ at ur local super market. well i dont run 50G reservoirs and i dont need that kind of water power. i have 4 5G buckets, a medium sized (40$) submersible pump, with a small 1/4" air tube thats 8' long, 2 bamboo sticks 6' long, and some tape (may change to zip ties since this works for me)
1 bucket (plane water)
2 bucket (young plant feed)
3 bucket (vegging plant feed)
4 bucket (Pre-flower and flower plant feed)

While looking over the padawans.. i noticed this one really bushy Old Island Indica.

Ill be watching this one ;)

Sour Tsunami Still Standing
So this one has been a roller coaster and still is. im impressed with how its stacked on the weight so im thinking of keeping these genes around and trying them out again. all three (grape ape, harlequin, and sour tsunami) i was impressed with their genes but disapointed in how i went about them. the next run will be much better, this i can promise.


Also, If anyone wanted to see what 63$ of Washington recreational marijuana looks like. here ya go

i also just ordered 3050 seeds of 18 different kinds of herbs ranging from chamomile to cayenne peppers and beyond. cant wait for all the new stuff to arrive.
Sour Tsunami Has Hit Land!

I read somewhere that a grower trimmed all the leafs off while the plant was still standing. i didnt read anything negative on the issue other then its easier to overdry your flowers this way (which is a pretty big issue).. however this sour tsunami will be made into RSO and cannabutter so i figured that this would be the perfect lady for me to test this trimming method out on.

what i noticed was its 10x easier to trim while they are standing up right. (the scrog net did make it rather difficult to access parts, so i cut the net up (couple dollar cloth net i was wanting plastic squares anyhow)

so now its just time to see how it turns out. i will still be smoking some of this flower but its my main cbd strain and is going to be made into cannabis oil for patients.

on that point, this plant yielded by far more then either grape ape or harlequin, i would go as far as saying that this single plant only grown for a total of 4 months (2 in veg and 2 in flower) has yielded more then both harlequin and grape ape combined. i have many strains and plants going right now but eventually, i want to do a single 5x5 scrog with this sour tsunami and believe i can have a actual decent plant for these forums. i was also under the impression that cannabis plants only veg for 2 months then you had to go into flower. now that ive seen a handful of growers take their plants past 5-8 months veg, i will be trying this as well and am looking forward to what i can push my limits to. this is just my second legit fully invested grow and i am far from the type of grower to say mine is the best ever out there. my pgsc was muff gabage and i was not happy with this grow. i know i can do better and i will.


this is a close up right before i chopped her down and washed her up.


This guy, well get to after showing all the colas.

Now time to wash my sour tsunami. these are three 5 gallon buckets. the first has a cup of fresh squeezed and filltered lemon juice. the other two buckets are RO water at room temp



now on to the colas

This is that main cola i mentioned above. really wish i would have vegged this plant for 4 months instead of 2.. i still have her mother so her time will come.

sorry for the half nakedness, this was running on 5 hrs of sleep, had to take new puppy to the vet and had to be at the shop in a hr. had no time to pretty myself up

And these are the clones i have been needing to take, still have more that needs taken but my space and domes are taken up, contemplating buying a ezcloner (just the small 24 site) anyone else have luck with these or a sponsored cloner?

this is old island indica, i have high expectations for this one. not 100% positive but i believe its a north america land race strain. still doing research on the strain and all ive been able to find is that its been grown on Vashon island for a very long time (which being from washington i like the thought of that) either way, this plant is showing some great feats.

Very bushy

well that is the harvesting updates. now just waiting for them to cure up. (itll be end of november to december) when i am finished curing the ladys.

haha! damnit, didnt even notice that my short right side is that noticeable! could have turned that cola to my right side and said it was weighing me down...

Grats on the harvest.

Re Cloner: DIY one. I think the prices they charge for these things is crazy. It's simply a pump that sprays plain water through some sprayers. You can use a bucket or a tote, but I like the rectangular shape of totes as it works better with the square shapes you get when making manifolds from PVC. :winkyface:

I know I posted some pics when I made mine, but you would have to search through my journal to find it. Just look for cloner and the IMG tag and it should be easy enough to find. :thumb:
wow congrats Gfc!! Sorry I missed your last few updates, caught up now... you've really been busy.

And you weren't half-naked, you were wearing that giant cola after all :rofl: :love:

Really, great job Gfc, when you get a 6 month veg'ed plant it will be a Monster. :Namaste:
The Weights Are In!

The Smoke report will come this weekend.

So ive got Sour Tsunami in 3 of the 5 jars here. harlequin is in another, as well as grape ape

Here we have the Sour Tsunami jars being weighed.

Here we got the Great tasting Harlequin.


Grape ape that was harvested a week or two early.

had a total of 13 oz plus some. also didnt weigh any of my small C nugs or trim, i try and have the actual weight as if it was to go on our shop counter.
(sour tsunami is being made into oil why it didnt get as nice of a trim job as the harlequin)


Now onto the C nugs/trim

this is just one of the sections i put into these, didnt take pics of all of them.


So this is some butter i made just in time for some thanksgiving treats.
This is the strongest to date that ive made, oz of c nugs and half oz of trim


Fiance is the better half of me, and she prefers me to make coconut oil medicated.
This oil i added a half oz of c nugs and a half oz of trim.


They will make some great treats. im the baker out of us two, been a few months since i made the block smell like a rastafarian kitchen.

Cleaning for the new ladys

"do you just sweep around the rug or do you pick the ** thing up and clean under neath it?"


have been real busy at the other grow im part of harvesting and resetting that up. so have been limited on time for about everything. just got it all finished up so now i have time for my garden :)

If you look closely to these ladys, u will see a select few are showing some deficiencys. they have been balanced and are bouncing back now that ive had time to be with my girls.

Here you can see they have recovered well, and are still recovering. but the new line of boosters ive been adding to my npk seems to be doing wonders, as well as my calcium foliage spray

Veg Room!

The room that changes every time i enter it ;)
**i believe these are being posted in order of when they were taken, if not ill edit and fix**

Here you can see a way i transplant 1G pots when i need to use them. Typically i wouldnt use a 1g pot, but i didnt have as many 3g pots at the time and had a box full of 1g just collecting dust. so i filled them with my medium and when they were ready to be moved to a bigger pot i just stuck them in soil in a 3G pot.

these pots are just cloth and roots will grow through them easily. they do it on their own and get air pruned by themselves, add a dark moist area on the other side of that cloth loaded with npk and those roots will tear through it like hulk ripping a shirt. depending on how long you keep your plants alive in the 3 g pots will depend on how damaged the 1g pot gets. in a 8-12 week grow you can just wash and salvage the 1g pots. i plan to just toss them after they are done. the majority will be to damaged of mine.




Nycd(from clone), GSC(from clone), PGSC (from clone), Grape Ape(from clone), Sour Tsunami(from clone), Harlequin(from clone), Old island indica(from seed), Sweet baby jane(from seed), Tahoe Og(from seed), PGSC (from seed)


Fiances Herbs, a surviving PGSC (from seed)

This PGSC (from seed) had a issue that im still not positive what it was, leaves curled upwards (but only the pgsc (from seed) have been doing so, i assume the seeds wernt mature since i got them in a bag of "medical" flowers from a cannabis market)
Fiances herbs are doing good, she said she was contemplating pulling her tomato since shes not sure if shell have enough room for it. getting her a tent and a small topled grow light as soon as their tents get into the states. she has 3 other herbal plants other then these right now, including lavender sage and elderberry. we also have 3050 seeds of 18 other herbs that we still need to get some planted of. We believe in all herbs


wish i could post it here, but 3 days ago i went out and checked on the garden to harvest what is left before the real frost hits. Found a giant cucumber under my straw bed so i got some canning to do now! ill post the cucumber in my "Pictures Of Homemade insecticide" since thats my only off topic thread right now ;)

still deciding if i will start a new grow journal up right away, or wait till i have my new strains up and going.

ive got 6 strains in my flower room right now, i have 10 strains in my veg room right now (4 of which im wanting to do a journal on) i also have 3 more strains in seeds i need to get going after this next harvest. so i will for sure be doing another journal, i may just skip this next one since it wont be much different then this grow.

im very thankful for the members that followed me along on this journey, i learned a lot and hope a few learned something from me as well. i look forward to my next journal with you amazing people.

Stay green and Stay safe
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

After Harvest!

Well the grow was cleaned and reset up, still waiting to flip new ladys into 12/12.

got my butter and coconut oil made a week or so ago now, time to do canning and processing.

When i was a child, my aunt use to make these things she called Bon, Bons. this is my attempt at them.
The peanut butter has medicated coconut oil and medicated butter in it 4 tablespoons of each.

Rice Crispies have medicated coconut oil and medicated butter as well.

the chocolate only has 1 tablespoon of medicated butter, to help soften the butter up when it hardens and to give it more of a kick ;)

May be hard in a pic, but there is a green tint to these crispies :)

Rolling the Bon Bons

These are just for the fiance and myself. i will make them prettier for my xmas gifts

The Rice Crispies turned out my fav easily, everything is medicated but the cashes, those are hand crushed.

Making Soil Cubes?!

so i asked the fiance to stop and grab some jiffy cubes from the local super market so i could take some clones needed to take a few...

she told me they were not there anymore, "shit" ok ill get them this weekend. Well we went this weekend and it turns out they were cleaning the garden section out for xmas shinanagins..

so i decided id make my own, i looked on youtube and dear jah i feel sorry for those guys. yea they made cubes but they were solid dirt and soak and wet, just horrible looking. but i also noticed there was no way to hold the dirt together if it were to dry out or roots formed. so i went with a route that if this works, i will make a youtube clip for others to create their own and is small on the funds.

So i went and got some Cheese cloth, now i got robbed at the store while getting mine but i feel you could get these for 1$ at ur local dollar store or super market. i didnt have "seed mix" soil which i would prefer and i will be doing with the next batch, so i used my basic happy frog soil.

after you have a hand full of dirt in your cheese cloth, wrap it up like a burrito. (once you moisten it, itll bond together) mine have stayed together so far (48hrs and going) if you want, stick a pin needle through to hold together.

i found cutting at the curve in the cloth to be a perfect size, but i didnt do exact sizes, they all varied in size.

Well for now, 10 will do. if even one works, i will be getting seedling soil and using that with the next batch. i dont feel the basic happy frog soil will be too strong though.

Day 1 in their freshly cleaned dome, added a heat mat since temps have dipped down to 10 degrees here, inside temps are still 70 but the dome is only heated by a t5 so added a lil extra heat. temp is right around 82 in clone dome

Day 3 they still are standing up, looking like they are at least trying.

The older clones, that didnt go to patients. still cloning the unknown sex plants before i flip them into flower

The Veg room, still got more work to do as always ;) camera system still needs setup, been putting that off for a week now it seems.

So the white dry spots you see on my plants randomly that i talked about last update, here is the foliage spray i use, love it. i spray my plants once a week with this @ 5ml per liter

This is Old Island Indica, she has not been topped or trained in any way, shes just a bushy plant ;)

Thanks for still following any updates i have guys! ill continue to post updates until i decide to start a new journal ;)

Looking great Gfcollective, your busier than a 1 legged man in a butt kicking contest.:cheesygrinsmiley::adore:
Wow great updates Gfc! I love to see how busy you keep yourself lol, its motivating to me.

Gotta love making some infused oils/butter! I wish I could try your thanksgiving treats lol. It's been a while since I made some good butter..

Awesome idea for making your own soil cubes!! I love that. Thanks for sharing! :Namaste:
Grow Updates

So here we have the soil cubes i made myself.
While you will notice that the cubes did indeed work, i had a issue that i could have possibly prevented if i paid attention but i feel the correct soil would solve this as well. i used the soil i had on hand which was Happy frog basic potting soil, good for matured plants and great in cloth pots, allows for great breathing for the roots. however in my clone dome, with high humidity for 3 days straight, it created some white foamy mold. so instead of even trying to cure them or anything, without opening the dome i took the container outside tossed the clones and bleached the container. ill try this again with some Seed soil, should work better.

So i got my CloneX in the mail, i ordered the kit. (wanted the tray, was not as big as i expected haha)
the CloneX has worked great so far, let the cubes soak in 20ml of solution to 4 liters of water for about 30 hours, could have been 24 and been fine but i slacked 6 hours ;)
when i took the clones i dipped in Mad Farmers Clone Gel since i have a good supply of that right now.
I sprayed each clone with CloneX spray which has very small amounts of N P and K.
The clones never wilted or sagged, they have been strong since i cut them
here they are 2 days old


Now onto a side note real quick, i will be starting a new journal after thanksgiving. this is what you will have to look forward to.

This Grow test is being lighted by these lights I was given by a friend that never used them, he quit growing before he could get to that point. he started growing for the state working under i-502 so i got his old gear. once you hang one you could see why someone decided not to try these. very small footprint but very strong penetration. would be great to add to another light to help but i want to see what they can do by them selves. so im starting with 6 unknown plants, planning on at most 3 of them being female. so one light per plant.

These will be reset up and adjusted this weekend. im the cooker/baker/gardener and i run a shop by myself so my time is cut short this next month. i mainly needed room from my veg tent so i can maintain them ladys. here is the recovering Tahoe og 6 of them, sex is unknown, looks like i have one female for sure. we shall see shortly

onto my veg tent, the new nutrient boosters ive been adding has taken my root's to a entire new level. now i have overflow catchers for my pots but dont have them cleaned right now so i dont have them under my plants as of now. this is what i found when moving my plants.

now when i pulled the pots around to readjust for their size in space. there was a actual tug to these pots, to where i could feel the roots breaking apart. it actually was attaching itself to the mylar of the floor of my tent. insane! now when i first started growing with cloth pots i noticed roots popping out of the sides, but never like this, as white as they are still, and attached to the floor!

This pic was taken right before i moved the tahoe og out from the left side of the tent. while moving them from the veg tent i noticed a few female pre flowers showing while still in veg. they are about 2-3 months old now so its just on time for showing their preflowers.

those are the old island indica seeds from Vashon island, WA

these are the pgsc, they were from a medical bag that had seeds in it. (if you call that medical) so i planted them since i only have a clone of pgsc. hoping to get a better genetic. if not, well maybe a good looking male?

Here is my current veg room. they will be spaced out, cleaned up, and clones taken from the rest this weekend.

cant forget my mars 2 1600 flower room. wont be doing a journal on this room for a couple months, this room will showcase my old island indica and sweet baby jane when theyre ready.

in other news! ;)
those who have been following my journal for awhile, will remember i cleaned one of our shop grows and reset it up. here is that process and how its developed.


And A current update of that setup

Didnt mention it here, but she said Yes ;)
7 years later, shes now my fiance

Nice job all the way around, congratulations GF.
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