Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

Mrgivemethat, Bass fishing /yay

I can't say really on size degradation. Maybe because of the style of my grows. If plants are set to the right height I think it covers the entire area well.
Hey guys I saw on one of 420fied journals a poster like thing that had all the leaves with different deficiencies I can't find it againany help please thanks.
I run Raptors and Radiants and there is no comparison,the Raptors rule. Personally I like to keep the Raptors to a 4' footprint. I have two 4x6 flood tables loaded with 2L hempy's going,one with two Radiants over it and the other with two Raptors over it and you can see the difference on the plants on the periphery,not much as even the Radiants will cover a 4' area but there is a definite degradation in plant size on the last row under the Radiants. The difference in price between a decent standard sized reflector and a Raptor is about a hundred bucks,how much increase in yield does one have to get to pay for the difference in price,not much. If I could do it all over again I would buy nothing but Raptors with 1000w dual arc's running in them,I have switched two of mine over to dual arc's and when it is time to switch out my last two HPS's they will get dual arc's also,same theory,the dual arc's pay for themselves multiple times over.

Thanks for the feedback tee. I'm going to research dual arc and Raptor as I plan on upgrading this Summer.

+ reps!
Dual arcs ar great but I've found them to lack intensity. But they are great for a mixed spectrum sog style grow for sure!

Saw a MASSIVE Hood with 2 sockets the other day. Can't recall the name. But it made the magnum look scrawny
Dual arcs ar great but I've found them to lack intensity. But they are great for a mixed spectrum sog style grow for sure!

Saw a MASSIVE Hood with 2 sockets the other day. Can't recall the name. But it made the magnum look scrawny

If you keep to a 4 foot square area per bulb and air cool your reflector to keep it close as possible to the plant you will be fine. The Raptor comes in a dual bulb model,it wasn't available when I bought mine otherwise I would have gone that route,one bulb MH and the other HPS,now that would be the shit!
I do that anyway. The issue is its a 400hps and 200mh in one bulb (or higher for the 1k I used 600) and the intensity directly reflected those wattages. They were amazing bulbs but I just dropped out the third 600 in flower and put in a mh spectrum bulb. Same effect more intensity (and a less direct blended spectrum) but that only works running multiple hoods I supposed.

I looked at the Raptor way back and went with the magnum. But when I went to get a few more yield masters they had some huge 8" beast (may have been the name "beast") that held 2 bulbs up to 1500w each and dwarfed the magnum and the Raptor. Can't imagine the price but it had a lot if sun system type options. Beaded flanges hinged glass etc.

The saturn8 (I think) is pretty cool and low priced too. It looks like ur average Hood (white coated aluminum housing 8" flanges then u look under and it is a cooltube built into the hoods. Best of both worlds. Footprint and look of an aluminum Hood and the easy cooling of a cooltube. Too big for my area so I passed but it may suit u very well.
Good morning folks,

There are 50 plants left on table 1. Once these are harvested, I'll fill this table with it's first full run. This will also comprise my first full table run of clonex dipped clones.


Table 2 is also coming along nicely. Table 2 will comprise my first full table harvest in late March. However, these clones were not dipped in clonex gel so it will be interesting to see the difference in harvest numbers between the two tables. All the plants on table 2 were potted within 13 days of one another so the light has traveled the entire length of the 6' rail for the entirety of the run. I'm noticing that the majority of the plants are in the 11-13" range. Here's some sequence shots of table 2. The majority of the plants are 20+ days old now and you can that bud building is underway.


I also have good news to report in the way of clone wilt. As I had previously mentioned, I was experiencing extreme wilt for up to 36 hours post cut. Corey gave me some good advice and I put it to use last night when I cut clones. I misted the cuts after dipping them in gel and placing them in their pucks and I was pleased with the result. While they did wilt slightly for the first three hours or so, it was nowhere near as extreme as before, and they came back nicely throughout the night and are standing at attention this morning.


There are some nice root systems forming on these babies.


Oh look, new toys to play/experiment with. I'm going to wait until I plant the first full table of clonex dipped clones (later this month) to work these products into the mix. I'm excited to put them to work.


Good Growing
Just a quick note for you guys looking at hinged hoods. Air leakage. The Raptor's are not hinged, and totally sealed. This was a real issue for me for two reasons. One obviously being leaking heat into the tent. But the other is smell leaking into the exhaust. Friends could smell my grow 20 feet from my garage door and my grow is on the 2nd floor of the house, 1 room back into the house, not a front room. Now that the leaking is gone with a better hood, they can't smell it even walking up stairs or until I open the tent. My exhaust filter is doing all it's supposed to do and I'm not sucking smell into the light (via vacuum) with the cooling fan blowing that smell out.

Changing bulbs is only a slight pain. You do have to take one of your fan hoses off to change them. But I don't mind that at all if it prevents smell.
I got some good news! I emailed serious seeds asking about Chronic's rooting and they say they usually get roots in 14 days. Well today is day 11 and I see roots! Hope everything else looks good..And god I love your tables endless vision of nice buds!

I got some good news! I emailed serious seeds asking about Chronic's rooting and they say they usually get roots in 14 days. Well today is day 11 and I see roots! Hope everything else looks good..And god I love your tables endless vision of nice buds!


Awesome JJ! I'm so happy that you're seeing development! Way to hang in there. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is nothing at all. You have patience. You'll do well.

Hey 420, got a question for ya. When mixing nutes do you just mix up standard batches based on age? Are all the plants uniform on nutrient needs? Are there some plants that need more or less you have to accomodate separately? This makes sense in my head, but then again I'm prety well toasted atm.

Edit- just made my order of 5 fem snow white seeds today. After seeing your journals and reading reviews on it I couldnt resist. Hope to get a good mother or two going. Thanks again for the information and the inspiration. :thumb:
Hey 420, got a question for ya. When mixing nutes do you just mix up standard batches based on age? Are all the plants uniform on nutrient needs? Are there some plants that need more or less you have to accomodate separately? This makes sense in my head, but then again I'm prety well toasted atm.

Edit- just made my order of 5 fem snow white seeds today. After seeing your journals and reading reviews on it I couldnt resist. Hope to get a good mother or two going. Thanks again for the information and the inspiration. :thumb:

Thanks for the kind words and you're welcome.

Yes. Up to this point, I've been forced to feed plants of different ages, different levels of nutrients. Therefore, I mix it gallon by gallon.
However, going forward, I'll be planting full tables at a time so the entire table will be on the same feed schedule which will make life a little easier on me.

I think you'll enjoy Snow White. SW is a gorgeous F1 Hybrid that comes from two powerhouse producers in Northern Lights and Cinderella99. The aroma and taste of this strain rival any I've ever smoked. I grow small SOG plants but when moved out under the big HPS, SW can really produce. Here's some pics of a 6 footer I grew outdoors a few years ago.


I haven't mentioned it but I'll be doing a little "Outdoor Project" this Summer that I'm going to include here as a bonus. I have two mother plants that I don't have room for so I'm going to plant them in May and just let them go. We'll see what Mother Nature gives us.

I hope you find the mother you're looking for.
Thanks 420. I can't wait to see how you do your outdoor plants as well. In my question from last night I was trying to figure out if you see individual plants that need more or less nutes on your tables. If so do you adjust your nutes to accommodate them or just feed every age group the same regardless. Hope this makes more sense (I'm not high. Lol) thanks again for being willing to answer questions to help others succeed. I dig your pay it forward attitude. I hope to be able to help others someday.
Thanks 420. I can't wait to see how you do your outdoor plants as well. In my question from last night I was trying to figure out if you see individual plants that need more or less nutes on your tables. If so do you adjust your nutes to accommodate them or just feed every age group the same regardless. Hope this makes more sense (I'm not high. Lol) thanks again for being willing to answer questions to help others succeed. I dig your pay it forward attitude. I hope to be able to help others someday.

Thanks for the kind words.

Yes. I do see individual plants that'll drink a little more than others but since I feed by hand it's easy for me to adjust specifically to each plant's needs. If I were set up on a drip irrigation system, I wouldn't have this luxury.
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