Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

420fied you are the Picasso of Plants, a straight up Cannabis Whisperer (the Cesar Milan of Marijuana!) I am thrilled I get to follow along in real time this grow! I am slowly but surely gonna get my grow similar your set up. Wifes already commenting on my sudden 2 liter collection. Lol
Hey bro!!!

I am friggin subbed, 5 * rated, and +rep'd up!!!!

You know I can't miss this one bro, matter of fact, came back just cause I been waiting on this one!!!
Nice 420....going to sub to see how this turns out. I love seeing growss with A LOT of plants like yours....got to keep mine legal so I am working with smaller numbers / bigger plants. The largest grow I pulled years ago was 60 plants and i was stupidly overwhelmed - having a clue about your kind of system would have been nice...hehe lessons learned, right?

Never done a true SoG or Scrog for that matter - I take it you have sttled on many smaller fast runs net more weight indoors than growing mini trees?

Throwing +rep your way - its clearly deserved.

Great job and congrats on the house...this will be fun to watch.
Well said 420. I will definetly sticky this too my notes. Thanks for you input and heard work for us grasshoppas to learn sensi.

You're quite welcome Sky Rocket. If I can ever help any of you in any way, I certainly will.

There is another advantage to drying in the flowering room... odor control. We all have our flowering areas setup to control odor. If you dry somewhere else, that area will also need odor control measures put into place. I've been going back and forth about where and how to build my drying cupboard in the basement, but I might just do the initial drying in the flowering room. Once they go into bags or jars, the smell doesn't matter as much. I'm still undecided though. I think I may need to setup some odor control for the basement as a whole anyway. Mine aren't even flipped yet and some of these stains are already stinking. No smell outside the flowering room right now, but when I open it up to tend to them it's pretty shocking how much it already smells like cannabis!!!

What you say is true, Hiker. Drying in the flowering room does have it's advantages. Thanks form stopping by.

420fied you are the Picasso of Plants, a straight up Cannabis Whisperer (the Cesar Milan of Marijuana!) I am thrilled I get to follow along in real time this grow! I am slowly but surely gonna get my grow similar your set up. Wifes already commenting on my sudden 2 liter collection. Lol

Thank you for the kind words. If only I could get my Wife to think this highly of me........ lol.

Growing in 2Liters is AWESOME!!!! I hope all your buds are dense!

So how Tall are you 2 liters after shaving off the other inch or two?

Older pot on the left, adjusted ;pot on the right.


Hey bro!!!

I am friggin subbed, 5 * rated, and +rep'd up!!!!

You know I can't miss this one bro, matter of fact, came back just cause I been waiting on this one!!!

It's very good to see you old friend! Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you're here as your input is valued. I hope all is well in your world.


Nice 420....going to sub to see how this turns out. I love seeing growss with A LOT of plants like yours....got to keep mine legal so I am working with smaller numbers / bigger plants. The largest grow I pulled years ago was 60 plants and i was stupidly overwhelmed - having a clue about your kind of system would have been nice...hehe lessons learned, right?

Never done a true SoG or Scrog for that matter - I take it you have sttled on many smaller fast runs net more weight indoors than growing mini trees?

Throwing +rep your way - its clearly deserved.

Great job and congrats on the house...this will be fun to watch.

Thank you and I'm glad you stopped by. I encourage everyone to leave a comment. The more discussion, the better. I'm definitely in the camp of smaller plants vs. Trees.

Lots of guys harvest big numbers off of big plants but for watts used and yield produced, I have not found a setup(other than vertical setups) that can compete with the production of a 2L SOG.

Another thing.....growers who grow trees must veg for 2-3 months and then flower for another 2.5 months. They have 1/2 a year invested in one pull. I'll have 6 pulls in the same amount of time (6 months).
Dude, I love that GT bottle!! Is that someway paying homage to me??? LOL, just kiddin bro!!


I didn't even notice that. lol. I usually have them in Diet Pepsi bottles but things are moving along so fast that I was forced to buy some cheap cola and pour it out.

I've got 214 plants in the flowering room and I only have about 15 more pots laying around so I still have to buy roughly 80 more 2 Liters.

The good thing is, at 69 cents, they're the cheapest pot I'll ever buy and they last forever. I've got some pots that I've been running for 2 solid years with no problem.

Very nice setup.

One I can only dream of until I can come out of the closet. Hey did I just say that? Not that I'm gay, and not that there's anything wrong with that.

But 3 or 4 in soil is all I can manage at the present time. Using some high brix methods if you are familiar with that.
I didn't even notice that. lol. I usually have them in Diet Pepsi bottles but things are moving along so fast that I was forced to buy some cheap cola and pour it out.

I've got 214 plants in the flowering room and I only have about 15 more pots laying around so I still have to buy roughly 80 more 2 Liters.

The good thing is, at 69 cents, they're the cheapest pot I'll ever buy and they last forever. I've got some pots that I've been running for 2 solid years with no problem.

I have about 140 2l bottles just waiting on me. The way I got my bottles is by going around neighborhoods on recycle day before the recycle man comes and pick up people's empty/used bottles. It free that way and nothing goes to waste.
I put an ad on Craigslist 2l soda bottles wanted,paying 20 cents each and had people coming out of the woodwork.
I have about 140 2l bottles just waiting on me. The way I got my bottles is by going around neighborhoods on recycle day before the recycle man comes and pick up people's empty/used bottles. It free that way and nothing goes to waste.
Damn one of my 2L was short like yours but only because i ran low on perlite and i could not reach bottom of plant and i trimmed it lower and it was one of my better plants.....not saying because small pot but just stating how it wont hurt it much to not have the full 2liter but damn 300 i know handwaterin has gotta take some time......what are you using gallon jugs.....(doubt it) i too want some type of irrigation setup but I really love the tables debating on heading to store today to attempt to build one...... got all my WW clones vegin been 1week now wanna flower but because hand watering was a 2 hour process for me with only 35 2liter i was considering 5gallon hempys for less work but some irrigation setup can let me add more with less of a workload......love all ur info can't wait to see the results of this one.....

Very nice setup.

One I can only dream of until I can come out of the closet. Hey did I just say that? Not that I'm gay, and not that there's anything wrong with that.

But 3 or 4 in soil is all I can manage at the present time. Using some high brix methods if you are familiar with that.

Thanks hash. I am familiar with high brix but have never tried it. I know Doc has a great journal up and I occasionally read up as much as I can. I'm so busy with my own garden and this journal that I rarely get time to browse the grow journals of others. I hope all your buds are dense.

I have about 140 2l bottles just waiting on me. The way I got my bottles is by going around neighborhoods on recycle day before the recycle man comes and pick up people's empty/used bottles. It free that way and nothing goes to waste.

Great idea Rocket.

I put an ad on Craigslist 2l soda bottles wanted,paying 20 cents each and had people coming out of the woodwork.

Another great idea tee. One of the best things about journaling here is all the great input from the community. I hope everyone that reads this thread will leave a comment.

The more the merrier!

Damn one of my 2L was short like yours but only because i ran low on perlite and i could not reach bottom of plant and i trimmed it lower and it was one of my better plants.....not saying because small pot but just stating how it wont hurt it much to not have the full 2liter but damn 300 i know handwaterin has gotta take some time......what are you using gallon jugs.....(doubt it) i too want some type of irrigation setup but I really love the tables debating on heading to store today to attempt to build one...... got all my WW clones vegin been 1week now wanna flower but because hand watering was a 2 hour process for me with only 35 2liter i was considering 5gallon hempys for less work but some irrigation setup can let me add more with less of a workload......love all ur info can't wait to see the results of this one.....

All of you guys interested in a Hempy drip system: I encourage you to Google "White Poison Hempy Grow" ... this grow journal is authored by a grower named Xare.

Once you find it, go to page 23, scroll half way down and start reading. He literally lays out his plan for a drip irrigation setup, step by step.
Damn one of my 2L was short like yours but only because i ran low on perlite and i could not reach bottom of plant and i trimmed it lower and it was one of my better plants.....not saying because small pot but just stating how it wont hurt it much to not have the full 2liter but damn 300 i know handwaterin has gotta take some time......what are you using gallon jugs.....(doubt it) i too want some type of irrigation setup but I really love the tables debating on heading to store today to attempt to build one...... got all my WW clones vegin been 1week now wanna flower but because hand watering was a 2 hour process for me with only 35 2liter i was considering 5gallon hempys for less work but some irrigation setup can let me add more with less of a workload......love all ur info can't wait to see the results of this one.....

Why would 35 2L's take two hours to water?? I have 81 going right now and it takes me about 30 minutes and I'm old and physically challenged. mix nutes in a 5 gallon bucket,fill a watering can from the 5 gallon bucket and water them.
I didn't even notice that. lol. I usually have them in Diet Pepsi bottles but things are moving along so fast that I was forced to buy some cheap cola and pour it out.

I've got 214 plants in the flowering room and I only have about 15 more pots laying around so I still have to buy roughly 80 more 2 Liters.

The good thing is, at 69 cents, they're the cheapest pot I'll ever buy and they last forever. I've got some pots that I've been running for 2 solid years with no problem.

if your going to be buying bottles of drink to throw out, then consider buying fizzy water, pouring it into buckets in your grow room to steal the co2 as its released, then this can be poured away or used in you rez ;)
Damn guys i feel slow now....lol

I fill 3 one gallon jugs mix nutes
check ph
take all plants out of grow box
water one by one but have to wait for them to drain because all i had was a small chunk of sheetrock for a floor
so i would water one in a bucket then put on a separate tray while i water another the tray would hold about 8 so i would water one then place it on try wait till i got 8 then moved those 8 back in tent and repeat till done.....my growbox was made of cardboard, paper, shrinkwrap, and wood........lol grower on a budget but i always had to make sure i had no drips or water left to drain from 2L before they went back in.....this is why I'm so interested in building a table like yours (not as long) but i think with a table and a bigger mixing jug i can seriously quicken that watering time
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