Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

Damn guys i feel slow now....lol

I fill 3 one gallon jugs mix nutes
check ph
take all plants out of grow box
water one by one but have to wait for them to drain because all i had was a small chunk of sheetrock for a floor
so i would water one in a bucket then put on a separate tray while i water another the tray would hold about 8 so i would water one then place it on try wait till i got 8 then moved those 8 back in tent and repeat till done.....my growbox was made of cardboard, paper, shrinkwrap, and wood........lol grower on a budget but i always had to make sure i had no drips or water left to drain from 2L before they went back in.....this is why I'm so interested in building a table like yours (not as long) but i think with a table and a bigger mixing jug i can seriously quicken that watering time

Look at 420's other journals,you will see he has his 2l's in a shallow tote,drill a half inch drain hole on one end and put a pail or bucket underneath to catch the waste,done for less than 20 bucks and you can get a tote in all kinds of sizes. I used this method until I installed 4x6 flood trays and used the same basic principle only on a larger scale. I am sure the only reason 420 built his own was to get the exact dimensions he required for his set up. I set up two 4x6 flow trays/tables with 2 1000's over each table and am ready to rock and roll.
Amazing garden you got there this will come in handy in the future, for now i have a small space and limited height, working on my first real grow, got a few LEDs but as i see from other people's experience, i need to upgrade but i will give it a shot, as soon as i get the chance, i will do something similar, priceless info i will be watching from the back, and wish you luck to ALL of you guys. This is like watching your dreams living else where but the day will come when i can live it up, and i wanna go for some sweet outdoor monsters this summer to have my medicine stocked all year long, The tree of happiness. :thumb::goodjob:
They grow fast when you feed them Blue Planet Nutrients. ;)


5 days later..

Well, well, well, whos been a busy boy! haha

+reps on ur journalling and growing, that attention to detail is great.

After ur last journals with hempys i embarked myself. Running 120 under static 2 600w i was yeilding 60 average, growing flying dutchman pure and greenhouse seeds A.M.S. great way to grow SOG. But the negative for me is the maual watering, i was always knocking over bottles and it was time consuming. I guess thats not a problem if its the only grow u have to take care of but i was running around like a mad man expanding the empire :) Also if get busted the no of plants means worse charges, which is ridiculous really when placed into perspective. But u need to play dumb in uk as if u suggest u know what u are doing u get even more time.

How are u finding hand feeding 300 plus taking care of everything else? i guess mothers and clones look after themselves pretty much. What are u feeding ur mothers?

Try ur cloning without clonex. Do 2 res's with and 2 without? I stopped using it 6-8months ago now and wish id stopped long ago. water does exactly the same job without getting slimey res. I dont change my cloning res's for up to 4 weeks at a time now with no issues at all, i just top up with water wen necessary. I run 105site cloners and place 30litres water so about 7.5gal into res and run 4 airstones. Ive just last week tried adding voodoojuice, tarantula and pirahana with a capful of bud candy to see how roots develop different and im going to try keep that microbiology permanently alive and never change out the res completely. Its in early stage at mo but i was interested to see if there'd be a marked difference in early root development as those products absolutely work later on.

That bud trimmer is class, that would save me so much work! I might drive to the coast, jump in a rib boat, cross the atlantic, drive to denver, pick it up and return! thats how much it would help me at the mo!!! lol i'll just have to start paying chinamen to do it for me (no racist intented).

i think switching to 1000w on the rails would be a real great idea and the results would speak for themselves, but get a couple runs under ur belt like this so u have something to compare it too.

Anyway great journal and info so far. U have quite a following so pages mount up quickly. Im going on hol for a week tomorro so guess it'll be hard work catching up when i get back! haha
Clonex or Rootex, is a product that we can get here in Oz. Ive known a few growers who ve had great success cloning with this stuff.. Seems like youre another example of this:)
Im with you on this also 420fied.. I usually dry my buds in a room with an oscilating fan going on either twine strings or pegged to a clothes horse. The room is usually lit up enough to see and is not totally dark, temps about 17*C average room temp. Dried this way smaller buds will be ready in a week or so, with large cola's needing more attention in case you have high RH and may get bud rot.
So far Ive been lucky with this, even drying my 2ft buds went well, no mold.. Nice job and yeah awsum detail for anyone to learn from!
Later mate, Smokemup
Aeroponics is a thing I am not well edumacated on:) But if you can root a cutting without Clonex - may I ask what exactly causes the cutting to root?? Is it the growing style of Aeroponics or is there an added solution in the water? From simple simon lol..
i dont know the science so i wont pretend to make it up. But cuttings will root in soil or coco or hydro using only water once cut is taken. The plant is trying to survive and hormones will push the cutting to root if u have a healthy cutting. Think of it like this: if u fall overboard from a boat and begin to drown ur first instinct isnt to suck up the water and die, its to swim like fuck and try and make it back to shore. Cutting is the same, it has stored energy and hormones, so when it is cut it doesnt want to die, it wants to live so i fights like fuck to make that happen hence producing roots.

Thats the none scientific explanation, im sure u could find a jouranl somewhere that explains it better than i.

All i can say is i successfully clone minimum 300 plants per month (but more like 450-500 at the min) with zero failure rate. and u can see how i do my cuttings in my journals, it does work.

PS A healthy cutting from a healthy mother is the key to success, not rooting powder. A bad cut made from a shit mother wont root regardless. That is if it isnt a determined little bastard. hahaha
Takes nothing to just try it. I used hormones for years, no i use tap water. I wont post pics here and hijack this thread but u can find pics of my clones in any of my journals, rooted only in h2o.
Understood mate;) Shit, Ive taken a fair few good cuttings off my girl so far.. I couldve had like another 6 plants! But no where to grow em:(
Thanks for the info, and dont stress I dont need an academic to tell me things - if it works and you ve done it thats good enough! Ya got me thinkin now... ATTACK OF THE CLONES!!!
cloning with water!!!!!!! clonex is not needed in aeroponics! shouts from roof top, no one hears! lol

It's not needed but it absolutely, positively makes a difference in how vigorously my clones root.

Here's a lid of my strain without Clonex gel.



Here's a lid dipped in clonex gel and left to sit for 30 minutes before the sprayers were turned back on.

Well, well, well, whos been a busy boy! haha

+reps on ur journalling and growing, that attention to detail is great.

After ur last journals with hempys i embarked myself. Running 120 under static 2 600w i was yeilding 60 average, growing flying dutchman pure and greenhouse seeds A.M.S. great way to grow SOG. But the negative for me is the maual watering, i was always knocking over bottles and it was time consuming. I guess thats not a problem if its the only grow u have to take care of but i was running around like a mad man expanding the empire :) Also if get busted the no of plants means worse charges, which is ridiculous really when placed into perspective. But u need to play dumb in uk as if u suggest u know what u are doing u get even more time.

How are u finding hand feeding 300 plus taking care of everything else? i guess mothers and clones look after themselves pretty much. What are u feeding ur mothers?

Try ur cloning without clonex. Do 2 res's with and 2 without? I stopped using it 6-8months ago now and wish id stopped long ago. water does exactly the same job without getting slimey res. I dont change my cloning res's for up to 4 weeks at a time now with no issues at all, i just top up with water wen necessary. I run 105site cloners and place 30litres water so about 7.5gal into res and run 4 airstones. Ive just last week tried adding voodoojuice, tarantula and pirahana with a capful of bud candy to see how roots develop different and im going to try keep that microbiology permanently alive and never change out the res completely. Its in early stage at mo but i was interested to see if there'd be a marked difference in early root development as those products absolutely work later on.

That bud trimmer is class, that would save me so much work! I might drive to the coast, jump in a rib boat, cross the atlantic, drive to denver, pick it up and return! thats how much it would help me at the mo!!! lol i'll just have to start paying chinamen to do it for me (no racist intented).

i think switching to 1000w on the rails would be a real great idea and the results would speak for themselves, but get a couple runs under ur belt like this so u have something to compare it too.

Anyway great journal and info so far. U have quite a following so pages mount up quickly. Im going on hol for a week tomorro so guess it'll be hard work catching up when i get back! haha

Thanks for the kind words. Watering 300 plants for me isn't a problem. I don't mind it. Never have, never will. I can get it done in less than 2 hours. We don't worry about laws and numbers of plants on the Blue Planet. ;)

As far as cloning goes....I've been experimenting. I do root most of my clones with straight tap water but with my strain I have noticed that using clonex gel absolutely increases both the size and amount of, roots produced by the rooting clones so I disagree with you that tap does the same job and just as effectively. At least it doesn't in my garden.

I have never experienced "slime" when using clonex gel. I have, however, experienced severe slime when using Superthrive.

Why run airstones in an aero cloner? They're unnecessary. The sprayers give you more than enough DO in the res.
Also, I'm curious as to why you add voodoojuice and other things to your cloning res? If there's no roots there, the clone can't take it in anyway. Plus....those things are what slimes up a res.

That bud trimmer IS the bomb. I will definitely own one.

I have toyed with the idea of switching to 1000's and may do so in the future. I agree that there'd definitely be an increase in yield.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you when you get back. ;)
hey 420fied how you liking them light movers.....bidding on one now intelidrive 3.5 lovin this grow you give many ideas sensei,,,,

Love em. I'm noticing that the plants don't get as tall now which I guess should be expected as their exposure to direct light is decreased. Before, I was seeing 18 to 22 inch plants under stationary lights. Now it seems that the top enders are going to finish in the 13-16 inch range. However, the plus side is that on a 6' rail... 1 light can cover an area that would otherwise take (3) lights. We'll see how it works out.
The reason i have the air stones is for 2 reasons.

It keeps nasties away and when the roots hit the res they continue to grow without prob.

I usually remove cuttings at 14 days max for commercial purposes but i'll keep my own in there upto 21days if transplanting to hydro.

So that kind of answers the next question, why use voodoo juice etc?

I generally get roots at the 4 day mark. Obviously before that the root additives are of no consequence. But as soon as the roots show, it will give them a better start, getting them nice and hairy with as large a surface area as possible before transplant (Transplanting to simialiar hydro only, soil and coco prefer smaller root upon transfer that arent conditioned to hydro). If the aim is to get the roots to just show then transplant immediately, there'd be no use for root additives. But i keep them in til they are more like this:

16days in aero cloner




water only 10 days


Ofcourse if u are finding that clonex works for u and see a marked difference using it then thats the way forward bro. just letting u know how it works for me but guess theres no need for improvement when what u do is successful. Clonex is cheap so its not a huge cost saving but for me its unnecessary. Ofcourse voodoo juice and pirahana are expensive thats why im planning on the single application and keeping it alive as long as poss.

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