Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos

Hello all.

Just wanted to show you some pics today. You will notice that they are really beginning to bud out. Man, what a difference between these plants and my last grow, tediously detailed during the beginning of this grow journal... These plants just seem so much... better. It's got to be the light, because, even before the moving fiasco my plants weren't doing so well. And that is odd since all four of my clones are from the original seeded plants that I grew last grow. Clearly this light is making a huge difference. Imho.

So here are my plants, beginning with an overall shot of the tent. My White Widows are in a closet in another room, on 18 and 6.





These next three images are of those CBD plants who were so young which went into flower so early. Well, here they are. I've taken three clones from them to root and hopefully will replace the seedlings which have gone into flower earlier than expected. I still don't understand why/how they went into flower so early (no, they were not auyos). Regardless, this CBD flower is supposed to be excellent at helping to stave off nausea, whichbiscexcelkent for me because I vomit approximately about 4 to 5 times per week at this point in my life. Yes, it's an ongoing problem for me. I've already lost all my teeth over it. Seriously.

So this CBD flower is supposed to be very effective in preventing vomiting, which is one of the primary reasons i purchased these specific seeds. Anyway, here they are...



So at 20 days, they are finishing their third week of flowering. By my calculations, they should all be done around mid to end of February. And I think I will actually have enough flower from these plants to last me until my next grow of Whit Widiws is ready. Mind you, I've only begun 3 White Widows so far, so let's not ring those bells andcwhistkes yet. But with these new clones and hopefully at least one female Widow from the three and I think next crop will be interesting.

But anyway, here the current ones are. Not bad, imho.

All my best,



They're looking great Magnus! That light is really working wonders for them.

If you have a block or small bucket you might want to consider raising the short ones to get them closer to that mini sun you have in there. Not all at once (so they don't burn), but eventually get the tops of the short ones the same distance from the light as the tall ones.
Thanks for the suggestion. It really has helped.

Good afternoon, all.

Just shot this pic of the plants in flower inside my tent. Really, they are getting way too big to take individual shots of them so I just took a group shot. So in this photo are my 2 Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush plants, plus 2 Grape Krush plants, plus 3 CBD plants. The CBD plants are significantly smaller than the others but they were never meant to go into flower yet.


They are flowering very nicely and, because the 4 high thc plants are all monster clones, they have a shitload of bud sites. I think it's going to be a relatively large harvest.

I know that some of them should have been repotted but I had neither the pots nor the growing medium to do it, so they will be somewhat stunted from what they might have otherwise have been. I now own 20 5 gallon fabric pots and a full bag of HP Promix for the next plants.

So hope you all are having great days. I'm doing good. Just awaiting harvest which should be sometime after mid february.

All my best,
Hi all. Back with more pics and an update on this grow.

Well, I must admit that great lighting makes all the difference. This grow has basically been a breeze so far. And my plants are all just loving this new lamp. So am I. My yields from this grow are going to be significantly higher than any other indoor grow of mine.

So here are the pics starting out with an overall shot of the interior of the tent and segueing into bud/flower pics.


Suddenly cannot make more pics with my camera because my memory is full. Sorry. But you get the idea, eh?

The plants are looking terrific Magnus. Well done to you and @Mars Hydro. :thumb:
Thanks for the kudos, Shed. Much appreciated. To be honest, this us the first time I've felt confident enough to feel like I understood my medium, my nutes and my plants well enough to have a successful grow. The other times I was really floundering.

All my best,

Suddenly cannot make more pics with my camera because my memory is full. Sorry. But you get the idea, eh?


Wow! That second photo is a beauty! Well done, Magnus.

Hi Magnus, we are holding a Mars Grow journal contest. Are you interested in it?

Hi Magnus, we are holding a Mars Grow journal contest. Are you interested in it?

Absolutely! How do I sign up? Because this light I bought from you absolutely rocks!

Absolutely! How do I sign up? Because this light I bought from you absolutely rocks!

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