Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4 x Super Skunk x Grape Crush

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

OK so I fianlly got my head outa my a*s and made it over. sorry to show up so late Mmmmick. jsut catching up, I'm just on the third page. So i want say much right now, but a big HELLO!!
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi butch you've got a lot goin on, it's great that you found time to check things out. Been a slow start, so you haven't missed a lot, but I'll get rolling again soon.:welcome:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

The led is hung, cabinet will be wired today and I may add the doors, although I don't have the zippers yet, I want to verify that airflow is happening as intended.


One of the original clones. Three went to a friend who loves them and this one I kept as a new mum. I plan to flower the original 2 mums when I have a light freed up.

I plan to take a new set of clones this weekend to get this grow back on track.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

thanks Irish, it may not be real pretty but it'll have what it needs when I'm finally done screwing with it.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Im loving the setup man, very cool to see so much going on in all these other grows. Makes me feel so little in comparison lol. But much more to add to my imagination. Great job on the setup man, i plan on fully reading through here soon. :goodjob:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Im loving the setup man, very cool to see so much going on in all these other grows. Makes me feel so little in comparison lol. But much more to add to my imagination. Great job on the setup man, i plan on fully reading through here soon. :goodjob:

Thanks Zweed, welcome aboard. Most of us start small and learn as we go. Hope you can find something of use to you in here.:welcome:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

High there M. I can't believe I didn't find this earlier. Read through it and I'm glad I didn't miss anything exciting. I think I'll wander over to your other thread and come back later when intermission is over and the next act begins. Thanks for the :popcorn: tho! lol

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Ho labrat, I kinda got off to a false start I guess. I hope to get a few clones cut this weekend or sooner and get started up again.
Hope you get a chance to come on back.:welcome:

I'll see you over there.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

I try to keep the personal stuff from impacting my grow but sometimes it sneaks in. Got sick standing around a graveyard in bad weather a couple of weeks ago and it's been keeping me awake, even when medicated. Catching up on the sleep now and my perspective has improved considerably.

Yeah, I've been checking calibration every time I water or feed. The probe looks clean and is stored in a half and half mix of the ph4 and ph7, never dries out. But I will check the probe again just in case it's gotten gunked up. I think the fluctuation was a result of watershed runoff when the freeze/thaw cycle was happening. When the temps are cold enough there is no runoff to cause a more acid ph level in our water supply. That should stabilize as temps become consistently above freezing. That and the meter being off by +.5 when calibrated, combined to almost kill the seedlings and also kept the mothers in a slightly sickly state. The seedlings are getting some color back and look a lot perkier.
Thanks for the tips on cleaning and storage, I'll be sure to stay on top of that.

Hey mmmmmiiiick Sometimes its not life but ourselves that do the most harm.
Someone thought I needed this the other day. I think everyone can use it at some point. Maybe it will help in some way.
"The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently" - Pema Chodron--
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey mmmmmiiiick Sometimes its not life but ourselves that do the most harm.
Someone thought I needed this the other day. I think everyone can use it at some point. Maybe it will help in some way.
"The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently" - Pema Chodron--

Thanks ledtester, good advice.

I can look at myself honestly, but gently is difficult.

thanks for the link.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

We should start a thread...LOL...anytime!:peace:

To me the biggest step is to look at yourself honestly. Then forgive yourself for being who you are. After that its easy.:ganjamon:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126w demo scrog 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

To me the biggest step is to look at yourself honestly. Then forgive yourself for being who you are. After that its easy.:ganjamon:

I believe you've got it right, OMM

HELLO! just droping in.. Don't you worry man, we all have your back here. Grow must go on! Take care and Peace to you friend.

Thanks sisco, it's just about to start up again.
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