N420 Grows Barney's Farm Orange Sherbert & Special Guests

Congratulations N420! 3/3 is the best that one could ask for!

:circle-of-love: works perfect for me evertime. And when it doesn't, I blame the seed :laughtwo:
Thanks Rex, Ya I definitely can’t complain with 3 for 3! This is the first time I haven’t used the paper towel method and I think I may have found a new method for popping beans! I like it because it’s one less time I have to handle the seeds which is a win in my book!
Quick update today,

All we’re up out of the rooters on Sunday morning, when I got home from work yesterday the rooters were a bit dry and they all had a root poking out the bottom. I decided it was time to plant them into solos.

All seem pretty happy so far.

I was going to move them into the 4x8 tent last night but after setting everything up to have them in there and running it for a few hours I couldn’t get the temperature high enough to move them over .It’s still quite cold in the garage where the tents are set up, I do have a 4x4 as well so I will probably set that up and see if I can maintain the temp in there, it should be easier since it’s a smaller space to heat.
Cute little babies, N420!

Looking forward! :Rasta:
Who’s ready for another exciting seedling update lol.

The girls are all 5 days above ground now and are progressing pretty nicely, they all have their fist set of true leaves and are working on their second.

I moved them all over to the 4x4 tent on Wednesday after getting my temps and Rh figured out. I hung my light 18 inches above the plants and set the Ppfd to 150 to start, the next day they were doing well so I bumped the Ppfd up to 200. and that where we are now.

Not much else to say they are seedlings lol All I can say is TGIF! Have a good weekend everyone:)
Thanks Shed! So far so good, other then being a bit leggy from me trying to get the tent figured and them being under the t5 for a bit too long.

The little lady on the left in in the group pic had the start of some leaf damage from the light intensity, so I've dropped the ppfd back down to 175.

Okay now I need to lie down!
Hahah I know the excitement is overwhelming!!
Good idea not to hit them too hard too early. And now I'm looking forward to my nap!
Ya Im never entirely sure how much light to give the little ones initially. I did a search for recommended ppfd for seedlings, the recommendations I found was from 150-300 ppfd I thought I was safe at 200 but it was just a bit too much.

Deep breaths Shed, we'll get through this lol.
They don't have it in PPFD, but from the RQS website:

  • Clones and seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux
  • Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux
  • Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux
  • Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux
Thanks Shed, Mr.S recommended 5000 lux to Candy on her journal when she was having damage from light intensity, I just wasn't sure how it translated to PPFD. I use ppfd simply because thats what the app I'm using is set too, I should see if it has a lux setting I'm sure it does.
, I should see if it has a lux setting I'm sure it does.
It does! I signed up for the yearly pro setting and I just swipe it left to right and it gives me the Par, DLI, and LUX . :) And your wee ones are moving right along nicely!:cheer:
It does! I signed up for the yearly pro setting and I just swipe it left to right and it gives me the Par, DLI, and LUX . :) And your wee ones are moving right along nicely!:cheer:
Thanks Candy, after I read your post I checked the app and sure enough it has a lux setting as well as DLI! Gotta remember to swipe left lol.

Hey! I didn’t even know you dropped beans again!! Congrats and now I’m all caught up. Three lil cuties, looking happy as little clams.
Hey, Hh always happy to have you stop by:love:

Ya I’m back at it again lol, little slow at the moment but I think the girls should be picking up a bit more steam soon! Just gotta remember not much changes when your in the tent checking on them every 10 minutes lol.
I started back with three too, I think it’s a good number to dip your toes back into growing with. ;)

I totally agree, the beginning is always so slow seeming! All that work happening below ground. Now that you’ve got some nodes to count, I bet it’ll be moving along nicely for ya. :thumb:
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