Nerfbanes First Ever Grow 2013

Damn she's looking beautiful! And defoliation really seems to be beneficial controversially to what the majority's saying.
Coincidentally, this is the exact same technique I'm going to apply this monday (only remove fan leaves with developed nodes) and seeing your results I'm really excited!
Thanks Henman, I'm pretty happy with how she's coming along. :) I just finished changing the nutes while listening to Porcupine Tree on grooveshark and getting sunday arvo toasted, so I took some more picces :)






And we just got to the best bit in my favorite song. It's a good afternoon all in all. :)
Yeah the first thing I did after that post was check if the local hardware monopoly has any neem oil, they have a few different types so I shall be obtaining some tomorrow morning. Little bastards. I recon my buddy brought them over, he had mites he said.
Righto, I got some stuff called Eco-Oil, it's an organically certified insect/miticide made from conifer and eucalyptus oils, and boy does it smell like it. And I'm glad I have a bath tub. 3 litres of mix through a spray bottle later and I am pretty confident I got all the surfaces root to tip. Can see dead ones in the bottom of the tub and on the plastic over the hydroton so it might just do the trick.
Nah no unpotting needed, I just squirted her so much with the stuff at the end my nute reservoir had gone up by half a litre :) I checked before I let this happen, it can be used as a systemic so it won't hurt the plant and I changed the nutes an hour or 2 later as well. I have to do it again twice more to do the job properly according to the label.
Ok spider mites are dealt with as much as I can tell, bit of damage to leaves in the form of brown spots, but not many so it's all cool on that front. I am pretty sure I see cloudy skies on the ends of my triches, a little hard to tell with a 10x loupe but when I am pretty sure that's what I see. Gonna get a better magnifier asap. Ok pics time.


I recon sometime next week I'll be getting ready to dry.
I dunno man, I'm trying not to build up any expectations so I don't get disappointed. As long as I get enough to see me through a more organized grow without running out and the potency is strong, I'll consider that an excellent result and high five myself. :)

Ordered a much bigger tent+some other stuff today so I can set up a second area so I can have a bit more flexibility about how I organize things, gonna get a heat pad and germinate one of my WW seeds tomorrow!
Fair enough, I understand that. Going in with a complete lack of expectations is the best way to go I guess :)

"Clapping is when you high five yourself for something someone else has done."

Nice! Maybe a perpetual grow some day? I mean, the current tent could be used as a vegging tent owell I'm getting ahead of myself now see you around!
Yup that was exactly what I was thinking. Conveniently the current tent fits perfectly inside a cupboard in the spare room, gonna start vegging a new plant as soon as I flip the current one on the go as a cycle and go from there.

I so cannot wait to sprout some white widow. I wish more ppl in oz cared a bit more about strains.
droopy plant- hi im new to this site and need a little help one of my plants has started to droop in the last few days my other plants are doing fine just this one I seem to be having problems with I have started watering them daily instead of every 2-3 days I give them 50ml twice a day mixed with nutes the ph stays between 5.5 and 6.5 and the temp at 75, this is also my first grow so be nice =) thanks
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