OG's Hi Brix Organic: LEDs, Perpetual Harvest

Here is one of my ultimate purple in docs kit soil that is a little unhappy. What do you think?

Here is one of my ultimate purple in docs kit soil that is a little unhappy. What do you think?


Is that unhappy, or just eating up the nutrition in the lower leaves?

Do you have a sideview picture?

Next time, I suggest leaving the leaves on in flower until they are yellow turning brown. Usually the plant is hungry and cannabalizing it's own leaves. When you remove them, it will proceed to cannabalizing other green leaves.
OG, sorry if this is asking too much, but without getting too specific are you on municipal water? Based on your location I'm curious with your experience neutralizing. I don't have any system and use tap water and it doesn't seem to be neutralized until 3 days after pouring. That's how long it seems to take before my pH is not wandering up by .2 or more from one day to the next. I'm brand new to this and already made the mistake of feeding water that wasn't ready and upsetting my plants.
OG the purps are putting the stretch on but should b coming to the end soon. So how u liking the DOC BUD kit other tgen the normal growing pains of learning a whole new style. I know u are gonna knock it out of this universe! Hey on another note i took out my mars 600 and the crazy heat and havent seen anymore bananas on my Thunderpaw girl so my mistake caused it i believe not the stable genetics bred.
At the canopy it was 90 plus. Know that i have the light out it stays 78-79. The mars 600 was bringing so much heat in the room. Did a update yesturday if you want to check the progress.
Here is one of my ultimate purple in docs kit soil that is a little unhappy. What do you think?

I am having the same issue in my garden. After the latest feeding three of my girls started showing the brown crusty leaves. Only on one variety though. Figured that I over did it with the nutes as the others showed no similar signs
Here is an update. Ultimate purple at 3.6 weeks. These are cramped in 1 gallon pots until I choose pheno, but any tips to make then healthier is good. I did the cat drench too strong at 2ml per gallon of soil. They turned brown like this 5 days later.
Any tips to make them healthier in tiny 1 gallon pots?

Here is an update. Ultimate purple at 3.6 weeks. These are cramped in 1 gallon pots until I choose pheno, but any tips to make then healthier is good. I did the cat drench too strong at 2ml per gallon of soil. They turned brown like this 5 days later.
Any tips to make them healthier in tiny 1 gallon pots?


Sounds like a question for Doc Bud or some of the real experienced HiBrix growers. I'd try asking this question on one of Doc's threads. My go to thread is In The Lab With Doc Bud
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