Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!


A quick fly-by of the Green Hole today, to throw some food and water to the prisoners. It was lights off in the flower room, which means operations were carried out under a green light. I see that the two Malawis first put in there have officially declared themselves to be female. I expect the third will be as well. Thanks to the Cap'n for his post, once upon a time, about sexing plants early. Not that they sexed early, but from that post I learned that it's possible to tell, or at least guess, the sex from the shape of the appropriate naughty bit, even when it is barely visible to my naked eye.
(Hmmm... things are getting a little steamy in here...)
Ever try to spot white pistils with a green light? It ain't easy.

I took a stab at grafting a Blueberry branch to my Mama Thai in the veg room. Here are a couple pics.



I just took the method described by DankWolf in his den of iniquity thread, without further research. The two grafting sites I glanced at last week told me to do it a different way, but this way made sense to me.

EDIT- (later) I see now that actually this info was posted on DankWolf's site by Cannafan, not DW. Thanks Cannafan!

- An angled cut on each stem, at opposing angles, then jamming the two cuts together. I put a stick/splint on for support and tied up the job with a pipe cleaner. I wrapped the area with masking tape in an attempt to increase humidity in that spot. The angles were off and I'm pretty sure they are barely touching. But whatever, I was in a hurry as usual and did the whole operation in about two minutes before jetting away again. Cannabis,being the wonderful plant it is, will probably manage to bridge the gaps. If not, I'll try again when I have 'more time'. Pretty rustic. But that's the way I roll. I considered using duct tape just so I could say I did, but didn't have any there
(used it all up holding the rest of my life together I guess ).

Oh, and a rare sighting of my furry houseguest! In case anyone happens to think this is off topic, obviously they didn't notice all that green stuff lying on the ground there. Yep, that'd be cannabis trimmings.

cannabis clippings,, hilarious,, good luck with that one,, tried it once meself,,

very interesting attempt at grafting,, would be great for a mother plant indeed,, if one had the room for er,,

trying a bit o an experiment myself,, pollinating a flower,, i, like you, i bet, am tired of making seed breeders million/billionaires,, cloning and breeding the way to go,, breeding autos the ultimate i guess

i had a couple male pods pop out on a female afghani regular plant,, so i collected a bit o pollen and brushged it on this lemon haze flower


guess i will see what happens,, like y'all,, cheers
Ha, you are on a roll pal,, very funny indeed,, i was curious about what might happen when pollen touched pistol,, i thought the pistol might curl up like the wicked witches feet, ha,, but, alas,, nothing, so, yes, the banged up pistols are from rough sex with my brush,, i am exhausted as well.

Found a bit more pollen too, from same hermie flower, not new ones, whew,, so will try again,, very tiny amounts of pollen, I have no idea if it is ripe, or if I get any on the pistols,, all guessing,, so, will see,,

Cheers weasey
I read elsewhere that signs of a successful fertilization take time, about as long as the bud would swell and ripen without being fertilized. So you must be patient, and tie a colored string to the branch you pollinated, so you know which one to expect seeds from.
Cheers AK, thanks so much,, the flowers I pollinated,, if I even did any pollinating, are three weeks into flower, so i will patiently watch em swell, that will be swell indeed:Namaste:

Oh, and green twisties I used to mark em,, thanks

Oh, oh,, and i tried a bit o pollen on a newly flowering jack herer otto as well,, time,, and only time,, will tell
Cheers AK, thanks so much,, the flowers I pollinated,, if I even did any pollinating, are three weeks into flower, so i will patiently watch em swell, that will be swell indeed:Namaste:

Oh, and green twisties I used to mark em,, thanks

Oh, oh,, and i tried a bit o pollen on a newly flowering jack herer otto as well,, time,, and only time,, will tell

Just couldn't resist another could you nivek?
I've caught up again. You guys move fast, but Weaselcracker, thats some of the best reading I do all week. Good grief man, you are hysterical! Good luck with the squirrel picture. :laughtwo:
Just couldn't resist another could you nivek?

heya sue,, well, i had a bit of pollen left,, and really really want to breed some otto's,, though i know this attempt has not got me what i wanted,, yet,, i am working on producing pollen,, this pollen by accident,, and not the best as it passes on hermie traits,, so i am reading,, but an experiment none the less,, what's the point of having a labooratoory if one does not experiment???? right????:Namaste:
I got my seeds in the mail yesterday! Took just over 2 weeks, so I am really pleased! I decided to plant one Bubbelicious seed that had a prominent "volcano" (an innie) on one end to see if it comes out female. Somewhere around these off-topic forums we have an experiment going to test the theory.
I got my seeds in the mail yesterday! Took just over 2 weeks, so I am really pleased! I decided to plant one Bubbelicious seed that had a prominent "volcano" (an innie) on one end to see if it comes out female. Somewhere around these off-topic forums we have an experiment going to test the theory.

The HB growers are testing the theory out as a group.
Im high, and blind. Can you point out where the 2 cuts meet on the graft experiment? All i see is branches below and above with a stick in the middle, tied together with pipe cleaner.

I wish you much luck! Even if its a failed attempt itll give a much better idea of what to do next time.:party:
Hey. I was kind of wondering that myself actually. It's hidden behind the stick. It actually doesn't look in the picture like they intersect much. I think the two cuts do mesh though, just not very well. Like I said, I was in a hurry. I didn't do the greatest job but the whole situation was precarious and awkward as I was leaning over a bunch of other plants to get in there and also had to stretch the two branches pretty hard in order to get them to meet. Etc etc. I decided to leave well enough alone, cause of the risk of screwing it up worse. I have hope for them. I think either one of them would heal their cuts, so as long as they are somewhat touching there seems a decent chance they'll fuse together. I'll be back there in a week or sooner and look forward to doing a better job next time if this doesn't work.
You can sort of see the join just above the lower loop of pipe cleaner, left hand side. But I wasn't really trying to get a photo of it in that pic, for some strange reason, or it might be better. I was just showing how I tied it together.
So that's the infamous squirrel eh? Lol. He looks a little stoned better check your stash lol. He's like your mascot weasel! Lol
the graft could well work,, so resilient are these plants,,, i have seen branches survive some awful abuse,, hanging on by a near thread,, some tape,, and happy as a clam,, a happy clam i mean,, that happy,,

an update on the pollination project weasey,, i see change,,


yesterday,, mere moments after sex,, one can still see the ciggy smoke,, tho was a j,,


today,, note the brown pistols,, hmmmmm,, what could that be from???

chat soon pal,,cheers
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