Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!

A quick fly-by of the Green Hole today, to throw some food and water to the prisoners. It was lights off in the flower room, which means operations were carried out under a green light. I see that the two Malawis first put in there have officially declared themselves to be female. I expect the third will be as well. Thanks to the Cap'n for his post, once upon a time, about sexing plants early. Not that they sexed early, but from that post I learned that it's possible to tell, or at least guess, the sex from the shape of the appropriate naughty bit, even when it is barely visible to my naked eye.
(Hmmm... things are getting a little steamy in here...)
Ever try to spot white pistils with a green light? It ain't easy.

I took a stab at grafting a Blueberry branch to my Mama Thai in the veg room. Here are a couple pics.



I just took the method described by DankWolf in his den of iniquity thread, without further research. The two grafting sites I glanced at last week told me to do it a different way, but this way made sense to me.

EDIT- (later) I see now that actually this info was posted on DankWolf's site by Cannafan, not DW. Thanks Cannafan!

- An angled cut on each stem, at opposing angles, then jamming the two cuts together. I put a stick/splint on for support and tied up the job with a pipe cleaner. I wrapped the area with masking tape in an attempt to increase humidity in that spot. The angles were off and I'm pretty sure they are barely touching. But whatever, I was in a hurry as usual and did the whole operation in about two minutes before jetting away again. Cannabis,being the wonderful plant it is, will probably manage to bridge the gaps. If not, I'll try again when I have 'more time'. Pretty rustic. But that's the way I roll. I considered using duct tape just so I could say I did, but didn't have any there
(used it all up holding the rest of my life together I guess ).

Oh, and a rare sighting of my furry houseguest! In case anyone happens to think this is off topic, obviously they didn't notice all that green stuff lying on the ground there. Yep, that'd be cannabis trimmings.


I'm back; I think, will be watching this experiment hoping for the best...

Tight Lines Brother :scratchinghead:
Ha ha! you guys are pretty funny. Nivek I suppose the grass is always greener somewhere, or longer, or shorter. A lifetime of fleeing from torture is what got me where I am today, wherever that is.
And Mello that kind of puts my journal title in a different light, but I won't go there.

Stage thanks so much for the tips! Much appreciated. I used to use old arrow shafts to support my plants, till I recycled them into making the scrog setups out of- later to be replaced by storebought aluminum versions. But my droopy plants usually didn't look like 'the spokes of a wheel from the top', more like dead octopi on sticks, after being tortured to death.

It took me a min to put it all together but I finally got it :rofl: My next grows journal will be perpetual and you'll probably find it under that name. :rofl::passitleft:

Speaking of revegging... I have had no luck whatsoever trying to reveg a harvested plant. Maybe I'm cutting too much off. Usually there are no leaves left by the time I harvest, but I leave a bunch of nodes. But the thing keeps dessicating, even with misting. I think the roots die off, as they pull up very easily when they give up the ghost. I even tried letting it dry out a bit, and just leaving it in with the other vegging ladies to do as it will.

Should I transplant a harvested plant into new soil and maybe a smaller pot? Should I re-innoculate the roots with rootone and mycco?

Honestly, talk to Pij, he has successfully re-vegged a plant and it was an awesome read! He is always more than willing to help even though he likes gardening nude and dancing around the grow room. Good thing his garden isn't called The 50 Shades of Green Room because that wouldn't be weird at all. :rofl::passitleft:

Hey B.A.R. Nice to see you! Thanks for filling in here while I was away :) Funny- I was out on the water zipping around today tending a bunch of crab traps (while you were here talking about revegging) and was thinking about you cause I haven't seen you around much lately, and about New York, where I've never been. There was a jazz musician from NY wandering around these parts once upon a time. He taught me a bunch of jazz guitar stuff ( which I mostly forget of course ).
We eat a lot of seafood and wild stuff here and he would be constantly exclaim - "That (whatever) you're eating would be worth (some crazy price tag) in New York!!!!!"
It was sort of entertaining but kind of wore thin after a while too! After a while it got hard to look at anything without it being 'worth $ in New York'. Anyway, that popped into my head when I was getting the crabs, but mostly I was daydreaming about NY and how it would be cool to go there sometime, and how we all must live in such different worlds, but are still able to relate and chat on 420 thanks to the wonders of tech. Very cool. Then I got that damn song in my head for hours!
"New York, Neeeeeeeeeeew Yooooooooooooooooorkkk!!!!!"

I have been too busy the last while, but aim to resume catching up on your journal where I left off, which was about 75 pages from the present day. Anxious to find out the results of the - 'will cuttings root in the flowering room' experiment. Don't tell me, I'm almost there:) :thumb:

I live in NY and this are ridiculously expensive, though that doesn't sound like a great conversation starter. So.... do they take root?

So that's the infamous squirrel eh? Lol. He looks a little stoned better check your stash lol. He's like your mascot weasel! Lol

HA! I thought the same thing!! Get out of my head LEX! As for the relevance..... if they read the back story they'll see how relevant he really is. He is the overseer of cannabis at the Green Hole!

Sorry for the long post, I really like to catch up lol! I've been busy with finals, I hope you don't mind. I hope you and your squirrel friend are as high as a kite laughing about the good old days when he used to annoy you while in between your walls. Did he make the canna trim himself? Was it a successful harvest? :rofl:
all is kosher here :)

:nomo: good morning brother

Squirrely's kind of cute hey? Looks very well fed too. I think he raids the pet food and whatever I leave around outside, but he's actually very sneaky and I don't know what all he gets up to out there, as we keep different hours. It's highly possible he steals my herb ha ha. I actually had a joint just the other night, was sitting outside about to smoke it, had to put it down for a couple minutes and when I got back to it.... Gone. Never to be seen again. I looked everywhere. Hmmmmm...
I have to admit he has behaved himself well enough though, so far. Sometimes in the middle of the night he gets to rustling around a bit in the ceiling, but no big parties, thankfully.
Sometimes at the crack of dawn he gets up and scuttles to the peak of the roof to announce the day with a bunch of chattering. I yell curses at him, which strokes his little squirrel ego and let's him know he's still in charge. Then he scuttles away to do whatever business it is he does during the day, I go back to sleep, and that's about the limit of our interactions.
I've had worse roommates. In fact, now that I think about it, shit, they've all been worse, not that I like roommates much though, in general. One of squirrel's few redeeming qualities ( others are- cute, fluffy, doesn't talk much) is that he is very small and there is simply so much less of him.
I'm calling him a boy. He could be a girl but I'm hoping he isn't one, even though baby squirrel are very cute and all. Nothing to stop him dragging some floozy back to the house and starting up a family in there, of course. Always a concern with houseguests.
Hi Slayer. Welcome :thumb: catch up if you like, or if you don't want to and have any questions, just fire away.

Sorry I have neglecting this journal a bit lately. Things seem to become extra frenzied this time of year. The times I have had a break, either the internet craps out on me, or certain people, who obviously have failed to realize that I am free to do whatever I damn well please, ( I'm typing this very quietly so she doesn't somehow read my thoughts ) have been giving me the stink eye for 'spending too much time with the internet friends'. Things will calm down soon though and I look forward to spending some time with the plants.

I whizzed by today and splashed on some water and whatnot. Checked the graft. Good news is that both the limbs involved are happy and perky. Bad news is that I did such a crappy job fitting them together that it's unlikely that they would be growing together. I retied the area better and, figuring I'm already committed to having those two plants inconveniently tied to each other for the next while, did two other graft attempts. Hopefully better ones. I took a couple pictures but don't know that they're really needed...
I will Mr Wolf. This grafting method 'seems' to me like it should be very easy. The websites that I checked on grafting said to cut a branch off of the host plant and trim the end into a V shape, then take a cutting from the donor plant, trimmed into a corresponding angle, and 'plant' it into the V. Seems kind of like an all or nothing method, whereas the technique I'm trying seems a little gentler. We shall see.
Congrats on the MOTM nomination!
I'll be looking forward to those graft pics too Weaselcracker, can't wait to see if they work out and if they do I'll be trying it myself, I may as well go for glory and graft all my plants together, will be much easier to pop them off all at once instead of stages :)

One thing that occurs to me is the nutrient uptake, will it cause problems with different strains preferring different amounts?

I hope that you're well and all prepared for Christmas, it's a busy time of year for most I think and it's pretty much the same here. Just popped in to try and get some pictures myself and in my rush I knocked the fan which was precariously balanced in some ducting held in one of my tent's outtake vents straight onto my IB3 :eek: She's had a bit of an unruly trim, it lopped all the side leaves off lol. Oh well onwards and upwards I say, the camera ran out of batteries too and I really dislike the fact that I have no way to reorient my pictures after they have uploaded sideways from my phone. What's next I wonder, it's good to come here and see stuff actually working. All the best and I'm sending some karma over to avert the 'evil eye' hehehe. :thumb:
I don't know what phone you're using Kriaze but I know it can be tricky. I use an old iphone. I have to do upload photos one at a time and it is quite torturous. I can rotate the pics on the camera after I take them, but even that's tricky.
As for things working... Hmmm. Well, yes I suppose it's all holding together. :thumb:
I'm not prepared for Christmas in the sense that I have presents all ready to go and whatnot. I'm prepared only in the sense that I've managed to survive up till now, and soon I'll get some holiday time, during which I'm prepared to focus on the Christmas stuff and may hopefully have time to put a few packages together, probably late. I've been hurtling at full speed towards that wonderful imaginary time when I get to slow down. I pat myself on the back for having managed to get this far.
What the heck. I pat you on the back for making it this far too. I pat us all on the back.
Good job friends!
Yes- the nutrient uptake thing is an issue. In regards to that, I don't really have any fully compatible strains going at the moment. The Blueberry, given the Mama Thai's feeding schedule, will be a bit underfed. I'll see how that goes though. Maybe the BB will be ok feeding less.
The Pineapple Chunk and Blueberry feed about the same amount, but I don't have any PCs in veg right now other than little clones.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention- the third and last Malawi to show it's sex, is a female. The Malawis stretched like crazy the last few days, about 10". But at least they're showing some sign of clustering at the tips, like they will start to bud soon. I wove them back into the screen rather crudely. I have rooted clones of all three Malawis to nurse along and try to keep under control for the next three or four months (?) while I wait to harvest them and see which one I want to keep the most
All the best to you Kriaze.
I tried everything to get the pictures right, I think that a simple 'rotate' button in the gallery would be perfect. What do you think? Hopefully there'll be a moderator or two reading your journal that might take note, I know for sure that I'm not the only person to have this problem. Oh well it's sideways pictures for a day or I could have waited for my camera battery to charge, but it's also near 6am here and my eyes are dropping out. I'm glad I had that power nap (who am I kidding I was out like a light earlier for a good four hours after thinking I would just rest my eyes for a moment) before deciding to come in and set up my studio lights for some decent out of tent pics for a change. Less haste more speed in the future I reckon lol. All the best :thumb:
Yes the photo uploading thing is pretty clunky. And everyone new to the site has issues with it. It would be cool if you could edit/delete photos, even if it was just for the first 30 minutes or something. There are a few other suggestions about the website I could make as well. I have grown past suggesting things to the admins though as I figure they're aware of it all but swamped. I expect at some point they'll do some major renovations around here.
Every camera in a mobile device has either a landscape or a portrait setting that depends on the orientation of the device. For example, my iPhone and iPad are in landscape when the home button is on the right. That's the orientation necessary to get the pictures in properly. You need to take the photos in landscape.
Actually, you can use edit on the iPhone/iPad to rotate the pictures to that orientation afterwards, Sue. I do it fairly often. Usually because I forgot to hold the thing the right way when I took the pictures, but sometimes just because taking the photo in the vertical orientation is going to work better at the time. It's just tricky sometimes to figure out how much to rotate them afterwards, because of the nature of the phone/iPad to flip them upright whichever way you are viewing. Also, at least with my phone (I have an iPad but don't use it much) there's a weird glitch where sometimes they upload sideways in the gallery, but if I use edit to rotate the originals four times - (four 90 degree turns i.e.- right back to where I started!) then they will be the right orientation when I next upload them. My gallery is well sprinkled with sideways pics. Ahhhh technology...
Lol, ya..doesnt help. It needs to automatically change the way im holding my phone. Or buzz at me when i try taking a pic in portrait, to remind me to rotate the fone.
Or...420 could find a way to fix their end of things, maybe so we can rotate pics after theyve been uploaded.

Ehh, is what it is. Anyways, top of tha morn:ciao::passitleft:
Morning DW. There must be a way to edit and rotate pics for the Android too, no?
Btw, there's an app called --------- for the android which looks pretty cool. They are making a version for Apple as well. I got the beta version but it makes me log in online every time I want to use it which is kind of a dealbreaker for me.
Oh- censorship I see... Hmmmm... One of my pet peeves around here. Well, you can probably guess the grow-app I mean. It's about the best one there is out there.
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