Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!

Hey Weaselcracker it's been a bit busy here with Christmas coming and a second job but those pictures are great. The colour ones, the black and white ones and the ones for the mind too :) All the best and I hope everything is well ;)
Thanks guys! ;) Yes I'm kind of fascinated with the shape of that Mama Thai, such a strange gangly looking critter. I'm very much looking forward to growing my next one without a screen around it. Before I can start that process I have to get it disentangled from the clutches of the Blueberry. I can't believe how claustrophobic it feels having these two plants spliced together like this!
I actually cut the earliest graft attempt free a couple days ago. Like I said, this was my shittiest graft attempt so I wasn't expecting much. However, there is still hope. The grafted on blueberry limb wilted a bunch but it has not died. It's stayed looking like this for the last 56 hours....

I'm going to (im)patiently wait for the other two grafts to show some sign that they are bonding. What I am assuming I would see with success would be some bulging and knuckling at the joints.
Those sativa's are looking yummy my friend. One of these days I may try to run a couple of land race sativa's indoors.

By the way, while I was away I see that Canada has a new prime minister at the helm that seems to be canna friendly and will initiate a push for legalization.
Once legalization takes effect there should be a follow up initiative to change the name of the country from Canada to Cannada. Wouldn't that be over the top cool? :blunt:
Thanks Uncle C. Please do. Some nice sativas in the back would take your garden right over the edge. To where I'm not sure, but hopefully you wouldn't be too cool to even talk to us if you had sativas in the back. I'm a bit jealous of your garden, I guess. Sigh,.. Maybe I should quit scrogging... But how?
I figure the new guy has probably smoked some illegal herb, and I sincerely hope he means to change that and not do it again. Smoking legal herb is the way to go and if you're the guy making the laws- Shazzam! done. Easy, right? If he doesn't follow through on that, then 'maybe' , well ok... probably almost for sure -some of us will separate- make a new province or small country called Cannada where the cool kids hang out.

You'd be welcome I'm sure Uncle C. I see from your avatar pic that you are being Santa for the kids this year again. That's so sweet!! Our country needs citizens like you.
The graft looks like it might be about 3% more perky than it was. :thumb: It obviously must be getting some water through the MT's stem. Cool. It better work on getting more asap! Chopping it in half and cutting it off completely from its mommy should be a pretty good wake up call I think. Get growing, little sprig.
Thanks Uncle C. Please do. Some nice sativas in the back would take your garden right over the edge. To where I'm not sure, but hopefully you wouldn't be too cool to even talk to us if you had sativas in the back. I'm a bit jealous of your garden, I guess. Sigh,.. Maybe I should quit scrogging... But how?
I figure the new guy has probably smoked some illegal herb, and I sincerely hope he means to change that and not do it again. Smoking legal herb is the way to go and if you're the guy making the laws- Shazzam! done. Easy, right? If he doesn't follow through on that, then 'maybe' , well ok... probably almost for sure -some of us will separate- make a new province or small country called Cannada where the cool kids hang out.
im game we can have a budocracy lol hi weasel! I always stop in and see the weirdest stuff here lol
Thanks Uncle C. Please do. Some nice sativas in the back would take your garden right over the edge. To where I'm not sure, but hopefully you wouldn't be too cool to even talk to us if you had sativas in the back. I'm a bit jealous of your garden, I guess. Sigh,.. Maybe I should quit scrogging... But how?
I figure the new guy has probably smoked some illegal herb, and I sincerely hope he means to change that and not do it again. Smoking legal herb is the way to go and if you're the guy making the laws- Shazzam! done. Easy, right? If he doesn't follow through on that, then 'maybe' , well ok... probably almost for sure -some of us will separate- make a new province or small country called Cannada where the cool kids hang out.

You'd be welcome I'm sure Uncle C. I see from your avatar pic that you are being Santa for the kids this year again. That's so sweet!! Our country needs citizens like you.

Me too cool to talk to the cool folks? Surely you're joking. When I pop in to have a peak at your girls and catch up on the cool and don't try this at home unless your fire insurance policy is paid up type discussions that go on here I feel like the nerd crashing the "cool folks" party.
If growing out a couple of sativa's would move me up to the "cool" category and possibly work in my favor for gaining residency approval by the Cannada immigration department officials then I'll go ahead and get some seeds sprouted right away.

I may be hanging up the Santa gig after this holiday season. For some reason it seems as though kids these days don't seem to want anything for Christmas anymore. When I tell them to come on over to tell Santa what they want for Christmas this year they run away and the parents yell obscenities at me. I even had the police escort me away a few times. Go figure. The times are a changin' that's for sure.
The times are a changin' that's for sure.

Yup, especially with that recent resurgence of flat earth scientists going around and telling people that our hopelessly lost spinning ball planet is really just a flat and motionless plane!

NASA = never a straight answer.
Enjoy the swimming pool videos of underwater "astronauts" doing space walks and the CGI photography

__________.:bongrip:.:bongrip:.:bongrip:illuminati confirmed

what a garden you have there my friend :)

i cant even begin to imagine how it smells in there :yummy:
More pictures (Yes I know. Yawn!)

~Right side, the young flowers~


~Little Malawi buds~



~Pineapple Chunk~


~The left side~

Random thought for ya, it would be awesome to take one of these photos and make the image onto a rug id be standing there looking down and drooling all the time lol
Ha ha. It does look look a bit like a blanket or rug. To actually use it as such though, would be about the most horrible blanket or rug I could imagine owning. I'm scared of that pineapple goo stuff that sticks to me and clings and stinks for two days...
Hey weasel you watch trichome color right? The reason I ask is because mine are confusing me first time in awhile that I been confused by them lol
Actually no I don't. I have recommended it on the FAQs as the standard way to check when it's time to harvest, etc. And maybe I just have more to learn about how to do it right. But I find it confuses the hell out of me, and so I look for different readiness signs instead. Mostly though, because I've grown the strains a couple times now before I have a rough idea how long it takes before they are sufficiently ready. So I know if I stop feeding two or three weeks before then that they should get nice and ripe. I find that the times I look at the pistils they are different color on every sample i take. Or they just don't tell me what I want to hear. I may be confused but I'm the boss, sorry Trichomes.
I find that the MT sativa doesn't ever get amber trichomes, and for that matter I don't find much amber on the other strains either. Remember that pineapple chunk I harvested a couple months ago? I think it was at 105 days of flowering if I remember right. That thing was so ripe and gooey it was just like soft half melted candy. But the resin glands I looked at were almost all clear. At least I thought they all looked completely clear, though it was very smoky in there so maybe my vision was off. Anyway-That's when I stopped looking at the trichomes.
Why, what do yours look like?
Oh well I thought you did check lol probably best you dont actually because I read alot of sativas never go cloudy the go clear to amber but anyways on one of my main colas for example im seeing 30% clear 65% cloudy and 5% amber. This is the first ive seen this strain this way and to top it all off i know it is still early but i usually don't see amber on this strain til i have all cloudy no clear lol plant is day 45 of flowering tomorrow. Doesn't make sense.
Hmmm. Well I would ignore the amber and worry more about the overall ripeness, which should develop with a little more flowering growth?, then with flushing and with the plant finishing off the remaining food in its system. That's kind of a more subjective 'feeling' about when it looks ripe - but I figure when, after about three weeks the flush/starve thing has had its effect and the plant is just obviously 'done' like a leafy tree in fall, then it's ready.
I usually start starving/flushing after about 10 or 11 weeks with the ones I'm growing now.
Ya see if you go by days mine are still early yet. They are day 45 tomorrow and I usually harvest around day 56-60 with this strain but i also know that this is the first time ive grown this strain with zero veg time basically. Here is the main cola in question that is confusing me with its trichs
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