OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

I think you are right, the farther down the tap root can go, most likely the better the plant grows. For me, I don't have enough veg room and have to transplant twice.

And I sure understand not enough time to visit everyone... That is why I don't do my own journals anymore. Dear man, I don't care if you even reply to any of my long winded messages. Just seein you in here brings me joy. :)
Classy Woman you are Granny.
I also root multiple clones in a single cup of water (no soil til I have roots - but do change/refresh the water every few days) due to not much veg space.
How is that done? Probably a long answer. A link to where you did this would be fine.
Phenomenal documentation, your collection of detailed journals is awesome! :goodjob:

I'm just learning about Ruderalis and just started my first grow from a couple dozen fem-seeds of N lights & OG Kush.

I may have a couple questions for you, if I don't find the answers here.

Any thoughts on how Rud's do outdoors, as low as 55 F at night? :thanks: from SoCal


I think you are right, the farther down the tap root can go, most likely the better the plant grows. For me, I don't have enough veg room and have to transplant twice. I also root multiple clones in a single cup of water (no soil til I have roots - but do change/refresh the water every few days) due to not much veg space.

And I sure understand not enough time to visit everyone... That is why I don't do my own journals anymore. Dear man, I don't care if you even reply to any of my long winded messages. Just seein you in here brings me joy. :)

:love::love::love::love: Hi Granny Girl! :love::love::love:

Yep, tap root deep = good healthy girls. I start all my girls with a plug...wonder if that even counts as a replant when I put it in soil! Hummmm...
I like the way you do clones. Do you still grow outside? It's been awhile since we really talked. to go Jo's calling!
Phenomenal documentation, your collection of detailed journals is awesome! :goodjob:

I'm just learning about Ruderalis and just started my first grow from a couple dozen fem-seeds of N lights & OG Kush.

I may have a couple questions for you, if I don't find the answers here.

Any thoughts on how Rud's do outdoors, as low as 55 F at night? :thanks: from SoCal

Hi trichomes :welcome:

Nice choices on seeds for an outdoor grow. 55 F is cutting it close on temps, they should be OK though.

Thanks for the compliments on my old grows.......I was feeling good back them. Things have changed since then, but I'm still trunking.
hey Buddy hope your day is going Well ill ttyl

Hi My Buddy CHH. :Namaste:

Things are NOT going well at fact a Disaster has in a few......if I had something to kick around, I would be kicking it! :straightface::whoa::straightface::surrender:
A picture update of the Girls

Sorry I didn't crop them as I usually do. They are pretty much self explanatory




The new girl I have named DOC is a new girl from Green House Seed Bank and is named "The Doctor". It is the first strain given a perfect 10 in seedfinder. Yep, a higher rating than the Black Russian. I just had to grow one to see what it's like. We shall see. :high-five:


We have had heavy rains and high winds today and the winds got my girls as you can see. The Black Russian and the Violator Kush were hit hard. I went out and tied them up as best I could. We are going to get even harder rain and winds tonight, so who knows what I will find tomorrow. Wish me luck!



aw damn sorry to see that Buddy shell recover the wind is going back to normal trades tomorrow so
hopefully itll get better
on another note that black Russian shows 10 out of 10 on seed finder too
when I was looking today while I was talking to you I noticed that
aw damn sorry to see that Buddy shell recover the wind is going back to normal trades tomorrow so
hopefully itll get better
on another note that black Russian shows 10 out of 10 on seed finder too
when I was looking today while I was talking to you I noticed that

Cool Black Russian deserves it. Hope it stops raining so I can get outside and fix things. Hind sight is great, I should have used trestles like last grow. I vegged them too long this time.:popcorn:

I think we watch different weather reports!
Cool Black Russian deserves it. Hope it stops raining so I can get outside and fix things. Hind sight is great, I should have used trestles like last grow. I vegged them too long this time.:popcorn:

I think we watch different weather reports!

lemme know if you need a hand Buddy
Happy weed to you OMM on this fine Sativa day morning it looks like you guys had a proper tropical storm whip through there
it dosnt look like there is to much damage some bruised stems an some battered leaves nothing harmed I hope
You was saying that the good Dr G has a ten out of ten mate I think that I am gonna have to look into that & the Black Russian as well
as she has the same rating an looks like a real good girl and with your report on her makes her sound like she could be my next venture
Have a brilliant day on Paradise Island , but keep your stuff tied down Love from me an Padma:circle-of-love:
How is that done? Probably a long answer.

get a glass of water and put a cut in. (dip in rooting powder or gel optional)

I start all my girls with a plug...

no wonder they all love you

Only if it's not raining. No use both of us getting wet!:thumb:

Take it easy, you have ladies on deck just get it so you have one ready to go out all the time :cheesygrinsmiley:... looks like you are almost there!!!
Aloha OMM, sorry hear about the winds and the rain coming in at such an important time. You Hawaiian growers really know about humidity and rain. I hear if there's a cloud in the sky it rains, wherever you are. I hope the weather clears up for you soon and that things recover quickly, I always dread things like this happening to my ladies when they are in their most delicate and precious state. Thinking good thoughts for your ladies :Namaste: I'm sure they'll bounce back once you get a chance to fix things up a bit . It's so great to stop by your journal, and see someone else growing outside.

Be Well OMM!~
Hey Buddy I know your probably still sleeping right now:rofl:
it seems to not be raining so if you need my help with those girls today just gimme a
ring ill swing by and give you a hand
Your a good friend cronic. OMM it always sucks when stuff like that happens. Last year I had a couple get blown over and a branch broke off but they didn't seem to mind and looked good in a couple of days. Happy Sativaday
Happy weed to you OMM on this fine Sativa day morning it looks like you guys had a proper tropical storm whip through there
it dosnt look like there is to much damage some bruised stems an some battered leaves nothing harmed I hope
You was saying that the good Dr G has a ten out of ten mate I think that I am gonna have to look into that & the Black Russian as well
as she has the same rating an looks like a real good girl and with your report on her makes her sound like she could be my next venture
Have a brilliant day on Paradise Island , but keep your stuff tied down Love from me an Padma:circle-of-love:

Not Dr. G, jaga. The Doctor.
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