OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

Thanks for the concern, my health is great but my dear old dad had a pretty bad stroke on the 2nd so I needed to head home to make arrangements for a nursing home, get the old homestead secured, and a bunch of other things, being that I live over 500 miles away from him a lot of that stuff needs to be handled in person.

I have the feeling I will be making the trip back and forth a lot in the next few months so my attention to the grow will be spotty at best. Luckily I have a excellent plant caretaker to help me out while I am away, the job she has done surprised the hell out of me when I got back...Hayley is a she, and she is already 42" tall, she caught up to the Purple Kush clones and now that she is in flower, I expect her to really take off! :thedoubletake:

Here is a quick group shot...she is the center one;


I did lose one of the new Maui babies, the runt in the last photo's didn't make it so I am down to two with one looking very healthy and the other kind of stunted;


I will take some better pictures tomorrow, I need to do a little housekeeping in the room and some pruning, going to attempt a couple clones off of Hayley just in case the runt doesn't pull through!

Very sorry to hear that, OTM. Strokes are one of life's cruelest and most unfair jokes. They're a tragedy for everyone involved. :(

Yes, that it is, especially when it isn't treated right away, the recovery process for a 86 year old is not real promising. I tried to get him to move down where I am at when my mother passed away a couple years back, but being the stubborn old coot he is there was no way to convince him.
Thanks for the concern, my health is great but my dear old dad had a pretty bad stroke on the 2nd so I needed to head home to make arrangements for a nursing home, get the old homestead secured, and a bunch of other things, being that I live over 500 miles away from him a lot of that stuff needs to be handled in person.

I have the feeling I will be making the trip back and forth a lot in the next few months so my attention to the grow will be spotty at best. Luckily I have a excellent plant caretaker to help me out while I am away, the job she has done surprised the hell out of me when I got back...Hayley is a she, and she is already 42" tall, she caught up to the Purple Kush clones and now that she is in flower, I expect her to really take off! :thedoubletake:

Here is a quick group shot...she is the center one;


I did lose one of the new Maui babies, the runt in the last photo's didn't make it so I am down to two with one looking very healthy and the other kind of stunted;


I will take some better pictures tomorrow, I need to do a little housekeeping in the room and some pruning, going to attempt a couple clones off of Hayley just in case the runt doesn't pull through!


The like is for the plants Ofcourse OTM. Terrible to hear about your dad!! Take your time and dont mind This journal. Your dad is number one and everyone here Will understand!

Take care and all the best for your dad.
Really sorry to hear about your dad OTM. I spent some time in the stroke ward last summer and know that's a tough road. Hope your dad gets some quality of life after this, and that your family gets the support you need as you deal with it.

I was worried about you too. It seems like lots of the great folks who helped me settle in here have been scattered into the wind, and I was afraid we'd seen the last of you. I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and amazed to see how the plants are doing! Looking forward to getting some more updates soon as you settle back in!
10-22 Update;

As promised some pictures of the grow which is amazing considering I put a rookie in charge with a quick schooling on how to do it...I think she is amazed with herself on the job she has done!:cheer:

Here is Hayley, she is 42" tall and will soon surpass the tallest Purple Kush clone which is the same height. This is how my outdoor plants looked back in the day, nice even tree shape, straight thick stem and shooting bud sites all along the branches.






These are the 3 Purple Kush clones, I did no training on them, they just grew as they were cloned, all I did was remove some of the bottom growth and will continue to do so.





This is the lone White Widow clone, she is much like her mother plant (which is excellent smoke) :smokin:



It is interesting to look at the size and shape of the leaves on all three of these strains, the Kush clones have skinny Sativa looking leaves that are a light green color, the Widow has fatter, shorter, darker green Indica looking leaves, and Hayley has leaves that fall between the other two strains, her leaves are bigger and longer with a color that is kind of between the other shades.

These all got flipped 6 days ago and I expect to see some serious growth in the next two weeks, my light cycle for the flower room is now running at night which is making a big difference in temperatures so just maybe I can get some Purple color out of the Kush clones this go around!

My plan is to take 3 clones from Hayley and 3 from the Widow tonight at lights on, I have enough trust and confidence in my helper to keep them going if and when I am away!
Really sorry to hear about your dad OTM. I spent some time in the stroke ward last summer and know that's a tough road. Hope your dad gets some quality of life after this, and that your family gets the support you need as you deal with it.

I was worried about you too. It seems like lots of the great folks who helped me settle in here have been scattered into the wind, and I was afraid we'd seen the last of you. I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and amazed to see how the plants are doing! Looking forward to getting some more updates soon as you settle back in!

I have a lot of catching up to do, life always seems to get in the way, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, I guess its what gives us "Character". The older you get the more Character you have!:laughtwo:
Any super cropping on those clones?

Hey Age,
About all I plan to do is work on the lowers to get the most light, shooting for big long full mains, might back-build some and try to keep the lower & inner build up to a minimum...If they really stretch, then I will have to bend but I have about 30" to play with before I am in trouble.

Things are looking good over at the cup, looks like a few are still hanging in there...going to be fun to watch!:thumb:
Hey Age,
About all I plan to do is work on the lowers to get the most light, shooting for big long full mains, might back-build some and try to keep the lower & inner build up to a minimum...If they really stretch, then I will have to bend but I have about 30" to play with before I am in trouble.

Things are looking good over at the cup, looks like a few are still hanging in there...going to be fun to watch!:thumb:

I need to post some photos of my red cup girls, they should be awake soon. 1 hour til the rooster screams.

You know the difference between a hooker and a rooster?
10-26 Update;

Things are starting to pop in the grow room, starting to see flowers take shape on everything except the Widow clone, looking back at me notes and photos of her mother, she was also slow to show so like mother like daughter!:laughtwo:


Hayley shot up another 4" since my last update and has the start if a nice main cola.




One of the Kush clones showing some nice flowering;


The new babies are doing ok, the runt is starting to look better and the bigger one keeps growing up, I noticed the bigger one started to lean over some and after doing a little inspection, I noticed the beginning of stem rot just under the coco, so I put in a support rod and tied it up.

My emergency caretaker may have watered them a little strong and concentrated too much water near the stem, that is probably why the runt looked so poor in my last update...I let them go a couple days without water and it seemed to help, hope the stem on the big one will heal up a bit before I up pot it.



Tomorrow is clone taking day so I will have the little bubble tub back in action!

Damn, I hope by getting the coco away from the stem you can, umm, stem, the rot. :)
Good luck! It'd suck to lose such an otherwise healthy plant to something so simple.

It was at a laid over quite a bit a couple days ago but so far it seems to be on the mend, I dug around the stem with my finger and replaced the wet coco with some dry stuff and am watering the edges only so we will see how she looks in a week. The runt is looking better so maybe I caught that one in time!:wood:
I bet it'll bounce back, since the stem gets so much growth at this point, it'll be hitting that area with new veg growth, "healing" it. At least, that's my guess based on how the plants seem to deal with stem damage in veg! I wonder if adding a little potassium silicate might help?

I'm thinking I'll be cutting clones tomorrow too - clone party!

Altogether the emergency caretaker did a good job - you'll have to keep her around when you build up your breeding empire! :laugh:
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