P9 Hunts For The Unicorn With Mars SP 250s

I've been over watering seedlings lol
I feel ya. I burned through a bunch this run.

Thankfully, the seed banks have been gracious to me lately.

So, I totally recommend starting a grow journal here.... or resurrect the old one. Can't remember if you had previously started one.

It'll give you a platform to post pics & questions; I'll tag the best growers I know.

Feel free to post anything you want here while you're getting familiar with this platform...
I was wondering if you were going to get a new filter. Damn pollen!! Is there a way to try to salvage? My filter is just over a year old, so maybe it needs replacing anyhow. I’m just feeling cheap about it right now.
I was wondering if you were going to get a new filter. Damn pollen!! Is there a way to try to salvage? My filter is just over a year old, so maybe it needs replacing anyhow. I’m just feeling cheap about it right now.
I kept putting it off... honestly, I don't need it until they're flowering a week or 2.

I just finally had a good week at work, so i ordered one.

I would have probably been ok with just replacing the "pre filter"

I've been over watering seedlings lol
I beat I over water too hay check out my journal and follow some of the folks on my page they are super helpful and Great people Prestoon9mm is one of them , Welcome
Photo dump time...

Back on track... should see some decent growth over this next week.
Looking like a Great start :bravo:
I was wondering if you were going to get a new filter. Damn pollen!! Is there a way to try to salvage? My filter is just over a year old, so maybe it needs replacing anyhow. I’m just feeling cheap about it right now.
someone was telling me you can put it in a really hot bath submerge it let it soak rinse well let dry and your good again. Not sure if it works but that's what they said, Maybe check it out on google. I also heard some of them have screws and can be taken a part and charcoal cleaned good luck
The new batch looks great! And it looks like you may have a spog® or two on your hands. :oops:

Does that air distribution system have a ton of positive pressure? Because the size of the pipe seems much bigger than the total number and diameter of the holes. Or have you dialed the fan speed down?

I was wondering if you were going to get a new filter. Damn pollen!! Is there a way to try to salvage? My filter is just over a year old, so maybe it needs replacing anyhow. I’m just feeling cheap about it right now.
Water deactivates pollen so if you can get it wet and dry it out, the pollen shouldn't be an issue.

Disclaimer: I'm just postulating. I'm a non-attorney spokesperson. If your property is currently listed with a Realtor, please disregard this notice.
Does that air distribution system have a ton of positive pressure? Because the size of the pipe seems much bigger than the total number and diameter of the holes. Or have you dialed the fan speed down?
The air outlets range from "gentle breeze" to "hairdryer" speeds depending on the fan setting.

I still haven't pulled the cap on that 1.5" exhaust. I'm curious as to how much it will reduce airflow through those legs, and..... how much a/c it will suck out....

I’m thinking I might just get a new one and run the potentially pollen one down in the garage when I’m harvesting. The pollen does after a few months, right? Maybe?
I'm probably being over cautious.....

Washing everything down might have done the trick.
Fixed it! Lol. Pollen is a real B, no such thing as too careful!
This may be a great segway into me finally chatting up my oldest son about the birds & bees...

Oh wait.... I've seen his internet search history...

Funny story... lol

So, I've been keeping some of the seedlings I screwed up, to see if i could nurse em back. My plan was to let those 4 plants finish out in the 1qt pots.

Between yesterday & today, the 2 CBD autos started showing purple growth in the center. Made me chuckle because these girls are known to flower purple.

Pretty sure these crazy ladies are trying to bud already!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know I gotta let them finish now. LoL

A blunt each!

Photo of the Month ... I dare ya :)
A glimpse into the mind of a madman...


Here's my ventilation project...

The plan is to collect cold air from near the a/c, scrub it, then duct it through a big "F" shape of PVC. The 2" pvc legs will be drilled at an angle to blow "upskirt".

The 1.5" stub on the end will eventually be pushed to the outside, so I can pull the cap & vent some RH out.

Fingers crossed.... just gotta go grab some more pipe.


A bong supercharger ... you rock dude :)
Photo of the Month ... I dare ya :)
Fuck... I wish!

I submit bad-ass pics over there & don't even place. LoL

I keep trying, but it's getting harder & harder if you're using a phone. "Top notch" cameras seem to rule the roost over there.
Photo dump time...

Back on track... should see some decent growth over this next week.

Yep ... it's good to be back on track!!!

Photo dump time...

Back on track... should see some decent growth over this next week.

Seriously ... nice initial height on those babies ... and I'm gonna keep my eye on the BopTang and Pink Kush CBD ...

Still moving slow.... but moving, nonetheless.

Tried a cell phone panoramic shot, without a tripod. LoL

It got a little wonky...


Hope y'all are having a good week.
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